
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 30 June 10, 1950 Year 1OU TA K FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR DR. MIGUEL DEJUK We approach again the much aired out subject on necessity for a slight change in the itinerary of the passenger trains from Limon to San Jose and visa Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America Versa.
The passengers taking the train in Limon at 15 foreroon have to prepare ADVISES hastily a cold lunch, because the present passing place of the trains offords no means whereby the passengers could secure a light lunch. Hence the traveller has His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situato submit to the illconvenience of preparing lunch before starting from either of the ted two and a half blocks West of the Liberty Hall and Ales terminals; carrying packages, thermos, etc. for a journey of six or more hours at ter times. It is not all persons who are accustomed to such eating system, and above his service is at their disposal.
everything, we believe that the Company should give its passengers all the conve.
Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: in de nience possible. Although we are uccustomed to tolerate the discomforts, but there are many strangers who visit our Republic and by necessity travel by rail and, The Braves Washed the Motive Power With without doubt, are not used to such tightened conditions.
All can be avoided and thus give the passenger better convenience by chan.
a Score of 13. yh ging a little the itinerary of the trains without prejudice to the organization of the The battery was charged; there mid railroad services, dot It occurs to us that the trains could stop a few minutes more at Siquines. wiring; other than the Braves was no short circuit in the Four Hundred Patients in Excess in San Juan de obe This little change, without prejudice to the railway and would permit the pasDios Hospital sengers to detrain at this important center and take a light lunch and the same Short Stop caugh napping a few Last week an official release should be applicable to the passengers from San Jose to Limon. This would also times; Joe the third base wizzard mitom avoid the purchasing of edibles at other stops enroute without the slightest know a few times used too much by the Director of the San Juan proyl ledge of the source or manner of preparation.
strength of arm to First; now and de Dios Hospital states that OF Siquirres would be greatly benefited if the railwoy effect a ten or fifuen then a few batsmen were fried at there are four hundred patients minutes stop there. This locality has an up to date restaurant, bars, cool drink the home plate, but in spite of in excess in the institution and counters and many other things to offer for sale.
all these there were a few fair in consequence of its congestion We believe that the Manager of the Northern Railway Company will take damsels who sat near us and instructions have been directed in consideration this suggestion which we make now and not only in the interest who are life and death sup to Governors, Police Agents and also to of which the company should have to facilitate its passengers with all the covenience porters of the Braves whenever other corresponding authorities within good service.
these mishaps are visible they not to send any sick person for ade laughed amusingly and with the the time being except in cases Port Limón Branch No. 134 of the Jamaica slogan That nothing we have of serious nature.
others who can make up for ant Burial Scheme Society these failures; they knew their The Anglican Church at Guácimo Will Stage Rally On Thursday night the Ist We understand that the so boys for sure enough there were instant, amidst the scene of ciety Autumn Programme with We learn that the Anglican Dick with a hit clear over the Church at Guacimo will stage pllustre and a praise worthy re the aim to raise funds for the top of the Western wall for homer; Carlos Gayle a Rally based on San Jose and Por Limon Branch No. 134 in its preparatory stage and will of the Jamaica Burial Scheme be a novelty in the form of a taking a magnetic catch; Fray. Day of the great North Ameand two baggers and Policia the 4th of July; Independence Society, eftected robustly the item of Reception of new mem trumpet contest in which will the pitcher getting whom he rican Republic. It is stated that bers. The highly interesting ce participate all the ace trumpeters wants; these are the headline relish the main feature. The rean attractive programme will remonial hymns were sung with in the Republic. The date and news for the Braves.
ang vivacity and with Mrs. Edith further details will be an rounced presentatives in the names of Walcott presiding at the organ in the near future.
Motives characteristically de. the Capital and our Port are termined fighters up to the last said to be real busy workers inning with six to tie the score and there is no knowing on and seven to win the match whom the honours will be beswent with a will to do or die, towed. There is one thing sure but they could not emerge from that Anglicans and their friends OFFERS the pool in which they were from every section along the That Limonenses have no cause to worry about making fallen.
Old Line will be in attendance.
Ice Cream for the celebration of marriage, birth anniversary, dance baptism and functions of any nature; it is only LA FAMA necessary to call at COPACABANA ado Just received a grand assortment of Shoes. Tennis, and there you will get a gallon containing forty cups of Special Shoes for playing basket ball; also heels and delicious Ice Cream of the flavour you desire for the very rubber soles in all sizes.
Low price of FIFTEEN COLONES ROGELIO TASIES delivered at your house or any other place at the hour La Fama In front of the United Medical Sanitary you indicate. copiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguet Obregón Lizano ema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Building: presentation of members the yearly Christmas Dole is now Wilson (Rasa meaning three Limon on the night dependence EN EN COPACABANA


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