
Page THE ATLANTIC May 27, 1950 MM LA FAMA מו a WHERE ABOUTS The British Vice Consul in Limon requires information of ROGELIO TASIES conceroiog the whereabouts or fate of the following persons: Has received a beautiful assortment of «Gamuza) shoes Rebeca Downer Lena Jones Mrs. Alice Hunter for Ladies and are on sale at the almost giving away Mrs. Helen Lawrence Charles Cummings.
price of 31. 00 per pair, La Fama: Situated in front of the United Medical and Mr. Delroy Hunter Honoured on His Birth Sanitary Building in Limon city.
Anniversary CARIBBEAN REVIEW There was no leak in the Jamaica House Has New Speaker Speaker request. Following dike; all was wather tight and Birth Anniversary The House of Representa passage of the suspension mo Mr. Delroy Hunter was amazed Fete tives in Jamaica has elected tion, Mr. Evans remained unwhen entering the family resi.
til police aid was called, then dence to have heard the singing Mrs. Renee Campbell home in Salu Under the beautiful setting of a new speaker in place of Malcolm, whose seat was took up the Mace, symbol of of the popular Happy Bir San Jose a party was held in declared vacant after he was authority in the House without thday to You. This happened honour of Mr. Alvaro Grant On convicted of an election offence which meetings cannot proceed, on Wednesday night the 17th birth anniversary. The invites (the in a magistrate court. and walked out.
instant. Mre. Rhuda Hunter, comprised the Misses Vaz, Cor will The new speaker is Clifford Mr. Evans was twice sus his beloved mother designed and niffee, Williams, Mrs. Clara tot Clarence Campell, member for peaded by the last House. successfully carried out her de Henry and Mr. Fredrick. Star Western Westmoreland, a mem votion. Among the participants The delicious birthday cake a ber of Bustamante majority Labor Officers to Meet at were the Misses Lydia Martin was sumptuosly taken care of add Labor Party Barbados of Panama, Elsie Green, Ce and properly digested by the pre Mr. Malcolm was accused of takiog a voter to the poll Labor officers of the British lestine Hunter, Lucilly Johnson, flow of ice cream and refreshing Alice Dawkins, Mr. and Mrs. beverages. The tasteful hands our car that had not been Caribbean territories are to registered for the purpose. He meet in conference at Barbados Ripton Hazel. Messrs. Alfred and decorative touch of Pension ffer on May 15 to discuss, among facio, Albert Evans, Mr. Bucks. Many songs and toasts were in has appealed agaiost his conHenry, Lucas Medrano Bone Ideal was pleasir gly evinced. ift viction other things, a model agree tone Smith, Clifford Gayle and showered upon the honouree Ar House Suspends member in ment for farm workers recrui.
others. Ripplingly flowed the and flavoured with dancing by of Jamaica ted in the West Indies for em.
On the motion of Hon. ployment in the United States, song streams with Miss Elsie current of congratulations and atmospheric music.
we take this opportunity to Bustamante, leader of the Present at the conference Green and Mr. Evans, topmost remind Limonenses of the comJamaica Labor Party, the House will be one of the Labor Ad The Misses Delrita and Her forts and conveniences which of Representatives bas suspen visers to the Secretary of Sta.
mina Hunter, sisters of the guest await them at Renee Home at ded from attendiog its sessions Fe for Colonies in London. It of honour and other members Plaza Víquez.
for at least one mo Fred is expected that the basis for of the family aided to bring Participant wel Evaos, people National the model agreement will be about the gala affair. Mr. Hun Party member for Eastern the draft convention recently ter ripely thanked his mother of Westmoreland.
placed before the International for the treat and to show grea.
Doctor Oscar Pacheco Visi The motion for suspension Labor Office, relatiog to Writ tly than words the pair tripped Physician and Surgeon Co came after Mr. Evans accused ten contracts for migrant wor a measure to the melodies of bon the Speaker, then sittiogas kers.
the radio. The refreshment was From the University of Eng Chairman of Committee, of not Pensylvania, US, A, Minimum wage legislation, fruitfully served and punctuated of calliog on him to speak although factory inspection, and labor with frolic.
SPECIALITY: nite he stood up The measure Diseases of Women being discussed was a Bill to relations generally are among Office: 75 yards West of the the labor problems common establish a Permaneot Special to the area to be discussed.
one Colegio de Señoritas San Jose EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
Island Constabulary, which was HOURS: 10. 12 4 hotly opposed by PNP mem 0 0 ORO 00 0 0 04 San José, Costa Rica Serv bers as an effort to set up a and political army.
THE ATLANTIC Mr. Evans refused either to sit or leave the room at the LIMON, COSTA RICA OFFERS RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS That Limonenses have no cause to worry about making Ice Cream for the celebration of marriage, birth anniversary, Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of dance baptism and functions of any nature; ti is only Musmani Bakery, San José. PHONE 6289 necessary to call at We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with COPACABANA an efficient stock of the best liquor.
and there you will get a gallon containing forty cups of delicious Ice Cream of the flavour you desire for the very OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods Low price of are practiced in the preparation and serving of focd. FIFTEEN COLONES Personally attended by the proprietor: delivered at your house or any other place at the hour CEDRIC KERR Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y you indicate. nes on and con and COPACABANA he es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizan

    Workers Party

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