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to The Commission, חו Page THE ATLANTIC June 24, 1950 British Information Services Negro Students Sit and Statistics Building and EngiAn Agency of the British Government With Whites Now in nieering; Industrial Development IN BRITAIN TODAY: No. Oklahoma Caribbean Commission to Meet in Martinique special service of news briefs for Labor Editors and journals Norman, Okla, June. For the first time in Oki homa his holding its tenth meeting at Forte de The Caribbean Commission will be Many British firins have issued re Airways in their aircraft maintenance ports showing how they have been able branch. By fixing a standard time for tory, Negro students were si France, capital of Martinique, French to increase output and lower costs. the job and paying a bonus for time tting unsegregated in the class West Indies, at the invitation of the Nearly all the reports describe some saved, the company has made substan rooms with withe students French Government from June 26 form of incentive wages scheme. Details tial economies. At the same time, ear.
vary widely from a simple bonus on nings of their maintenance staff have Th precedent was broken to July It will be the Commission production complex payment by re increased and the quality of work with 82 Negroes attending the first meeting this year, and its first to held in Martinique sules but the gericral effect is to give Mas improved.
opening day summer sessions at sion, under the terms workers the chance of carning more Xworkers carme the University of Oklahoma. of its establishment, meets twice each by greater effort or by greater efficiency The British people now consume Some 100 Negroes are expec year. So far, meetings have been held The widening range of payment by more grain products, milk, fish and ted before registration closes.
in Trinidad (2. St. Thomas (2. and results had enabled a large section of potatoes than before the war.
The newcomers to the once Jamaica, Washington (one. The Com.
Curacao, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, British workers to increase their carnings substantially during the last two. all. white institution, also took mission first meeting took place in yeaps of the wage stabilization policy Britain has the second highest hou their meals in the Students Union St. Thomas on the occasion of the Xsing record in the whole of Europe.
She is beaten only by Sweden which at tables side by side with the Second West Indian Conference in Joint consultation committees was not involved in the war.
whites another heretofore un February, 1946.
British factories, enabling workers and Xheard of occurrence.
Jamaica and New Zealand Make Citrus management to discuss problems of Agreement production together, are growing more Exports from Northern Ireland to common every munth. About three the United States and Canada increased Caribbean Review The Citrus Growers Association of quarters of the most successful firms by more than 50 during the six lamaica to Benefit from Marshall Aid Jamaica, which markets the island make point of finding ways of ma months ended March this year.
The first irrigation and food deve oranges and other citrus products, has king every man and woman understand Xmade and agreement to ship 100, 000 the importance of the job to be done.
lopment project in the Caribbean area boxes of fruit to the New Zealand Many firms now take their workers children between the ages of five and Jamaica water scheme for mid Cla Nearly to receive Marshall Aid is likely to be market. The agreement followed a se fully in to their confidence by giving 14 attended grant aided schools in ries of talks with representatives of the them facts of production and finance. 1949, and were taught by 211, 658 teaTendon, which is being planned New Zealand fresh fruit trade, who serve some chers. Over 88 per cent of all the which about 200 acres of land on people are dependent travelled to Jamaica for the negotiations British workers are being told what children received one third of a pint for their livelihood May Now Export Edible Oil 100. 280) worth of their exports of milk free daily at school.
Marshall Plan funds to the amount will buy for Britain. wheat for more of XWith its production of copra and 175, 000 are to be made available than 5, 000 loaves, or enough timber for cdible oil reaching the highest level in The first insurance policy in the chase two high powered electric units to the Jamaica Government to pura house, or 180 gallons of rum, or many years, British Guiana now has world was written in Britain nearly 900 dozen cees, and so on.
the permission of its Controller of Sup400 years ago. to cover the risk of a Field air base for use in the rural irrilocated at the de activated Vernam plies and Prices to export some of its Xsmall sailing ship called the Santa Cruz gation scheme.
