p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC July 22, 1950 TIENDA HOLLYWOOD. DE The Municipal Indebtedness In view of the propaganda in circulation concerning the indebtedness of the Limon A. Division 300 to the Limon Municipality for Taxes hereby submit the following recorded information: I, the undersigned acting Executive Secretary of the Limon Division 300 of the Universal Negro Improvement Association August 1929; Certify that in the Official account book and Daily Opperation Sheets both carried by said Limon Division 300 from March 3, 1942 and January 1, 1945 to date respectively is recorded the amount of 1151. 10 paid to the Limon Municipality for Texas in the following order by the Stan Dixon Administration: Paid April 14, 1947 the amount of 371. 20 for balance account 1945 16. 70 for Quarters (ONE YEAR) 1946 283. 60 for Quarters Inst Qır. 1947 Paid October 1948 for Otrs. 1947 and Ots. 1948 496. 30 Paid July 1949 Qers. for 1949 212. 70 Paid December 1949 Qtr. Last Quarter) 1949 70. 90 Total Paid 1151. 10 The above does not include Territorial Taxes.
Respectfully aubmitted Doris Holness Limon. July 17, 1950.
Acting Executive Secretary SALOMON BERENZON Medias Nylon Brassieres Maiden Form Ropa Intima para Señoras.
Sederia y Algodones de Moda Joyería, Fan.
tasías. Productos Yardley.
70. 90 MERCHANDISE CLUBS Cheap Store Kader Furniture. de CARD OF THANKS This will serve to express publicly our deep gratitude to the many friends and sympathizers who have demons.
trated their Condolence by mediums of Cards and Letters; their assistance at the funeral and other tokens of goodwill on the occasion of the death of our dear beloved daughter and sister MIRIAM ALLEN June 21, 1950 Mother Stepfather, Edna, Cleodine, Amy Other Relatives Sisters MOISES KADER We remind the members of the Clubs that failure to pay three consecutive quotas they forfeit all rights.
Make your payments weekly On The Russian. Russian rule are prepared ideoFrom page logically and politically for war.
invincibility, of the absolute su Russia today has the strongest periority of the Red Army over army in the world about 170 the armies of the capital world. infantry; 35 armoured and 60 All the people living Under artillery divisions. To be continued)
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