
NA (ECA THE ATLANTIC JE Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY July 8, 1950 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 33 Year RUBEN CHING SON FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR MERCHANDISE CLUBS OUR TASK On Tuesday of the week in course, July 4th, the one hundred and seventy Cheop Store Kader Furniture fourth anniversary since the Declaration of Independence of the United States o America came on the calendar of time, a Charter was instituted which contains de in principle the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of hoppiness for all human MOISES KADER creatures We remind the members of the Clubs that failure to That torch of freedom has been kept burning brightly during the lengghened period of 174 years, by a people who earned it; and each succeeding year piy three consecutive quotas they forfeit all rights.
gives evidence of its great premiun to all Christendom.
Make your payments weekly Time work wonders. those political bonds which were severed on the never to be forgotten fourth of July, 1776 have been welded anew; not for the purpose The Bataan Jupiter Encounter of another Declaration of Independence by any given State or Nation but the two Donny Hayling Triumphed With Ball and Bat nations who were in the original picture are now the leaders in the establishment of a Council of Nations and with a Charter named. The Universal Declaration from the early morning hour, three. Here was the beginning On Sunday the 25th ultimo, five struck outs and the latter of Human Rights our baseball enthusiasts were of incompetent management.
As a nation born of freedom and moved by its fundamental virtue could aoxious to see the start of the Coolie should not have opened not stand aloft while another blow has been directed with intent to destroy freedom Bataao Jupiter match. Anxiety so important a matchand pillar and the lower of right to the enjoyment of happiness by the Koreans. It is ascended the boiling point when more than all he was pitchiog regretable that this force of evil comprising the dreaded doctrine of communism the throng of spectators arrived all straights; Altimoot hit a has somewhat interrupted the peace of mind of the free nations and dampened at the three o clock afternoon lioer off one bis straights and the joys of this anniversary. However, we make bold to soy that all free peoples hour and found the Cubs the same delivery was made will march with the forch of freedom and will fight side by side for the triumph Motive Power encounter still in to Donny. In our opinion Viof the cause of Justice.
process. Shouts rented the air ici is the best all round base.
to our esteem friend Pancho, baller on our 20ne and if there the chief of the playground to is such a thing as a bad days call off the match and com then he had one. Byron earned mence the afternoon sensation a plume in his bat by having At the takibe 10 of positions taken the most brilliant catch EXPORTER OF CACAO on the diamond and with chef seen on our playground. The umpire, Frank Botifol, profes result of the game was five We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras sional umpire of Puerto Rico, against two runs. Using a behind the plate, valuable stam every day word. People came ped papers came wizzing over like sea sands, Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office. our heads as wagers; with Jupiter as favorite. The backers Caribbean Review seemingly bad Dondy gua Welfare Worker Receives Scholarship Congratulations to the New Management rantee that he was fit as a One of the pioneers of welfare fiddle: and so he was with ball We have observed with much Fame, is the new bookkeeper; and bat. He had fourteen Island Supervisor of the Jamaica Social in Jamaica, Eddic Burke, at present pleasure the new management his association with the con. struck outs, to his credit and Welfare Commission, has been awarded of the United Cacao Producers, cern means the installation of in the fourth ioning when three travelling scholarship in England by Limited, with office and store a brilliant intellectual pillar. of his team mates were on bases the British Council. He will study gehouse in the buildiog for Our newspaper highly con. he effected a bit over the walls; neral welfare work, with special em merly known as Theatre Mo gratulates the above named brought in four runs; thus phasis on rural development, paying derno. They are, Mr. Fernando gentlemen in their new assigos Courfew ruog for Bataan Pit particular attention to modern trends Hoog Oo, the general manager, and wishes the United Cacao chers Coolie and Pikids of Ba.
in adult education, co operatives, youth we see in bima tower of Producers Limited, continualtaan were used against the work, women work, co ordination of strength to the movement, don success.
home side; the former gained village activities and education.
Alfonso Solé Lippa, the Assis tant Manager who attends to the exportations of products Doctor Oscar Pacheco THE NEW STORE THE NOBLE and other important matters Physician and Surgeon pertaining to the foreign mar of kets. We consider that he holds From the University of the key of this well established Pensylvania, GEORGE AYUB and up to date company; a SPECIALITY: Is at the orders of the public in general with its very confidence well placed and his Diseases of Women grand assortment of merchandise.
propellant ability, we are sure Office: 75 yards West of the The doors were opened last Saturday, the 3rd instant.
will prove a valuable assest Colegio de Señoritas. San Jose This is your store. We await your visit.
to the frm. Our good friend, HOURS: 10. 12 4 Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
Mr. Victor Gourzong of Radio Este documento es Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y


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