
Page THE ATLANTIC June 10, 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE HOTEL SANTA FE 200 yards North of Central Market Bth Street. 5th Avenue. Tel. 1497 San José, Costa Rica JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OFFERS THE PUBLIC COURTESY AND EFFICIENCY You will need a good article Wben in San José on business or vacationing the most appropriate place to stay is at for your money so see us first HOTEL SANTA FE for the best of everything. Meals prepared by experts in the culinary art Rraronable Prices Suitings, dress materials, and Visit us and be convinced!
all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to die. Division will revolt and mem found for obedience to the laws and please you. bers will break away and support the promotion of an objective without selParent Body as individuals because no fishnees because only in unity can we force on earth will make them in a elevate our Race to Dignity And ImParent Body Universal Negro Improvement majority forget the source of their portance.
Association and African Communities League freedom Anticipating the Co operation of all Aug. 1929 Box 160, Monrovia, Liberia, West blished in Africa, we will soon be in with very best wishes, With the Parent Body being esta loyal members of the Association and Africa May 19, 1950 a position to combat the evil propaganda have the honor to be your Obe.
To the Officers and Members of Di. this is denied by local leadership, there throughout the world and rally the de.
dient Servant.
visions, Branches and Chapters of the can be one objective and purpose and cent members in support of the objcc.
Universal Negro Improvement Associa that means that the leadership deter. tives of the Association. therefore call Signed: James R: Stewart President tion and African Communities League mined to drive out its membership to upon every loyal member where ever General.
founded by the late Marcus Garvery: Costa Rica District: Seize the property they have purThere was a time when Negroes of wicked. The conduct of such people Popular Chamber to Select West Indian CARIBBEAN REVIEW chased through their unity. This is the World became a part of an Intershould Arts and Natural Sciences. The others Conference Delegates are Jamaica Government Exhibitions national Order with a determination to Posterity can only Damm them as see.
In future the two delegates from in Arts. Average afe of the recipients clevate their Race to a position of Dig. kers of «Pieces of Silver. In many Jamaica to the biennial West Indian is just over 18. They were mostly prenity through establishing Racial Natio instances, such people can get the sup.
nality on the Continent of Africa. port of Governments, for what does Conference are to be selected by the fects or head students of their respec House of Representatives, tive high schools.
This was the belief and teachings of another Race care if a Negro destroys a recent official announcement. This the Founder of the Association that Ne His own.
decision is as another step Discuss Agricultural Problems grocs, being of the larger Race groups, They point to the incompetence of toward fuller responsibility for the elec Heads of agricultural departments should never be satisfied being divided the Negro and say if he had been comted representatives of the people. From throughout the British Caribbean are and held in contempt as a scattered petent to conduct his own affairs, he the beginning of the West Indian Con meeting in Jamaica to discuss the tech and decipline minority in governments would not have sought to document ference in 1944, one of Jamaica dele. nical aspects of agricultural problems foreign to their ideologies. It is the his own efforts and by to doing he is ference in intent and purpose to respect the so gates has been selected by the House in the West Indies. In attendance are not a fit member in responsible society of Representatives, and the other, an vereignity of all and if given the opportunity, he would official, by the Governor in Executive of States for the Colonies, the Agricultural Adviser to the Secretary but to realize that most of the Governments be a distupting factor in their society Council. The next West Indian Conte. Frampton, Agricultural Ad.
of today were neither founded by us his.
or for us, and that the world will nerence is slated for November of this viser to the Comptroller for Develop The Parent Body cannot permit this. year and will be held at Curacao.
ver accord us the dignity ment and Welfare in the West Indies, efitting Mem The Parent Body does not represent bers of the human family unless we Six Jamaicans Receive UCWI and the Professor of Agriculture at the an individual but it represents the Race found and establish a nation and prove The Parent Body was established by Scholarships Imperial College of Tropical Agriculour worth as equal contributors to In an international Convention represen Six Jamaica students have been awar ture in Trinidad.
ternational Society. To do this requires ting Divisions, Branches and Chapters ded scholarships tenable at the Uni 0 0 0 0040 0 0 Unity of Purpose and Unity of Actions throughout the world. They shall ever versity College of the West Indies from Division breaking away from the look to it for proper guidance and in the beginning of the academic year THE ATLANTIC Parent Body and establishing indepen. terpretation of the laws and thoughts in October. Two are open scholarships offered by the University College in LIMON, COSTA RICA dent sovereignity has no International towards racial betterments.
spokesman. It has no international ob: Lie though they will; connive though jectives and it ceases to exist as a part they will: steal though they will; but of a great Organization. Hence it auto the truth of the Association will triumph No Finer Food can be found anywhere in San José than matically must wither and die for its and those who cut away like the fingers Membership looks to international sal of the hand could never again serve a the delicious and exquisitely prepared dishes served at vation through nationality and whenever useful purpose but will languish and acording to regarded Restaurant Maxie 100 yards north Hotel Valencia Annexo in Paso de la Vaca LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, Ruega a los bananeros de Línea Vieja: Que en virtud de las exigencias del mercado norteamericano en cuanto a la calidad del banano, nos es indispensable la cooperación integra en cuanto al buen manejo de la fruta y al grado que se pide en los avisos. Esta cooperación muy sencilla y fácil de dar, significaría para el productor posibtlidades más amplias de ayuda para nuevas siembras.
Garage Universidad Not ce to the Banana Cultivators on the Old Line In view of the fact the North American Markets are exactting on the quality of the banana, it is necessary for us to cooperate in every respect to secure the best grade of fruit when notices are sent out. This cooperation is very simply and can be easily given and will signify for the producers more ample possibilities of help for new plantings.
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