
May, 13 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page biel able The ud Ford THE PEOPLE HOUSE Señor Ganadero: JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. Miel para ganado, Semolina, Atrecho de trigo, Maiz quebrado, Harina de maíz, Sales en block, yodada, azufrada, corriente y toda clase de MEZCLAS para ganados y aves, le ofrece BODEGA SOLANO CIA. LTDA.
Teléfono 2691. SAN JOSE. Apartado 1942 ST. MARK CHURCH SE VENDE BOMBA DE GASOLINA LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. m: Choral Holy Eucharist 3, 00 Sunday School 00 m, Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 Saturday: Confession 00. 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements de propiedad de MARIA DE AGUILAR Para cualquier informe entenderse en la casa de habitación contiguo al «Tropical Bar Welcome to the New School Vacation will Director Be on the 22nd instant The Atlantic uses this opporBy one of the San Jose daitunity to extend a most hearty lies we gain the information welcome to Mr. Didier Villegas Arguedas, the new Director of that the Minister of Education the Military Band of Limon. has announced officially that the We believe, from an Observer schools of Primary Education viewpoint that Mr. Arguedas will have the half period vacawill find the musicians compri tion on the 22nd instant of one sing the Band as men of high week duration, then the next discipline men of unquestionable week of rest will be given general deportment and in every accordance with the date assig sense worthy of their assigns in the institution.
ned by the Educational Code We desire to assure the new to the end of the month of July.
Director that Limon charac. The reason given for the change teristic hospitality will be exten. is that the teachers in general ded to him, providing he is dis will be engaged in the task of posed to endear himself to our census which will begin on the citizenry.
GRAN REALIZACION en la TIENDA HOLLYWOOD, de SALOMON BERENZON Antes Foulares americanos de 36 pulgadas. 00 2, 25 yarda Camisa de niño 50 Un lote de 15 doc. camisas de hombres 15. 00 Confitillo 50 95 yarda Scharkskin 00 yarda Lino 00 yarda Zapatillos de niño.
1400 Zapatos de gamuza para señoras. 35 00 Zapatos Sport 27. 00 20, 00 par Cariocas 17. 00 14. 00 par VISITENOS ESCOJA SU GUSTO Ahora 50 u.
7, 50 u. 50 50 1000 par 30. 00 par AVISO Artículos para Sport, Armas, Tiros para Cacería, Can.
timploras, Capas, Capotes, Bultospara Escolares, Valijas y Maletines, de varios tamaños y miles de artículos a precios ridículos.
LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, Ruega a los bananeros de Línea Vieja: Que en virtud de las exigencias del mercado norteamericano en cuanto a lu calidad del banano, nos es indispensable la cooperación integra en cuanto al buen manejo de la fruta y al grado que se pide en los avisos. Esta cooperación muy sencilla y fácil de dar, significaria para el productor posibi.
lidades más amplias de ayuda para nuevas siembras.
Tienda Macho Madrigal TELEFONO 5597 75 vs. al Oeste del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica EN SAN JOSE Sport goods, Fire arms, Shells, Capteens Cloaks. Tarpaulins, Book bags, Hand bags, Brief cases and Suit.
cases of various sizes and thousands of other articles at lowest prices.
Notice to the Banana Cultivators on the Old Line In view of the fact the North American Markets are exact.
ting on the quality of the banana, it is necessary for us to cooperate in every respect to secure the best grade of fruit when notices are sent out. This cooperation is very simply and can be easily given and will signify for the producers more ample possibilities of help for new plantings.
bliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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