
Page THE ATLANTIC July 8, 1950 WEARE made great progress on a num. been achieved, a tremendous ber of smaller technical details, step will have been made in such as over all length of wa the opening up of Africa, comgons, the position of couplings parable to the construction of and so on.
the trans. continental railwya Once full standardization has of the United States, Clifford Steele Tailor Made Suits RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS SI re ol a to D 10 Here are three special reasons why you should Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
Musmani Bakery. San José. PHONE 6289 SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with Which will never get out shape.
an efficient stock of the best liquor.
Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods in the City of Limon.
are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. Personally attended by the proprietor: May Olson Mc Cado Shot by Former Lover CEDRIC KERR Not from jealousy but by The Russian in his declaration dariogly provoked the man is reported to have said May, CARIBBEAN REVIEW who is said to have made her life has been ruined and now Lever Soops to be Made in Jamaica this is your death. To these open negotiations with the United Kinga queen when he had his thou.
Agreements have been signed for dom for a 2, 000, 000 loan at low sands; life changes placed him terrible words she replied, the west Kingston factory of Soaps and interest, repayable in 50 years, to fi: as a cook in the New York Inn Moises, do not kill me and Edible Products Lid. of Jamaica, to nance productive schemes for the perat San Jose: Last Sunday at she could say no more; the manufacture certain brands of Lever manent relief of unemployment. 00 m. in strolled Mary shots received were fatal. soaps. It is expected that the soaps will The recomendation has been accep.
McCado known as May West be made to the specifications of the ted by the Finance and Planning Subwith several frieods, ordered Step Nearer Cape to factory now makes Palmolive soap to Lever organization, just as the Jamaica Comittees several rounds of drinks and the specifications of the Colgate Pal.
In a lenghty memorandum to the then May treaded a measure Cairo Railway Link molive Peet Company Select Commitee, the Chamber of Com.
with her new Valentino, and Londoo, June 19. LPS. Film Company to Shoot at Bournmouth merce has suggested many proposal for to belittle the Russian whose new step in the 60 year old Baths.
aiding the jobless situation, including a change in the type of education. It refortune of nearly one hundred dream of a Cape to Cairo rail Negotiations are underway for Kings comends a census and registration of thousand colores was lavished way, to open up the Dark wood Films Ltd. to use the Bourne unemployed, so that the exact number on her, a beef steak was orde Continents of Africa, has mouth Baths for the filming of the might be known.
red accompanied by unbearable followed a conference held in which the company is producing in Ja under water parts of Sunkon Troauto: Ex speaker Taking Case to England: gesture by May. Quite patu London by the chief mecha maica. Kingswood have offered to pay Alphonsous Malcolm, ex speaker ral, Moisés Caldemberg Semi nical engineers from most of three pounds a day for the use of the of the Jamaica House of Representanowa, is a Russian and the the African territories. The pool, and leave it in as good condition as they found it Shooting and set tion for an election offence was dismi.
tives whose appeal against his convicprovocation was too much for Seven priociar railway systems construction are expected to last about him to withstand, he went to of Africa do not have unifor three weeks.
the Jamaica Court of Appeal, his room and took his Colt mity of gauges or equipment.
has announced that he will take the revolver then emptied three Idea of the conference was to Tamaica May Ask Loon to Aid Jobless case on appeal to England. His lawyers The Select Committee of the Jamaica are expected to ask for leave to appeal bullets into May body; one work towards agreement on House of Representatives that is to the Judicial Committee of the Privy entered the heart; she collapsed standardization. Britain sup ding measures to relieve unemployment Council in London, the highest tribuand died in a few seconds. Like plies nearly all the eogines and in the island now has before it a re nal open to persons in the British a Russian brave and resolved, equipment for the railway sys.
commendation that the Government Empire.
is said to have calmly waited tems concerned.
the arrival of the police, gave The question of making a DR. MIGUEL DEJUK his declaration and delivered up himself.
common guage was left for discussion at a conference at Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America The dialogue with the dis Johannesburg, South Africa, charge of the Colt.
in October, but the delegates ADVISES D ssed has f stuСе te to to lo of Visit the New Lumber Deposit His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situated two and a half blocks West of the Liberty Hall and his service is at their disposal.
Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: Britton and Holness, Limited LA FAMA Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office aod Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard.
Just received a grand assortment of Shoes. Tennis, Special Shoes for playing basket ball; also heels and rubber soles in all sizes.
ROGELIO TASIES La Fama In front of the United Medical Sanitary Building: BRITTON, Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y


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