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Page THE ATLANTIC May 20, 1950 COPACABANA Dr. Miguel De Juk OFFERS Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University That Limonenses have no cause to worry about making ADVISES Ice Cream for the celebration of marriage, birth anniversary, dance baptism and functions of any nature; it is only His estimable patients as well as prospective ones that necessary to call at he is now at his Limon Office and that his service is at COPACABANA their disposal and there you will get a gallon containing forty cups of Limon. May 1950 delicious Ice Cream of the flavour you desire for the very in Turrialba.
Low price of Institute and to the American Cocoa Support: grant from the Ame Research Institute. second annual FIFTEEN COLONES rican Cocoa Research Institute supports report is prepared on the program and the permanent staff of the Cacao Cen is submitted for approval to the Interdelivered at your house or any other place at the hour ter, provides all student fellowships, pays Ametican Technical Cacoa Committee.
you indicate.
for all the labor and materials used in Quarterly progres reports are being rescarch and training equipment for prepared for the American Cocoa Re Stalin Sepa.
can Cacao Committee, for which het both field and laboratory, and transpor search Iostitute.
Cacao Center is the permanent Secre tation for both staff and students. The (To be continued)
From page tariat, is invaluable in extending infor United Fruit Company provides La through cheir operation Cicero, that mation to other countries. About once Lola Farm, 225 acres of bearing cacao, Doctor Oscar Pacheco these conferences brought the Russians a year it is posible to meet represenon a long term Tease basis at a no considerable brought the Russians con tatives from all the countries of the hesiderable concessions from the Western misphere in the Conference of this minal rental. The Inter american Ins.
Physician and Surgeon Allies. It is enlightening to have evi.
Committee and exchange information titute provides office space, laboratory From the University of dence that Stalin sat at the conference and opinions with them.
space, an adequate libray, the consul. Pensylvania, USA.
table confident that he had the alternaC. Facilities: The personnel actually tants mentioned, part of the housing SPECIALITY: tive of a separate peace with Germany, working on the attainment of the ob for the staff, an the available lin and Diseases of Women if his Allies refused to accede to his jetive consists of two ex officio mcmthe Institute farm.
bers, four full time staff members, one Reports: An anual report is per Office: 75 yards West of the secretary, a wypist, and two or three pared on progress of the program and Colegio de Señoritas. San Jose Cacao Infor.
stundent instructors. The Director of the finances, and is submitted for approval HOURS: 10. 12 p.
From page Institute, Dr. Allee, directs ad to the Administrative Committee of the first and must important method is the vises, and sets up policies on the con.
training of personnael in the Cacao duct of the program, and Mr. Leonard Center and consultation or post graSchwarz, Director of the American AVISO Cocoa Research Institute, is consultant duate training of the same men after they have returned to their own counon the program. The full time staff Artículos para Sport, Armas, Tiros para Cacería, Can.
tries. At this point we overlap with members are Geo. Bowman. Director tim ploras, Capas, Capotes, Bultos para Escolares, Valijas the collection of information because of the Center, Harvey McLaughlin, oor Plant Pathologist, and a physiologist y Maletines, de varios tamaños y miles de artículos a we in the Center precios ridículos.
mation in cur contacts with the stu and gronomist who are still to be se dents from various countries and the lected. We are able to consule and collaboration with them after they return discuss our problems with other mem.
The sccond method of extension is is bers of the Institute staff.
through services as The physical plant available for the TELEFONO 5597 represented by the Cacao Information conduct of the work includes offices, Bu letin, through correspondence with laboratory, libray, and a greenhouse at 75 vs. al Oeste del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica cacao growers and research programs the Institute in Turrialba. We have a EN SAN JOSE in the producing countries, and through 225 acre cacao farni in la La Lola personal contact with interested visitors with a dormitory and small laboratory. Sport goods. Fire arms. Shells. Canteens Cloaks Tarto our own Center. They nter Ameri and the available on the Institute farm paulins, Book bags, Haod bags, Brief cases and Suit cases of various sizes and thousands of other articles at lowest prices.
ATENCION LIMONENSES EN LA NUEVA TIENDA We the Officers and Members of the Universal Negro Improde Naim Sarquis. Ano, encontrará usted todo NUEVO vement Association in the District of Costa Rica, hereby Register our Protest and Dissapproval against the unlawful invasion and usurpation hasta los precios son ouevos porque son más bajos.
of the Liberty Hall and Property of the Limon Division No 300 by Especialidad en seda y artículos para caballeros. Recuér mon members of the Organization committed on Wednesday night March 29, 1950.
dela: esta situada contiguo al hospedaje de Rolando We recognize only the Legally Constitucional Officers, and are Youog thoroughly against the Bogus announced staff led by Amos Hall, Vida Colvert, Sylvestre Cunningham and Others, administrating apTHE NEW STORE parently legal.
We are also registering our recognition of the appointment of Mr. Slane. Dixon as the NI Commissioner of Costa Rica, of Naim Sarquis Hoo you will find everytbing NEW as announced by the Parent Body at Box 100, Monrovia, Liberia.
up to the prices are NEW because they are lower than Robert Brown, Pres, Stilson Brown, Secly, Moin Branch; Haughton Henry, Chairman, Liverpool Committee, Theddeous elsewhere. Specialized in silk and other articles for gen. Milliner, Pres. Claris Milliner, Secty. Buffalo Branch; Amos Lynch, Pres. tlemen.
Walter Davidson, Secty, Zent Branch; Wilbert Norman, Fres. Felie Hall, Secty, Estrada Branch; Arthur Satchwell, Pres, John Campbell, Remember: This store is situated next to the Lodging Secty, Cimarrones Branch, Thomas Brown, Pres. Anthony Allen, Sedly, of Rolando Young Pacuarito Branch; David Lawrence, Chairman, Robert Reid, Secty, Gua cimo Branch.
gain valuable infor Tienda Macho Madrigal our informotion service To The General Public Signed tema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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