
THE ATLANTIC Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY July 22, 1950 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 35 Year FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR In the Basket of the Week OUR TAS Frequent contact, even with earthly friends if they be worthy, If they be of strong, marked character; if their lives are sublime There are breakers ahead and it behoves us to save our youths as best as Will quickly make themselves seen in influence upon us.
we can from those treacherous rocks. This is a very pertinent subject and requires We grow more and more with those with whom we associate.
much conscientious analysis. It is a well ripened problem. None con question the desirability for ameliorating the present degenerating tendency of our rising geneCARIBBEAN REVIEW ration for the purpose of ensuring their welfare.
Import Winches for Small Timber It is widely known that by taking proper care of the children, a country is New Road Opened in Br. Honduras The Hector Creek Road, providing Operators given the oportunity of taking care of itself. We have very often heard the uncom an alternative route to the western area plimentary remarks from authoritative sources that the social problem is not with The Government of British Guiana the foreigners, but with their offspring. This statement has its regret, but it is 12 miles shorter than the old route, is tackle to be sold at hire purchase, preof British Honduras, which is about is importing three power winches and never. the less true. Our task is, therefore, to SAVE OURS YOUTHS.
now complete ferable to cooperative groups, in an Children are the source from which nations are replenished; if they are The highway was built with Colo effort to assist small operators in the neglected it is an indirect way of thwarting sound national progress. They should nial Development and Welfare funds. timber industry.
be afforded all the requisites for their intellectual, cultural and spiritual develop on the understanding that a toll would This is a pilot scheme, which, if ment, when fitted with thes, three major characteres, all other ennobling virtues be levied on motor trafic using it, and successful, will lead to the importation will be acquired by natural consequence. They should be made to realize that ta these are being collected as from June of all together 20 power winches for lent is priceless, such a knowledge will help them to devote their energy to same at the new Burdon Canal bridge.
the purpose, as proposed in the coun.
and to do all in their power to the service of their fellowmen. Our hungry in To Consecrate New Bishop of Br. try Ten Year Development Plan.
fants must be fed, the sick ones given medical care, the backward ones should be Honduras Cost of each unit is estimated at placed under efficient tuition; but most esential the delinquent ones, those The most Rev. Alan John Knight, 3200, and the Legislative Council with a tendency toward vice. they must be reclaimed. On their behalf we effect Archbishop of the West Indies Pro has voted 10. 000 for the initial purthis conscientious appeal.
vince of the Church of England (and charse.
When we observe the downward propensity of the great majority of our Bishop of Guiana) is flying to British Has Not Drunk Water for Eight Years youths, it comes home to us that they should be, and must Honduras in July to consecrate the rescued. Leaving British Guiana doctors are studying them in so dark a state would be an indication that our civilization is still or Bishop British Honduras Ven. Gerald Brooks as the new the rare case of William Greenidge, the way not yet arrived to its goal. It is very reprehensive that our woyward 56, a baker, who has not drunk water children should indulge themselves in their most profane and vulgar expressions at Al Work on Who Who of British for eight years His case was drawn to Honduras everv vantage point; regardless of the personal surroundings. People of respectatheir attention when he was admitted bility must on such occasions. feel deeply ashamed of such conduct. The English George McKesey, a former governto hospital following injury in a bicycle spoken ones are the worst, both nationals and foreigners. At times we wonder if ment servant, is preparing a Who Who accident. He explained: Eight years they really understand the meaning of the words they use. Hence this appeal for and What What of British Hondu ago my mind suddenly turned against some tangible effort to combat the evil and save the quilty from utter perdition, ras, which will carry information on Water. dont feel thirsty. have never Cannot some corrective measures be brought effect to save them and to our personalities, business, banks, trade, fi drunk water since. Greenidge, a powercity of their active profanity.
nance, governmentsports, comunica fully built man, drinks coffee, and tions, and social organizations. It will smokes hard.
It may be that our industrial inactivity has establishes a certain amount be the first of its kind to be issued in of idleness among these youths of working age, but we cannot agree that this should British Honduras, and the Government instinctively develop the habits complained about.
has assured Mr. McKesey of full coo Doctor Oscar Pacheco We see no reason why we should not have English spoken Civil Guards in peration in the preparation of the volume.
Physician and Surgeon our city and with strict orders to round up unhesitatingly those indulged in foul language.
Br. Honduras Timber Has Good Market From the University of So great has been the demand for British Honduras pine in the foreign Pensylvania, market that home users have begun to SPECIALITY: complain of supply shortage. Thc CarDiseases of Women penters, Cabinet makers and Painters Union has passed a resolution requesOffice: 75 yards West of the ting the Government to limit exporColegio de Señoritas. San Jose EXPORTER OF CACAO tation to two thirds the total quantity HOURS: 10. 12 4 of lumber sawn.
We Buy: Cacao Coconuts. Copras 13 RUBEN CHING SON Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. Old Theatre Moderno)
THE NEW STORE THE NOBLE. of GEORGE AYUB Has just received a grand and latest assortment of cloth for shirts, silk, silk stockings, pants, bathing suits, Army legitimate, Suitcases of all sizes; Prices are the lowest in the City.
Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
The United Cacao Producers, Limited, being now under new management is able to pay the best prices.
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and other who trade with us.
Fernando Hong On General Manager Alfonso Solé Lippa Assistant Manager nud Costa Rica


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