
Page THE ATLANTIC June 3, 1950 COPACABANA Sic Sir Ered 10 Che Kit Bri wit Bri Eu he be To DR. MIGUEL DEJUK Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America OFFERS That Limonenses have no cause to worry about making ADVISES Ice Cream for the celebration of marriage, birth anniversary, His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situadance baptism and functions of any nature; it is only ted two and a half blocks West of the A. Liberty Hall and necessary to call at his service is at th:ir disposal.
COPACABANA Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: and there you will get a gallon containing forty cups of delicious Ice Cream of the flavour you desire for the very On the Base Ball Diamond Low price of The rays of last Sunday noonday their best, but eye soar were FIFTEEN COLONES sun was pelting on the baseball the errors by catcher and fields delivered at your house or any other place at the hour diamond as the two Bs« perted men and by these misgivings you indicate.
from their dugouts to play their Jupiter earned a total of eight eighth encouter in the League runs.
appointed straight from the school as alumina, or aluminium oxide.
Fixtures. The first Bs»represen.
room to an inspectorate. Mr. Cousins The companies have acquired about ted Bataan and the second stood Tuesday Night in the obtained the Teacher Professional 60, 000 acres of bauxite bearing lands, for the Braves. The batting Salvation Army Hall tute of Education in 1948 when he expected to have workable deposits, and Certificate of London University Insti of which only about 7, 600 acres are strength of the latter was at This will serve as a reminder studies for one year in England on a operations will be procceding on a its summit. However, due con total of only about 100 acres at once.
sideration is to be given to the to the special invitees and the Teacher Travelling Scholarship fact that Bataan had a medio general public of the service to Jamaica Legislators Want State Bank Accordingly, all the companies are ma cre nine at play. Charles star the late Mr.
be conducted to the memory of On a majority vote of 11 to 8, the king elaborate plans to engage in agri Jamaica House of Representatives accep culture and cattle rearing They have also undertaken to restore worked lands ted the pitching and he was in up of severely punished by the fresh. Stanley Street in the Salvation state bank to aid industrial and agriculto agricultural use or pasturage, or to ness of the powerful Braves. Army Hall on Tuesday night tural development. Although moved by reclaim for such use similar acreages the 6th instant.
a member of the Jamaica Labour Party, of land situated elsewhere.
change of pitching was effected, but the Braves continue to rule interred with their bones; so let members Mr. Bustamante and Labour vernorship of the Leeward Islands for The good that men do is oft the resolution was mainly supported by Governor of Leeward Islands Resigns the People National Party opposition Lord Baldwin has resigned the go.
the waves. Thirteen runs went on the tins and Fray, the Bra be with the late Mr. Street; he Party members voted against health and personal reasons, accorves lefty dismissed Bataan for was a friend to all and enemy Jamaica to spend ten millions sterling ding to an announcement by the Co.
to none.
four runs lonial Office in London. He will be Four clock brought the The Government of Jamaica has bu succeeded by Kenneth Blackburne, excitement when chief umpire Caribbean Review geted for an expenditure this financial CMG, OBE, 43, Director of InformaGonzalo Xirinach said «play lamaican Receives London University wear of 10, 459, 132 of which about one tion at the London Colonial Office and a half million is earmarked for since 1947.
Lectureship ball with the Motives on the development works. The estimated Jobn Figueroa, formerly a master of Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, born 1899.
diamond and Jupiter at bat.
revenue for the period is just under succeeded to the title conferred in 1937 St. George College and Wolmer half a millon pounds less than the upon his father, Britain pre war ConRife speculations were in fa Boys School has been appointed a vour of Motive Power, particu lecturer and tutor at the Institute of Jamalca to Aid Start of Bauxite Industry present Lord Baldwin is a socialist.
estimated outlay.
servative premier, Stanley Baldwin. The larly among the daughters of Education, London University. Born in Mr. Figueroa The Jamaica Government has sent Ham. The grand stand had its at St. George College and Holy Cross proposals to the House of Representa. Colonial Service in 1930, and served Mr. Blackburne was appointed to the weight of humanity, every inch College, Worcester, Mass He was tives for offering special facilities to in Nigeria, Palestine, Gambia, and the of seat was occupied and ap awarded a British Council scholarship three companies about to begin mining West Indies, where he was administraproximately four hundred onloo in 1946 and worked for his Teacher bauxite in the island, with a total even tive Secretary of the Development and kers surrounding the playgrourd. Diploma at the London Institute of tual investment of some 22, 000, 000. Welfare Organization The new industry is expected to employ Donny had a brilliant start but Education. He remained in England gave way after the sevent innings already sat the examination to read for his degree and has thousands of Jamaicans and to go into New Bishop of Br. Honduras Appointed production some time in 1952.
The Venerable Gerald Henry Brooks, ning when Motives had runs.
Two of the companies will be ship Archdeacon of Nassau, has been apAltimont Maitland took over the Successful Teacher Gets Inspectorate: e Cousins, until recently prinping the ore to affiliates in fhe pointed Bishop of British Honduras, pitching in the 8th and 9th innings cipal of the Kingston Senior School while the third, a Canadian company, He succeeds the Right Rev. Wilson, and he did remarkably well; the and twice president of the Jamaica will process it in Jamaica and export it now Bishop of Trinidad hard hitting Motives earned a Union of Teachers has been appointed single thus a total of four runs.
Inspector of Schools for Jamaica. Mr.
Motives opened the attack with Cousin appointment is hailed as a Bladkwell then brought on Gato. cessful teaching. Not since 1911 has fitting reward after 22 years of suc.
These two pitchers were at an elementary school teacher been Du st Pa ret this year Inc Jace fre SI was educated 01 pi Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited No Finer Food can be found anywhere in San José than Guaranteed First Class Black Heart the delicious and exquisitely prepared dishes served at Laurel, Well Assorted Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard.
100 yards north Hotel Valencia Annexo in Paso de la Vaca El concursants es propiedad de la biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon se sasema Nacional de ridiclecas del Ministerio de cuturSD BRITTON, Manager Restaurant Maxie


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