
Page THE ATLANTIC June 17, 1950 lone 17.
ST. MARK CHURCH. scalier FOR SALE CHEAP Bar Restaurant and Coffee Shop: with living quarters.
LIMON, COSTA RICA Situated in the hoart of the capital. Known as The Church is the Pillar GOLFITO BAR and the Ground of the Truth Contains a stock of National Liquor plus all modern SERVICES: fixtures. 300 yards South of Banco de Seguros. This SUNDAYS: 6, 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon establishment guarentees a dally Sale which can produce more 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist than ten times the amount of the monthly rental. For further 3, 00 pm, Sunday School information, write to Golfito Bar, Post Box 779 San Jose, 00 m, Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Or Room No. front of Catholic Church Limon Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. The Atlantic mentions with humble us. Our citizens on a whole, we enMonday, Wednesday, Friday 00 pride its pleasure in seeing one of tertain no doubt, are proud to have his Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 5, 00 Limon former citizens, in the person reunion.
See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements of Mr. Agustin Gutierrez Chamberlain returned to us in the very important After several months of absence in the position as manager of the city Branch interest of repairs to his launch, Mr.
Jupiter Out Witted and Outplayed the Braves of the Bank of Costa Rica. The Gutie Arthur Foothe returned to our port rrez family is one of the outstanding on Friday of last week. He shared the Last Sunday the BravesJupiter match brought out all have recently been made to 2005 in chip of the block is no stranger to of friends and well wishers.
South America collection. Shipments landmarks of Limon and this precious hearty welcome of his family host and sundry to the playground. Britain, and Australia. Among pilot The scene was a miniature the birds of are the harpy eagle Lot Ac Olimpic. The three to two runs and the hoatzin, both highly prized by bow was not the privot of sensation, collectors.
ble que but pantology of the excercise Ender by Donny Hayling, the Jupiters PERSONALIA beling main stay was a blitzkreig for It is with delight we honour these the batsmen of the Braves. It columns with the names of Mr. Fred Annou appreared that even their bats Sheehy and his esteem wife and chilmen of fame went to the firing dren, the Agent of the Steamship Deredor of line with a lack of self reliance which is operated under the Manageof the United Fruit Company partment Jeit by ding the The lefty Fray seemingly arm ment of the Costa Rica Banana Comcineta SM less and sightless with bat and pany, and with the same high regard SUM fermation Lormation ball. The was changed for we say Bon Voyage to Mr. De and for and for «G» and at the end there were Gravelle, Chief of the Maintainance Department of the said Company. They GRAVES, duction dation sailed for the great North American Wh With Republic for their well deserving peKoch, Caribbean Review riod of rest and recreation.
The panel of international Football Referees who are to referee the soccer the Bon We hope that these very distin matches to be played in Río de Janeiro this year were the guests of the FootPropose Zoological Park for O, guished personages of both our North ball Association at their London headquarters recently.
in Agri The Government of British Guiana American Colony and city will be the International referees who are to control matches to be played in Brazil Dép has under consideration a proposal sub. recipients of a comfortable and enjo during the World Cup Competitie ntly met the referee who was in charge Charlotte mitted by Hon. Vincent Roth, Curator yable stay in the swell metropolis and of the Arsenal versus Liverpool Cup Final, Mr. Pearce. The meeting took place of the Muscum, for the esta will have a safe return to resume their plained many incidents which occurred during the Cup Final. Among the in at the English Football Association headquarters in London and Mr. Pearce exPaala blishment of zoological gardens on the lives of usefulness among us.
lines of the London Zoo. The site ternational referees present were: Dhler of Sweden, Lutz of Switzerland. XCosta would be the northwestern section of Dattilo of Italy, Beranek of Austria, Van de Meer of Holland, Roma of Spain, bei the Botanical Gardens, on the outskirts We heartily congratulate Mr. Martin and da Costa of Portugal, besides British referees who will be going to Rio.
of Chavarria on his appointmen as acting This picture shows Mr. Pearce pointing out on a table diagram an incident cipite capital outlay is 12, 000, Agent in the local office of the Steams which he encountered during the Cup Final.
each with yearly recurrent expenditure of hip Department during the absence of Ins about 4, 000.
Mr. Sheehy and we extended equal Dired Direcc It is expected that such a park could felicitations to Mr. Frank Rivers whose ability and steadfastness to his duties gather the most comprehensive collection of tropical fauna in these parts. have earned him the confidence and Ria esteem to head the Department during British Guiana forests have large numthe leave of absence of Mr. DeGravelle bers of birds, reptiles and animals other. EXPORTER OF CACAO which would form the nucleus of the complc We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras about prepure de bi Planning Reserve Organis Cooper their Esti pretown RUBEN CHING SON have a hensive Tous Visit the New Lumber Deposit blished We ho Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
benefit Britton and Holness, Limited LA FAMA Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Just received a grand assortment of Shoes. Tennis, Special Shoes for playing basket ball; also heels and rubber soles in all sizes.
ROGELIO TASIES La Fama. In front of the United Medical Sanitary Building: fo fo Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON, Manager


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