p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC July 1950 Pension Venezuela vote their aircraft, Barbados House Passa Adult Suffrage Closing Seawel Airport to Heavy Planes BIU Seawell Airport, Barbados, is being Bill allowing every person 21 ye closed to heavy aircraft for about three Two blocks sonth Atlantic Station opposite ars old and over to at general weeks to permit work to continue on Botica Primavera elections, and abolishing property qua the new runway being built at the lifications for persons seeking election aerodrome. Meonwile, British West Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay to the House, has been passed by the Indian Airways will be required to use if you visit, Pension Venezuela. Large airy rooms, newly Barbados House of Asambly. Shuld this lighter planes, and heavy Bill be passed by the Legislative Coun like Trans Canada Airlines skyliners furnished, Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisitely precil, and so become law, it aw, it will mark which call at Barbados weekly, will pared meals served. Moderate prices. You are welcome the end of a long strugele for political land at Trinidad and transfer their Bar.
where you will have unequaled facilities for rest and cmancipation, which began in 1930. bados bound passengers to Bwia.
relaxation It was in 1930 that the first Bill see The new runway is expected to go king to lower the income qualification into use in September.
Proprietors: Delfin Barquero y Señora of voters was introduced in the House.
This was defeated, it was not until Barbados Adwertising Abroad 1943 that the income qualification was Barbados is now advertising its tourist CARIBBEAN REVIEW reduced to 96 a year, and the vote attractions in Great Britain, Canada, TO study Federation Proposals In former years, Mr. Wilkinson was given to women the United States, and Venezuela, ac The Legislative Council of Barbados, party, which represents conservative The present Bill also reduces the cording to the latest report of the Bar.
the island upper house, has appointed thought in Barbados, was opposed to quorum for the 24. member House bados Publicity Committee, which shows emigration a committee of five to study the recofrom 12 to nine members that 17, 212 passangers disembarked at Barbados during the year under review mmendations contained in the reports Barbados Commerce Resents of the Standing Closer Association Co Another West Indian Ascends the Bench including more than 800 from Vene.
Non Representation zuela and 517 from mmittee (which dealt with federation Lack The King has been pleased to approof representation of commercial and the Commission Police Move to Combat Juvenile on the Unification of Public Services in Date, Chief Secretary, Windward Isve the appointment of William Andrian interests among the members of the Barbados Legislative Council was a toDelinquency the West Indies. They are Honourable lands, as Puisne Judge of the Supreme pic of complaint at the annual general The Barbados Police are moving to Massiah, Court of the Windward and Leeward The subject was raised by To ching a Boy Club for the under privi of the Hon. Dr. St. John, Hon. Picombat juvenille deliquency by launle, and Hon. Evelyn.
Islands ppin, who said that. on the Council leged to keep them off the streets and Mr. Date was born in 1908, in Gra. were doctors, planters and representa help them Emigration Must for Barbados avoid temptation. Col.
nada, and educated at Granada Boys tives of all other sections of the co Michelin, Commissioner of Police, Wilkinson, Leader of the Oppo School and Lodge School, Barbados. mmunity, except the most important who started working on the idea when sition Party in the Barbados House of He was called to the Bar by the Mi one, which was commerce.
he noticed that last vear 700 juveniles Assembly, recently told of political ddle Temple in 1930, and was in pri Last member of the Legislative Coun were taken before the courts, is inte meeting sponsored by the Barbados vate practice in Granada and St. Vin cil, who might have been said to have resting Sportsmen in the conduct of the cent before being appointed as a ma. been representing commerce, was Hon. club, and hopes to have centers in other must for Barbados in order to reduce eistrate, sub collector and dristrict offi. Leacock. who recently resigned parts of the island, the island redundant population and cer in St. Lucia in 1933. He was pro the presidency of the Council make a decent standard of living possi moted to be Crown Attorney, St. Vin Members of the Legislative Council 0 0 0 0 0 0 ble. He declared that delegations should cent, in 1939, and transferred to Jamaica are not elected, but are appointed by Compre y lea todos los be sent to Canada and to make as Legal Drafts man in 1944. He took the King on the recomendation of the contacts up his present post in 1947.
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