
Page THE ATLANTIC July 15, 1950 July 15, OUR are XST. MARK CHURCH RUBEN CHING SON RE LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar. EXPORTER OF CACAO Conve and the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: We We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras SUNDAYS: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office. 00 Sunday School 00 Solemn Evengong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 BASEBALL Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00 pm, BASE BALL piter initialed the batting and See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcemonts Luncheons were set aside the batting prowress of the Memo earned one run. In replying and perhaps some cut and Braves came in view and chalThe Groans of Many of Our Small swallowed to have been at the ked on the tins, four runs.
Banana Producers playground on the dot of the Many of our small banana ubs Jupiter match: For JuThis give and take battle wa producers have effected their PERSONALIA piter it was a crucial moment, ged to the fourth and Braves porta series groans to us with regard to Looking in the bloom of not only their feeling of mas added a single.
Ices am the heavy loss which they are health, Mr. and Mrs. Fred tery over the Cubs, but a loss. military sustaining in the cultivation Sheehy of the Steamship De would have somewhat clipped himself and free bases became redere of banana on our zone.
It is generally known that partment of the Uoited States It is generally known that the the order of things, then ma tions the age of the soil on which of America. Their reunion to Cubs have entered the League king things worst, the Short Conrad the fruit is grown has much the North American Colony by the spirit of sport, but not stops was a balast on the team; ber of duction, that is used soil after is a medium of enhancement to sufficiently whipped into shape runs in favour of Bataan; the to do with the quality of pro and our community in general that the young players have Joe, at third made also an error; Staff all put together produced four reporte is work reaping several crops the yield all worthy human endeavours.
for champion honours.
scores at this juncture were day as in the number of hands will Jupiter chalked up six runs five. five.
armam lessen; just what the farmers and shut out the Cubs to a no are now confronted with; an We cherish the opportunity hit contest. We admit the JuThe shadows of eveniog bewar pr abundance of six and seven of the introduction to Miss piters are capable to throw gapt to fall; manager George med hand bunches which seemingly Daisy Heory of Colon, Repu riags around the Cubs, but placed Dick on the mound.
destroy been the exporters have no market blic of Panama. The contact the failures witnessed by the Bataan up to the eight in ding to supply this grade.
plants score. The fieldsmen was a nightmare.
We are of opioion that some was effected on our tip to battery of the Braves went in efforts are needed from some Sad Jose last week. The visitor BATAAN BRAVES swiog in the seventh inning: aogle to find a market for is wiosome personality. She two runs were gained. Darkthese lightbunches. If a remedy effected a trip from the CaSTRUGGLE ness took commacaod of the is not immediately found, we pital to Siquirres on Thursday The afternoon temperature field. Play was suspended and fear, that many of these far the 6th and hope to be in our was very soothing. Judgiog by Braves having a total of seven mers will be forced to abandon the industry.
city today. hearty welcome the number of voices raised to runs for seven innings and usher io. Bataan, an uphill Bataan five runs for eight awaits her on arrival.
Memorandum on.
task was the Braves lot. Ju Jionings played lost the match.
From poge time very inferior in compa Last Sunday we bumped LA FAMA rison to ours Today one may into Miss Julia Thompson of assume with certainty that this Cimarrones. She was a week.
Just received a grand assortment of Shoes. Tennis, th deficiency has been eliminated. end visitor in town. There is Special Shoes for playing basket ball; also heels and (To be continued) always a welcome for her.
rubber soles in all sizes.
ta ROGELIO TASIES La Fama In front of the United Medical Sanitary Building: cle (Old Theatre Moderno)
The United Cacao Producers, Limited, being now under MERCHANDISE CLUBS new management is able to pay the best prices.
Cheap Store Kader Furniture Consult our prices and in addition we give our best. de attention to the farmers and other who trade with us. MOISES KADER Fernando Hong On Alfonso Solé Lippa We remind the members of the Clubs that failure to General Manager Assistant Manager pay three consecutive quotas they forfeit all rights.
Make your payments weekly ci re Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
all. waban Costa


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