
1956 THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Number 34 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica July 15, 1950 Year Pension Venezuela very grave problem FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR OUR TAS Since some months ago or say from the beginning of the conflict between Two blocks south Atlantic Station opposite the two factors of the Chinese, we had under consideration that it was a means Botica Primavera to an end to provoke the Third World War.
The free nations of the world are plainly convinced that the democratic Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay powers have used all their resources to maintain world peace, but in the mean if you visit, Pension Venezuela, Large airy rooms, newly time had been drawn nearer and nearer to the conviction that the peace was uncertain furnished, Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisitely preIt was evident that the Soviet Union of Russia was only abiding the moment pared meals served. Moderate prices. Yon are welcome and place most convenient to its imperialistic proposition to initial the battle against the democracies. Equally as the Kaiser Whileim of Germany had used Austria lo where you will have unequaled facilities for rest and relaxation.
start the First World War, August 1, 1914 November 11, 1918 and as Hitter blamed Poland for the commencement of his aggression on September 3, 1939, it Proprietors: Delfin Barquero y Señora is nothing new or surprising that in the actuality the Kremlin used the communists of China to start the Third World War and so planted the There is no gainsaying, we are in the Third War. The very important factor is to school boyish fashion, and af. Introducing the effectively prepare ourselves economically to face the difficult consequences, antici ter being 200 for 2, their 326 patingly. We ought to bring to memory that in War II, the United States of for all was rather an Professional Umpire anti America had not entered at the commencement; a condition which made it possible for us to had imported nearly all the things we required from abroad. In fact, climax.
We utilize pleausureably, we had enjoyed fall peace time Uncle Sam was able and did supply all Sound fielding and historic these columns to iotroduce Mr.
Living our needs, bar in all western hemisphere civilian populations, as it was against the people of those tock the field, however, the event of the spread of hostilities, the current will run againts bowliog when the West Indies Fraok Botifol professional ummore pire of Puerto Rico. He is coy countries which entered at the commencement of the 1939 1945 conflict. Quite na than compensated. And this a periodical visitor to Limon tarally, the fighting forces must be fed, must be clothed and be furnished with every needful thing. Il behoves us, therefore, to begin now to intensify the producwas repeated in the second and on some occasions the Mation of food and everything else which we are capable of producing. We believe, innings. Out of 298 overs bow. nagement of the Atlantic Bathe State should lend every assistance to the commercial importers to bring in the led by the West Iodies, Raseball League Fixtures secured greatest possible quantities of edibles, combustibles, kerosene oil, medicine, etc. madhin and Valentine bowled his valuable services to act as In fact, we, farther believe that the State sould play a safe game by importing 231, out of which 145 were chief umpire.
large supplies of all the things which Costa Rica cannot furnish hersell.
maidens, and only 279 runs By his well balanced posiFinally, let us remember that where there is no vision the people perish. were scored off then. Ramadhin tion behind the plate: his sound West Indies Cricketers Defeated England and in 115 overs, and Valen took 11 wickets for 152 ruos and impartial judgment, we are convinced that the creden.
at Lords Ground tine in 116 overs for 127 tial he possesses has been well On a perfect wicket at the Goddard, also of Barbados.
earned. Some voices have been famed Lords ground, London, Scores: Were: West Indies, Walcott powerful driving raised against a few of his the West Indies defeated Eo 326 and 425 for declared; in his 2nd ionings koock for decisions, but the source from gland by 326 runs on Thurs. England, 151 and 274. 168 not out overshadowed his which they came had to weight day to win their first Test The West Indies first innings equally good work behind the to the well informed in the match in England after 50 lacked lustre, except for the stumps, where he took two game.
years of cricket tours there. stroke play of Frank Worrel, cathes and stumped two in The victory was due to the who is without equality in that the lst innings.
fact that the West Indies now department today and is ca Only Washbrook and Par Doctor Oscar Pacheco possess one of the best balap lled the modero McCartney khouse seemed likely to get ced teams in their cricketing by the Englis critics and that on top of the West Indies Physician and Surgeon history; but great credit be of Everton Weekes, who is also bowling, and this partnership From the University of loogs to the phenomenal bow. delightful to watch. Rae did Goddard broke up just before Pensylvania, ling of Sonny Ramadhio of a splendid job of holding down close of play Wednesdad by SPECIALITY: Trinidad and Alfred Valentine one end for four hours and taking an unbelievable catch Diseases of Women of Jamaica, both 20 year old 40 minutes, scoring meanwhile at silly mid off to dismiss Office: 75 yards West of the slow spinners, brilliant batting 106, and achieving the coveted Parkhouse for 48. Next day Colegio de Señoritas. San Jose by Clyde Watcott of Barbados distinction of making a century Washbrook failed to add to his and Allan Rae of Jamaica, and HOURS: 10. 12 p.
in his first test match at Lords. overnight 114.
inspired captaincy by John But most batsmen got out in TRAMO NUMBER 20 DR. MIGUEL DEJUK LIMON MARKET Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America Ao attractive and well stocked grocery is now in this place and is the outcome of the change of proprietor: ADVISES by the new management former customers as well as new ones are assured: His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situaBetter and greater Variety ted two and a half blocks West of the Liberty Hall and Better attention and service his service is at their disposal.
Better prices and bargains Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: Joe Lewis New Owner runs. Este documento es propiedad de la BC

    DemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismSovietURSSWorld War

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