
950 July 15, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS wa been estimated at 40, 000, but last five years six to eight mithat was toe number of tanks llion new soldiers have grown Russia had in 1941 at the out. up. In case of war, millions of Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of break of war. This number Asiatic will presumably be at Musmani Bakery. San José. PHONE 6289 may possible correspond to Russia disposal. Russia will Russia yearly production but agaiog be able to pursue miWe Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with not to its overall strength One litary aims regardless of huan efficient stock of the best liquor.
should not repeat the mistake man losses. If it were not for OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods of under estimatiog Russian the Air Force, Russia today are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. armament capacity. This mis would be invincible. Therefore, take proved the doom of Ger we come to the logical concluPersonally attended by the proprietor: many. One must reckon on sion that the western powers CEDRIC KERR over 100, 000 firt class tanks. must base their whole armaand The plants in Stalingrad alone ment program on the Air Force; ying produced in 1942 5, 500 34 it alone will be able to strike the Memorandum on the Russian Military Power The Air Force was Russia decisive blows against Russia.
hal by Group of German Generals weakest weakest weapon in the The importance of another 13. Culled from the United Nations World)
last war, materialy as well as weapon which during the last This document of great im rations; new towos and cities personnel.
war was just at the beginning a res portance, is resultant of a have been created, all serviog It would be wise to be pre of its development, has been series of confidential conferen one purpose only: re armament. pared for surprises in this arm recognized by the Russians; the ces among top rankin German There is no lack of man po too. Russia today has a great rocket.
not military figures, was submit wer. Russia has at its dispo maoy German specialists and During the war, their «Sta Fame ted exclusively to United Na sal the man power reserves of skilled workers at its disposal lin organ, improved from mations World through Col. Kurt half of Europe and half of These have contributed suc month to month.
hort Conrad Arnade, former mem. Asia. The material losses have cessfully to the development of On the northern front of amber of the German General been recovered. Russsia today jet planes. Russia is a past Staliograd, Russia introduced tror; Staff. These military figures is stronger than at any time master at adapting and cop.
mortars of over 30 centimeters.
four reported as follows: Russia in the past. The basis of its ying captured weapons and During the spring of 1942, we the is working day and night, Sun. re armament program was and machines. It will have difficulty encountered them only occawere day as well as workday, on re is today the tank. It was the catching up with the western sionally, but very soon this armament, using millions of tank that brought Russia its powers technically, but it will weapon which can easily be be war prisioners, slave labourers, greatest and most decisive vic try to balance this inferiority produced appeared at the front men, women and children. The tories. Lately varying estima. by mass production. The im.
eorge in large quantities. It was and.
destroyed industrial areas have tes have been published as to mense losses in manpower of fortunate for us that the Rus.
300g been rebuilt. Countless new the strength of the Russian the last war will be noticeable sian ammunition was at that The plants have been put into ope tank force. It has repeatedly or a Jong time. Yet in the See page cot in ging Dark the aod sereo How Much Is Your Health Worth?
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ery LA PROVEEDORA re to BOX 175 PUERTO LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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