
THE ATLANTIC Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY June 3, 1950 Number 29 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Year OUR TASK In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR If we say we have no fault in this vale of life Last Saturday afternoon we were encircled by three gentlemen whose verity We are deceiving curselves and the truth is not in us of expression we entertained whole heartedly. In unison they remarked We look But if we confess our faults and ask forgiveness forward to the local newspaper as the channel by which we can make known our God is ever willing to grant our supplication.
satisfaction or dissatisfaction on such matters of a general character.
Continuing one of the trio said Some months ago read with commendation your article on the bad behaviour of certain elements in the city theatres Professionals Play Cricket in England and were hopeful that the exposure of the rather annoying conditions might have While the West Indian 1950 cricket them have been members of touring stirred the managers of the ployhouses to effect some measure of correction, but to tour of England is getting off to a rather West Indian teams.
the contrary things have become worsf.
wet start the first match against Worces.
It is now not only foul language and boisterous shouting by which restershire having reached no decision owing Holt scored 86 not out, Headley 79 Opening the present cricket seanson, pectable patrons are victims, but all kinds of impure things are being thrown down upon the guests below by the imprudent occupants of the galleries.
to rain on all three days of play four not out, Martindale 50 not out and 42 It was further mentioned that quite recently at one of the theatres several West Indian professionals playing in the not out, and Achong got 21. Bowling, Martindale took for 19, Achong persons were drenched with some obnoxious liquid spill from the gallery, among Lancashire League have made a fairly aus.
the unfortunate patrons were a few strangers who had to leave in disgust before picious beginning.
for 19, Holt for 34, and Headley the end of the film. Our informant said, he too, was saturated and on arriving maica playing for Bacup Club; K Holt wickets at an average cost of 12, 53 in The four are George Headley of Ja for 14. Last season Achong took 106 home had to hasten under the shower bath. Such unpleasant conditions are remediably and something must be done to free respectable patrons from the billings of Jamaica, playing for Haslingden, for the Central Lancashire League gate and dwellers in the Upas Tree. We learn that most of these ill breds are which Headley formerly played; Two of last season English profesyouths and being somewhat immuned from punishment under the Juvenile ProtecMartindale of Barbados, playing for Lc sionals, Everton Weekes and Frank tion Law, the Civil Guards have to look on and off. The Law of Immunity from werhouse; and Ellis Achong of Trini Worrell, both of Barbados, grave up deserving chastisement should also prevent these youngsters from seeing certain dad playing for the Walsden Club in their jobs this season in order to be films and should also see that they are off the streets at nights.
the Central Lancashire League. All of membres of the touring team. CRICKET TOUR PLAYINO SCHEDULE Mrs. Susan Daley Slept in Death The following is the schedule of matches to be played by the West InAfter enjoyed God special ble district, three daughters, a son, dies cricket team now on tour of Great Britain. ssing to have lived to the octo eleven grand children and eight May 10 12 Vs Yorkshire at Bradford genarian stage on this planet, great grand children.
13 16 Surrey at the Oval, London Mrs. Susan Daley slept in 17 19 Cainbridge University THE ATLANTIC expresses 20 23 death at the residence of her at Lords, London 24 26 Oxford University daughter, Mrs. Ruth Gayle at its profound condolence to the 27 30 Glamorgan, at Cardiff Zent on the morning of Satur sorrowing survivors and pray 31 June Somerset at Taunton day the 29th of April 1950 that He who keepeth the sparrow June 3, 5, 6, Lancashire at Manchester 13 In the historislera of Jamaica, Mrs. from falling will comfort and First test Match Vs England and Manchester 21 23 Vs Daley had seen the dawn of day strengthen them to bear their Sussex at Hove 24 29 in the Parish of St. Elizabeth. loss. May her soul find rest.
2nd Test Macth Vs England at Lord London July 1, 2, and Vs Hampshire at Southampton Her exemplified life of good living 7 Lancashire at Liverpool in this Republic for nearly a Northamptonshire at Northampton half century of years was self Doctor Oscar Pacheco 12, 13, 14 Leicestershire evident that she was the seed 15, 17 18 Derbyshire at Chesterfield 20 22 and Physician and Surgeon 3rd. Test Match Vs of a highly cultured and well England at Nottingham 24, 25 bred parent plant, and so inhe From the University of 29, 31 and Yorkshire at Sheffield rited her own offspring.
Pensylvania, Her Last remains were laid in SPECIALITY: Aug. Surrey at the Oval, London the grave after a scene of paDiseases of Women 5, 7, Glamorgan at Swansea 9, 11 thos.
Warwick at Birmingham Office: 75 yards West of the 12, 14 17 4th Test Match Vs England at the Oval, London She is mourned by her belo Colegio de Señoritas San Jose 19, 21, 22 Vs Gloucester at Cheltenham ved widower, Mr. Richard HOURS: 10. 12 4 23 25 Essex at Southend Abrahan Daley of the Chirripo 20, 28, 29 Middlesex at London 30, 31 Sept. Kent at Canterbury 38 13 TE 8, 10, 11 Vs Aug. THE PEOPLE HOUSE RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón You will need a good article for your money 80 see us first for the best of everything Suitings, drese materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizand Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery, San José. PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of foods Personally attended by the proprietor: CEDRIC KERR stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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