
Page THE ATLANTIC July 22, 1950 ST. MARK CHURCH THOMPSON TOOLS history LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar FOR and the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 6, 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Sucharist Sermen 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist 00 pm. Sunday School 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WOLF BUILDING. SAN JOSE Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Opposite to Templo Biblico)
Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 5, 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements CARIBBEAN REVIEW Trinidad Oil Workers Receive Increases request to West Indian governments, Anti Leprosy Conference Held in San José Workers in Trinidad oil belt have through technical officers on the staff It has been released that a plained narratively the record just been granted wage increases, esti of its Central Secretariat at Trinidad.
mated to amount to a total of one In this way it is furthering the possi tea spirit of high medical frater and graft kept of koowo cases and a half million dolars per year, in bility of dollar investments in the is nity was evinced at the Con of leprosy by that Department. an agreement between the oilfields lands.
ference treating on Anti Le The party was conveyed to Workers Trade Union recent example is the visit of prosy Compaig a held a San the Lepro Home at Las Meri Commissioners, who presided over the cultural Economics of the besearch Jose on the dates of July cedes where Dr. Romero again negotiations prior to the signing Solomon Ho Choy, Trinidad Labor Robinson, Executive Secretary (Agri Branchto obtain firs EV 8, 1950 conducted a lecture on Leprosy; agreement, described the accord as thand information requested by a com The moving spirit is Dr. exhibiting cases for verification certainly another milestone in the mercial firm in the wich in con Arturo Romero the Direc and examination; demonstra hist of industrial relationship, as well sidering an investment for crop proA.
tor of Anti Leprosy Compaign ting the response of infected to as a further advance towards complete duction in the island.
self government within Costa Rica, Dr. Frank specimen and taking of moors.
Mr. Robinson visit was requested the industry in The new wage rates are retroactive by the Administrator of Dominica, Thompson, Assistant Medical All departments of the losti from March Workers are esti with the approval of the Governor Director of the United Fruit tution were traversed and fully mated to receive more than 3000. 000 of the Windward Islands.
Company, Dr. Balma, of explained by Dr. Romero. in back pay, and it is expected that the Abaca Industry at Bataan, Around the table conference the annual wage bill of the industry Trinidad Sending Trade Mission to S. Canada will now be 15, 000. 000.
Mr. Freeman. Rehabilita was determined the mean and The Trinidad Government has ap. tion Officer of Costa Rica, Mr. ways by which to control the Woman Dentist Chalks up a First proved in principle the sending of a Mcfall, Supervisiog Saoi spread of the decease.
The first woman dentist from the trade delegation to the United States tary laspector of the Opited The party visited the Insti British Caribbean to practise in Trini and Canada to conduct a publicity cam dad is about to open offices following paign to attract industries to Trinidad Fruit Company, Sanitary los tution the following day and her arrival from Canada, Were she With this end in view, the Govern pectors, Messrs. Perez of effected further inspection, graduated at McGill University. She Bataan, Mortimer Aldridge coupled with additional Lec. is British Guiana born Dr. Mayleen trial oportunities in Trinidad. It ment is printing a brochure on indus LP of Zent, Hütt of Palmar ture and Demonstration by the Mook Sang, sister of Dr. Winston estimated that the mission would make Luis Villalobos of Golfita genius Dr. Romero. The par Mook Sane, of Frederick Street, Port contac with 30, 000 industrialists and of a Booilla of Golfita Echeverría ticipants are said to have exshould attract at least 30 now industries. of Quepos Jose Calderon of pressed their willingness to Caribbean Commission Aiding Dollar 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 AV San Jose Mrs. Angela Mur. assist in erradicatiog in this Investment The Caribbean Commission is maCompre y lea todos los phey, Matron of Liberty Hos Republic king technical assistance available on sábados este Semanario pital of the Dominican Repu HJ blic the Technical Staff of tbe Le pers Home and Sisters of EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
Io. JG the Saint Anna Religion San Jose, Costa Rica Two blocks south Atlantic Station opposite Jo Dr. Romero conducted the Botica Primavera LP party through the offices of the San Juan de Dios. HOS THE ATLANTIC Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay St pital and is said to have ex if you visit, Pension Venezuela: Large airy rooms, newly LIMON, COSTA RICA furnished, Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisitely prepared meals served. Moderate prices. You are welcome where you will have unequaled facilities for rest and of th relaxation Proprietors: Delfin Barquero y Señora is Pension Venezuela Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited DR. MIGUEL DEJUK Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted for for Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON, Manager Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America ADVISES His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situs ted two and a half blocks West of the A. Liberty Hall and his service is at their disposal.
Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Migu Lizar


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