
THE ATLANTIC Bditor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY May 27, 1950 Number 28 Year Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica to her memory.
OUR TASK In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Value is more frequently raised by scarcity than by use.
That which lay neglected when it was common, rises its value Last Wednesday the 24th of May was known throughout the British Realm as Victoria Day and in homage to the one hundred and forty first anniversary We seldom learn the true value of things till the need is greatest.
As soon as its quantity gets less and mostly needed.
of the birth of Princess Alexandria Victoria who eighteen years later, on the death of her unck, King George IV ascended the throne of England as Victoria. She un was blessed to direct the destines of the British Empire for sixty four years and Cacao Information Bulletin during this lengthened period she exhibited such czceptionally en obling characteristics such true christian fortitude and humanitarian activities that Britons, Continued wherever domiciled, we believe, on the 24th of May each year poy special homoge Plans for expansion of this proposed cation methods and preparation of sam.
program comprise.
ples of chocolate. We sould also need Her political worries and grievances are said to have been many and trying, Staff: Four additional permanent a general field laboratory in La Lola but her remarkable courage and marked diplomacy enabled her to successfully staff members could be used to ad where microscopic or analytical work hovercome them all. She never the less had seen her beloved people involved in many vantage. The first one would be a could be done on material that could wars, of which the most serious were the Crimea of 1854, the indian Mutiny of biochemist or general laboratory ana not be brougth to Turrialba. We should 1857, the Civil War in North America in 1861, The Abyssinion war of 1867 lyst, who would be able to conduct also need an additional block of land the Ashantee of 1878, the Zulu of 1892, the Matabeles of 1893 and that with the the rutine work in soils, pathology, phy close to La Lola on which new planBoers in 1899. The noble life of Victoria the Geod has enriched the annals of siology, and entomology. The second tings could be made.
10 her nation and her latest posterity. Their Majesties King George VI and Queen would work on both beneficial insects Mr. Chisolm and Mrs.
Elizabeth continue in the pathway of her godly exemples. May the special remembrance, of a few days ago. of the name of Victoria be added incentive for the such as the pollinators. and deleterious Lena Hendricks the de Great Common Wealth continuing as one in destiny, one in hope and one in insects which we now have and which Chisolm at Home suffering. Moy her name also act as another insignia for the permanency of the may become important in the future, Dove of Peace which she had so loved for England and the world of humafa nity in general.
administrative assistant, who would Saturday, a fortnight ago, Mr.
prepare and edit the Cacao Informa Chisolm and Mrs. Lena Hendricks de Chilsolm were host tion Bulletin, maintain the general coThe Moin Branch of the rrespondence, and relieve the staff of and hostess to a large number all possible office routine The fourth of their friends on the occasion Held Programme member would be an additional agro of soliciting God blessing on nomist who could be assigned to work them and happiness and prosOo Suoday the 7th of May, effectively delivered and earned a 1950, comprehending the first admiration and applause. Many enough to allow him to conduct actual perity to abide in their not soaoniversary since the reorga. brethren of the Chapter were research projects. He would stay whe long built house and its recennization of the Moin Branch well at home with addresses rever housing and research facilities are tly added apartments and in of the Universal Negro Impro befitting the tribute, respecti year or even longer in order to work material comfor of home, made available which their is evidenced every Ho vement Association, a program. tively. The visitors from the out dofinitive pieces of research me Was given in tribute to the city with solos and the chil Plant: Before additional staff The Reverend William GraFounder, the Honourable Mar. dren of the distric by recita members can be considered it is neces ham Love, the acting Rector of cus Garvey (deceased) and em tions the guardishing Sary to provide the facilities for doing the St. Mark Parish conducted bodied a homage to Mr. Stan. effect to good work. We should need four the dedicatory ceremony. Space the afternoon pro adequate houses at the Instute in TuE Dixon, the Honourable Com. gramme.
is not within our command to rrialba and four small houses in La missioner of Limon.
cf the The Moin Chapter has full Lola in which staff members could live enumerate the names Mr. Robert Brown, Presi: comprehension of the Cultural for periods of two to three weeks. guests, but suffice to day they dent of the Moin Branch pre and Education advancement the Institute it would be necessary to were of quantitative and quasided over the entertaiment which are under the banner build a headquarters for the Center litative representation. The nuwith at least six offices. Plans for the tritious dainties and liquids and fervently welcomes the of the Universal Negro Impro headquarters have been submitted and audience in general and in par vement Association and are the same building will house a proces which cheer were intermediaries anticular the visitors from the looking forward to the young sine laboratory for testing of fermen and with dancing as the climax.
city. The commissioner beiog people of Costa Rica to preunable to be present was ably pare themselves to become joint.
represented by Mrs. Esmeralda heirs to the dictates of this de Vega. She took for her sub. grand and noble Association, ject Education which was Correspondent TH ct were Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited No Finer Food can be found any where in San José than the delicious and exquisitely prepared dishes served at Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Restaurant Maxie Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
100 yards north Hotel Valencia Annexo in Paso de la Vaca Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón rasanna ancora es troba a mainamis de BRITTON, Manager

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