
General June 10, 1950 THE ATLANTIC tida Page RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS ST. MARK CHURCH Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of LIMON, COSTA RICA Musmani Bakery. San José PHONE 6289 The Church is the Pillar We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with and the Ground of the Truth an efficient stock of the best liquor.
SERVICES: OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist 00 Sunday School Personally attended by the proprietor: 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
CEDRIC KERR Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 Saturday: Confession 00. 00 CARIBBEAN REVIEW See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements 600 Apply for Women Police Jobs ves heavily in favour of government More than 600 young women have servants staying out of politics when Open Drive Against Malaria in Br. puty Chairman of the Caribbean Refiled applications to become police they defeated by a 14 majority a re.
Search Council of the Caribbean Comwomen in the Jamaica Constabulary. solution that civil servants be allowed Honduras Vacancies exist for only six. The six to belong to any political party of An anti malarial campaign is getting mission and President of the Historical are being appointed because the en. their choice and to canvass at election under way in British Honduras, with Society of Trinidad and Tobago.
Dr. Williams, a Trinidadian listment of three women in the Police time for candidates whon they wished the aid of 30. 000 tons of DDT, with Force for the first time about two years to support. This resolution, moved by which every home in the country will guate of Oxford University, and former ago has proved a success. Now, three Hon. Dr. Patrick Solomon was counbe sprayed four times in the next two associate professor at Howard, is assist will nine, including a sergeant, a cor tered with an amendment by the Co.
years. An effort is being made to era ting in adult education in the Wesporal and an acting corporal.
Indies especially in West Indian Hislonial Secretary. This was to the effect dicate malaria completely.
tory and is giving a series of lectures Panamanien Jockey Riding in Jamaica that political neutrality was the funda Grenada Group Accepts Federation under the auspices of the Extra Mural King Flores, Panamanian jockey who mental feature of a democratic govern Proposals Department of the University College recently arrived in Jamaica rode at the ment and must be maintained by civil The Executive Committee of the Gre.
of the West Indies.
Knutsford Park races on May 24 and servants. They were servants of all sec nada Citizen Association has adopted will ride on June and 10.
tions of the community and should not a resolution, following a four hour de Library Assistants Pursue Course identify themselves with any political bate, calling on the Grenada GovernFourteen library assistants three from Trinidad Announas Elections Date candidate or party. The amendment was ment to accept the proposals of the Trinidad, four from British Guiana, Election day for Trinidad and To passed by the 14 majority Standing Closer Association Committee two each from Oreneda and Barbados bago the recently proclaimed new consfor a federation of the British West and one each from St. Vicent, St. Lucia titution has been fixed at September Honduras Tailor Gels George Medal Indies.
and Monserrat have begun five week 18, and Nominations day, on which for Bravery Painter Acclaimed by Critics candidates for election will be proposed course at the Regional Library HeadGeorge Washington Griffith, a taiior and officially recognized, will be Sep Dennis Williams, 27, British Guianese quarters, Port of Spain. The course open to library assistants who have had tember The elections will be held of Belize, British Honduras, has been artist, is on his way to the United awarded the George Medal for cour Kingdon to further his art studies, to enable them to qualify for entrance at least one year of practical work, is to determine who shall fill the 18 elected seats of the new Legislative Council, age in rescuing a man from a blazing which he began in 1946 with a onethe first which will have a majority of house, while he himself was being year British Council scholarship, follow to the British Library Association. Theoed by two years more study in the retical and practical, it consists of lecelected members. Registration of voters burned by flaming kerosene. Kacwing and visits to Europe and the tures, film shows, demonstrations prac.
takes place from the 12th of June to the man was asleep in the house, Grithe 21 when enumerators will make ffith forced his way through the locked He has received highly favorable tical work and field service in rural house to house visits to register every front door.
comment from art critics, Wyndham areas.
person qualified to vote This includes Lewis, BBC art critic, describing him as one of the half dozen most proevery normal, adult citizen.
mising young British painters.
Government Servants Must Keed Out of Politics EDITORIAL VICTORIA Lida.
Donation to Aid West Indian History Physician and Surgeon Trinidad legislators showed themsel.
Study San José, Costa Rica From the University of Imperial Stores, Ltda. of San FerPensylyania, nando, Trinidad, have donated through SPECIALITY. THE NOBLE their directors, two thousand dollars to be advanced in four equal yearly sums Diseases of Women for the purchase of books on West. of Office: 75 yards West of the Indian History. Only conditions aitaColegio de Señoritas. San Jose GEORGE AYUB ching to the gift are that the books be housed in San Fernando and that they HOURS: 10. 12 4 Is at the orders of the public in general with its very be selected by Dr. Eris Williams, Degrand assortment of merchandise.
The doors were opened last Saturday, the 3rd instant.
This is your store. We await your visit.
Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
150 yards North of El Gallito. Al the Corner RODRIGUEZ ECHEVERRIA LTDA.
Telephone 4709 SAN JOSE Post Box 1471 Doctor Oscar Pacheco THE NEW STORE FERRETERIA UNIVERSAL RUBEN CHING SON EXPORTER OF CACAO We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras FLYING WHEEL PAINTS All kinds of Hardware, including Screen Wire in Widths of 30, 36 and 48 inches. Shoemaking Material and Electrical Equipment. And everything else for all branches of service on farms ete.
Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizantema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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