p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC July 15, 1950 THOMPSON TOOLS con made this y re reali tema THE NEW STORE THE NOBLE. of GEORGE AYUB FOR JC Has just received a grand and latest assortment of cloth for shirts, silk, silk stockings, pants, bathing suits, Army legitimate, Suitcases of all sizes; Prices are the lowest in the City.
Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
WOLF BUILDING. SAN JOSE Officers of Port Limon Branch No. 134 of (Opposite to Templo Biblico)
Ba the Jamaica Burial Scheme Society Installed in Ample Form CARIBBEAN REVIEW de Imperial Service Order (ISO. On Thursday evening the ter Muir, the pioneering King Honors Many in West Indies King Birthday Honors went to se Several policemen received the Co6th instapt, the Port Limon spirit of the local Branch, offi veral West Indians and persons ser lonial Police Medal, Branch No. 134 of the Jamaica ciated as Grand Conductor ving in the West Indies, including Development Prospects Brighten for Br.
Burial Scheme Society was Others appointed to comprise knighthoods for the Governors of Bri Honduras ELS Several private enterprise projects heightened in importance by the staff were Mr. Jas. Fran tish Honduras and the Windward Is.
Ban klio, Grand Vice Chairman, Mr.
lands. Four of the honorees are women, about to begin in British Honduras the celebration of the ceremony Sinclair Weekes, Grand Secre the Order of St. Michael and St. George toms duty as well as income tax de Appointed Knights Commander of have been granted exeption from cus y ción of Icstallation under the efficient guidance of Mr. Ha taryMr. Robert Chambers (KCMG) were Brigadier duction privileges, according to a recent Ваас Grand Assistand Arundell, government report which sets out that rold Smith, the Supreme Coup. Cecil Clayton, Grand Trea: Islands, and Ronald Herbert Garvey, an expected two million dollar investcillor of the Jamaica Burial surer, Mr. Obidiah Westoey, Governor of Bricish Honduras.
lidad ment will be ma year Scheme Headquarters at Spa Grand Inger Guard and Mrs.
Two were made Companions of the The Government, the Colonial Desamc Order (CMG. Arrow velopment Corporation, and private en nish Town, Jamaica. He was Isabella Lawrence, Grand Ou. Smith, Administrator of Dominica in terprise will share in investing this sum, effectively assisted by Mr. Peter Guard.
the Windward Islands, and Beas calculated to brighten the economic alli ley, Economic Adviser to the Comp prospects of the country.
Jos. Thomas re elected Chairman troller for Development and Private industries are expected to LO Naomi Johason Vice Chairman Welfare.
apend 408, 000 in establishing an edi.
Jas. Gosden re elected Secretary Cuke, member of the Legis. ble oil industry, soap making, tomato Gob Violet Williams re elected Assistant Secretary Council and Executive Commi growing and canning, banana producDavid Pianock ttee of Barbados, Hogben, DirecTreasurer tion, tannic acid manufacture, timber re elected tor of Education, Trinidad, and Emozine McGregor new operations, grapefruit sectionizing, and Ioner Guard Wight of British Guiana were made food processing, La Ambrozine Walker DeW Outer Guard Commanders of the Order of the British The CDC will be building a hotel espec Florence Holness renamed Member of investigatin Committee Empire (CBE)
in Belize, will launch a 400, 000 ba.
finan Mabel Allen Four were made Officers of the renamed nana project, and begin a 500 acre cacao Celestioa Hunter Order of the British Empire: re named scheme costing 973, 000.
Eyles for Eulalee Plummer public services in British Other industrial schemes under conre named Honduras; Lamb, Conserva sideration include re building the starchy cluri Rebecca Beonet re named Westfalia tor of Forests, British Honduras; industry in Stann Creek expansion of Rubena re named Parkinson, Deputy Colonial Secretary, the citrus industry by 000 acres, proEl of Osmond Campbell re damed British public Services in Grenada, Windward Islands production in the Western District. depar Chas. Rose re named Matina Eleven were made Members of the The Gulf Oil Corporation is also scarPolitie Charles Edwards re named Matina rder of the British Empire (MBE. ching for traces of oil.
chew Ant. Allen Forbes renamed Pacuarito one person in cach of Barbados, Bri number of construction projects Otros Susan McDonald new City tish Guiana, British Honduras, St. Lucia, are underway or being planned, include FL Dolores Graham new City Antigua, Monserrat, and Cayman Is ding the Baron Bliss Institute, Belize, Edmundo Roberts new City lands; two persons in Jamaica and two a Catholic college and a new convent, in Trinidad.
and a rice mill and stores.
de la To brighten the joys of the dered very effectively two soC. Collier, Assistant Colo The guaranteed sugar export allomeeting, Miss Julia Gaynor los; one each. These were re.
nial Secretary, British Guiana, and cation given by the British Ministry of trativo and Mrs. Lovina Williams ren ceived with warm applauses. Davis, Government Chemist, Trini Food as from 1935 will also afford a dad, were made Companions of the new source of income.
industri Edmo Do de EE UI Ralph Agricu new acal larive ram dir sea lore econd tria e econo mista: WEAR Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited Clifford Steele Tailor Made Suits especia Alle so persons los dife de las Hoy Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Which will never get out shape, Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate in the City of Limoni de la Balioteca Nacional Miguel Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
ateria Nacional de Balitecas del Ministerio de Cunu SweD. BRITTON, Manager el relor del Bar ción y miembre centes


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