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PENSION LOURDES LAWYER Advises the public of the Atlantic Zone that he is in a position to attend to all matters of a legal nature For sound Legal Advice visit his office, Front of eastern Side of Congress upstairs Sastreria El Mando Box 348 San José, Tel. 1617 Situated south side of La Merced Church in the heart of San Jose 4th Avenue No. 1008 where you can enjoy the comfort of your own home. Drop in and see us when next you are in the capital. Hospitality and efficiency insures our patronage. co ti The Limon Base.
Northern Railway Proposes From page Increase of ten Percent first ray of hope beamed when As mentioned in our Spanish Messrs Eugenio Garron and leader of last week, the NorSons, one of Limon most mag thern Railway Company has nanimous charitable firms offe.
presented a request to the Exered to buy ten metres of advercutive Power with a view of tising space on the outside of obtaining a ten percent increase the enclosure. By this offer the on existing rates of transporCommittee breathed the air of tation.
go to it iveness We are not on the payroll of The gentlemen comprising the Company or the recipients the Personnel are: Mr. José of any special privilege, but our Rossi, President, Mr. Rafael de newspaper is built upon of justice a la Peña, Vice President, Mr.
to all and in that sense of justice fo Rafael Angel Alvarado, Secrewe believe the facts are glaring tary, Attorney Fernando del to support the Company re.
Barco, Treasurer, Messrs. Riquest. If we belong to the houses cardo de la Peña and Luis Manof equity, if we desire to give dol, Vocales, Mr. Manuel Moto Ceasar the things which are rales Alvarado, our grand sports.
Ceasar s, then we must have a man is also cooperating enthufresh in memory the undreamed siastically with the Committee.
of destruction to the railroad Having launched the idea the and property of the Company, members of the Committee just a few months; a blow brough into activity every pos.
which will take years to recover.
sible effort. They sent a memoEven at this writing, Nature randum to the Municipal Counis still on her mount and perhaps cil which inmediately agreed to There are 6, 335 registered hospitals in the United States with nearly when she reaches her winning start the work; coloborated with 1, 500, 000 beds. One of the best designed of the larger hospitals is Wesley post it will no doubt add more cement and the foundation work Memorial Hospital (shown in the photo. in Chicago, in the midwestern Stars trying conditions to the Comfor the pillars. Our Municipal mun sunlight exposure for individual rooms and wards. Nursey stations and pany Quite true our economia offering Fathers on this occasion as in service equipment are in the central shaft of the building cal position is very low and so oing all others, have demonstrated This 20 story hospital has 535 beds, and last year about 15, 000 patients are all and in consequence we their interest at all times in any foreground accommodates automobiles owned by hospital personnel and visitors.
received medical and surgical treatment there the automobile parkin lot in the must learn to bear one another project destined for the general burden.
welfare of the people and the United States Congress has autorized 150, 000, 000 for construction of addiTo aid in the expansion of the Nation facilities for medical care, the progress of the community. tional public and nonprofit hospitals this year. Similar amounts. double former Doctor Oscar Pacheco Limon genial friend and appropriations. are authorized for each of the next five year (SD 62244)
grand sportsman, Mr. Alvaro Picture Story on Modern Hospitalshould reach your mission (Note: Glossy publication prints on this and other pictures in an photo Physician and Surgeon Alvarado, the first base of the shortly. From the University of Canada Dry» team of San Pensylvania, Jose, moved by his great mind the magnificent support the Sta. Barra Baseball Club (anticipaSPECIALITY: in the interest of sports sent the tion is giving from time to time iting) metres, don Alvaro Al Diseases of Women sum of Three Hundred Colones in behalf of the Atlantic Base varado (Cash) 300 00 Office: 75 yards West of the. 300, 00) as a contribution; by ball League.
Colegio de Señoritay. San Jose this the treasurer received the first CASH for the work cal with gratitude to the friends The Committee is ripened EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
HOURS: 10. 12 m2 p.
San José, Costa Rica culated in the total of One who are contributing by secuHundred Thousand Colones. However, in spite of the tightened llaboration which will inscribe ring advertising spaces; a coLABORATORIOS ZEPOL financial conditions, the Com their names in the heart of our mittee is optimistic and each Regent Lic. Luis Alejandro López people.
day they are gaining a closer view to the silver lining behind The names of purchases up Begs to inform the public that Ungüento Zepol is again the dark clouds to this publication are: being prepared by the author of the formula Lie. Luis Alejandro López This lecture would be in Messrs. Eugenio Garron complete if we fail to mention Sons. 10 metres. Almacén Elec. We are in a position to say that all Zepol and Floradora products are again on the market. Ask for legitimate Zepol.
our thanks to the owners and trical Novelties metres, Mr announcers of Radio Casino for Moisés Kader Filoscff metres, documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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