edible oil to the West Indies. The Britain is now spending one fifth of Today; Britain is one of the insurance The matter is still under negotiation quantity this year, however must not its national income on capital invest centers of the world. The men who built the Oak Ridge ment. new machinery, factories etc Lane among the and Jamaican exceed 500 gallons.
plant Governments in the A, for instance, Venezuelan Tourists Visit Barbados XThe difficule problem of extending policies written in Britain. Io policies Meeting protected by workmen compensation Caribbean Research Council Holds Third About 800 Venezuelan tourists have visited barbados so far this year, accorpayments by results wage incentive in 100 languages to cover For the first time since its formation ding to Vernon Knight, Honorary Viceschemes to trades which provide ser contingencies ranging from fire damage in 1946, the Caribbean Research Coun. Consul for Venezuela at Bridgetown, vices rather than make things, has been to bird nest soup in a Singapore store, cil has been holding meetings at the who declared that he thought they had successfully takled by British European to the loss of a liner.
same time as all of its several research spent not less than 150, 000 committees. These took place at Port Mr. Knight said that negotiations News From Caldera Passengers Compla of Spain, Trinidad, from May 25 to have begun to allow the Avensa Air.
30. fortnight ago this commu ined Again About the was the Council third meeting. lines (of Venezuela) to operate a reguAmong the subjects discussed was lar service to Barbados, and that more nity had its merriment which Darkness in Passen proposal by a Dutch Foundation to hotel acommodation would be required was on the background of a ger Coaches make a film on the work of the Ca to meet the influx.
ribbean Commission, of which the goal to raise funds for the purpose of erecting a building passenger and freight combina xiliary body.
Passengers travelling on the Caribbean Research Council is an au Scarlet Ibis May Attract Tourists to Trinidad for school. The propellant force tion which does service between The Research Committees, which was Mr. Grant, the Agent this city and the Estrella region The scarlet ibis, a tropical bird much met at the same time, number six and sought after by naturalists, is regarded of the Railway at caldera. The have complained again that due Wildlife and Forestry, Medicine, are as follows: agriculture, Fish, as a possible special attraction for in.
Fair extended over turday to the lateness of the train at Public Health and Nutrition; Soducing tourists to visit Trinidad, where and Sunday and terminated times they arrived at the city ciology and Education; Economics since 1942. Many persons have jour it has been breeding in large numbers very satisfactorilly. The parti station at eight o clock at night cipants included several per on some of the trips and have neyed far into the backwoods of Ve.
nezuela in search of this rare and sons in high stations of life and to travel in the dark coaches Doctor Oscar Pacheco beautiful specimen of bird life, which many expounded words of ap because there is no illumination is described in glowing terms by nature Physician and Surgeon preciation and commendation to in them, and which result very lovers From the University of Trinidad is the only place in the Mr. Grant and beseeched him discomfortable when they have Pensyly to continue in his sphere of to travel with children. That on nia, USA world where the scarlet ibis can be SPECIALITY: seen within a few minutes of boat ride usefulness and equally were the certain days the coaches have Diseases of Women from the city.
cheers given to Messrs Demitito among their passengers many Gonzalez, Juan Rafael Alfaro, drunkards and in addition in Office: 75 yards West of the Travel Agents Discover Icmaica Colegio de Señoritas San Jose Rafael Zuñiga and Miguel Mora these days of crime wave, most group of fourteen American trafor their lively interest and help anything can happen in the HOURS: 10. 12 4 pm vel agents have just concluded a fourday visit to Jamaica in another of a to the programme.
dark coaches.
series of Discover Jamaica trips arran.
We again stem the issue that passenger coaches when over ged by Chicago and Southern Airlines.
the Superintendent of Traffic cf taken by night on route. Human The party tour was based on the EDITORIAL VICTORIA Lida.
the Northern Railway Company life is worth much more than Myrtle Bank Hotel in Kingston and Tower Isle (Hotel) on the north San José, Costa Rica should order the lighting of the economy of the Company.
de Cultura y ventud Costal coast.
atom bomb Were are wr a


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