p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC June 1950 Garage Universidad FOR SALE CHEAP es 80 an pa ar Bar Restaurant and Coffee Shop: with living quarters.
CALL PHONE 3693 Situated in the heart of the capital. Known as GOLFITO BAR And you will have at your service a car. Pay what the service is really worth. GARAGE UNIVERSIDAD Contains a stock of National Liquor plus all modern boasts of its staff of competent, courteous and honest fixtures. 300 yards South of Banco de Seguros. This establishment guarentees a dally Sale which can produce more chauffers whose duty it is to see that each customer is than ten times the amount of the monthly rental. For further satisfied. Next time you need a car, remember Call 3693 information, write to Golfito Bar, Post Box 779 San Jose. ti West Indies Score Heavily at Cambridge: Records Tumble Replying to the magnificent score of 594 for four wickets (declared)
LE made by Cambridge in the first innings of the match which ended on May 19, the West Indies touring team hit up 730 runs for the loss of three wickets, to compile the highest total ever made by a West Indian visiting team, and a establish at least three other records.
de Everton Weekes, batting sensation ta from Barbados, made 304 not out, and became the Caribbean batsman to es make the highest score ever in England.
The previous highest was George Headva ley 234 against Nottinghamshire in VIS During the spring and summer seasons thousands of motorists in the United States take to the Nation 1939 highwys on extended vacation tnips For many motorists and their families, house trailers, hooked to the rear of their Weekes also became the first West automobiles, expedite travel and provide comfortable living facilities during their journeys. There are an estimated Indian to make a treble century on an 600, 000 house trailers in use in the Unitad States today with accommodations for more than 1, 000, 000 people.
English tour and joined the only other The photograph shows a United States family. James and Helen Post, checking their road map before leaving two overseas players to perform the lo: on a 000 mile tripe from Seattle, in the northwestern State of Washington, to Fairbanks, Alaska. Their 35 foot long feat, G Macartney and Sir Donald trailer has four rooms, with cooking, sleeping, and living quarters (Photo USIS. Bradman, both of Australia.
With Weckes, Frank Worrell, also of pa Caribbean Review The chambers are also being invited It is Trinidad third fair in a series. Barbados, shared the batting honors, qu to discuss the cost of living, the dollar More than 100, 000 visited last year s, scoring 160, and setting up a new de Study Economic Federation of situation, shis ping, and related matters. spendig over half a million dollars. partnership record for any West Indian LE Caribbean This year, forty booths have been erec wicket of 350 runs ade The Trinidad Chamber of Commerce Trinidad 1950, Opens made in of ted on four acres, laid out in a mi. hours.
te has moved for the calling of a meeting Trinidad new governor Major Geniature city, with concreted avenues of the British Caribbean Chambers of neral Sir Hubert Raree, accompanied and lanes.
Robert Christiani, British Guiana opening batsman, got 111, Jeffrey Stoll cit Commerce, Inc, to discuss the economic by Lady Rance, in one of his first meyer and Kent Treastrail of Trinidad federation of the British Caribbean official acts, declared the Trinidad 0 0 0 0 0 o oro.
to Trade Fair 1950 open before a crowd THE ATLANTIC scored 83 and 56 not out, respectively.
The three day match, of course, was All the chambers of commerce of of more than 2000. The Governor LIMON, COSTA RICA drawn ge the area are affiliated to British Caribbean then unveiled the monument of the Chambers of Commerce, loc. president fair. a huge hand holding a torch of which is Hon. Youngman aloft which will bum continuosly dur fu of Jamaica ing the fair, which ends on May 28 The British Vice Consul io Limop requires information er concerning the whereabouts or fate of the following LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, persons: la Rebeca Downer Lena Jones Mrs. Alice Hunter to Ruega a los bananeros de Línea Vieja: Mrs. Helen Lawrence Charles Cummings.
Que en virtud de las exigencias del mercado norteamericano cu en cuanto a la calidad del banano, nos es indispensable la te cooperación integra en cuanto al buen manejo de la fruta y ta al grado que se pide en los avisos. Esta cooperación muy bi sencilla y fácil de dar, significaría para el productor posibi.
Every member of the Clubs who holds the two ending numel lidades más amplias de ayuda para nuevas siembras ber corresponding with the National Lottery or Popular or Not ce to the Banana Cultivators on the Old Line who have paid the quota for 55 weeks is assured the corresponding value in Furniture of the Best Desing In view of the fact the North American Markets are exact.
Best Quality and Most Durable or the Finest Dress ting on the quality of the banana, it is necessary for us Or Other Fabrics.
to cooperate in every respect to secure the best grade of fruit li when notices are sent out. This cooperation is very simply But remember that: es and can be easily gives and will signify for the producers Rights are forfeited By Failure To Pay Three ba more ample possibilities of help for new plantings o di sutema Nacional de Biblioteca Consecutive. Weekly Quotas: ро ec a area WHERE ABOUTS a CO CL re Cheap Store And Kader Furniture Establishment DO SI liguel Obregón Liz СС


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