
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 36 July 29, 1950 Year Press FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR In the Basket of the Week OUR TAS Our passage lies across the brinck Today, we are using one of the Yankee popular expressions Blow your Of many a threatening wave own hors, that is, we are expressing our thought on the Newspaper and its The world expects to see us sink.
educational and other values to the readers.
But Jesus lives to save us.
In this era of unrest smong the inhabitants of the Earth, we should lend our efforts toward the elimination of strife and vain glory It is essential for us to bring our scattered units under one united whole. The Press is the best medium On The Russian Military Power by which this can be accomplished, we do not know of any other which can outdo the great educational benefits derivable from the reading of newspapers. Continued from last issue)
The development of Science or say man progressive intellect has placed The peace the Russians to achieve tremethe Radio our disposal, even this wonder of the age has not floored the greater service of the The reader obtains much knowledge, much comfort time strength of the Red Army dous output, and even tranquility of mind by reading of the happenings both at home and amounts to million men. To be continued)
abroad. Spiritual communication is had with the peoples in far off lands. The sick The trained reserves are 25 is not disturbed, but rather cheered by listening to an intelligent reader, while the million. It can therefore, lead Radio, in such a one room will result in increased sufferings and retrogretion.
PERSONALIA We are not opposed to modern inventions and discoveries; our only desire is to into battle 30 million men. The The Reverend william Graham Love effect comparison and call attention to a service of smaller cost and greater joy Army consists of army groups of our Anglican Diocese, we learn, to those who take advantage of it. We are also much concerned to arouse the The one most interesting for us with regret is not in the best of health interest of non. newspaper readers is the Second Army Group and by which he is absent from our It is further desired to emphesize that the training of the young should be (Center West) comprising the city, taking the revigorating climate of toward attaining successful lives, thus poving the way for the one hereafter. The newspaper will, undoubtedly enhance these sheachings and facilitate the develop Baltics, White Russia, and the the capital. He is greatly missed not ment of unformed characters Let us face the issue. Our English spoken community divisions stationed in the Eas only by his own flock, but in general due to his cndcarment to our commuhas not been reading sufficiently. With only one weekly newspaper issued locally tern Zone of Germany. The nity.
in the English language, our ears should lingle with the news boys aies of THE Second Army Group is under ATLANTIC. It would helph the effort put forth, if you will resolve that the slogan the command of Marshall Rofrom this week forward THE ATLANTIC in every English spoken home If our Mrs. Teresa Henry, the esteem wife distributing system has not yet reached you, please order us to do so. Bear in kossovsky. The Third Army of Mr. Philip Henry, the commercial mind thai the news we print will not, as a rule, be to the toste of all, but you Group (South West) in the trader of West Fifth Avenue of this should spend twenty five cents weekly and read them.
Ukraine is probably under the city was a Taca passenger on Monleadership of the conquerer of day the 24th. She left on a tourist Berlin and the liberator of Mos. Republic to the South. May she er joy trip to visit friends in the neighbouring cow, Marshall Zhukov. Each. fruitful stay and a safe return.
Army Group consists as a rule of four armies, each army of 10 divisions. The infantry is 60 muel Skeates, the principal of the SeIt has been released that Mr. SaClifford Steele to 70 per cent motorized, the venth Day Adventist School in this artillery up to 80 per cent mo city is slated to sever his very valuable Tailor Made Suits torized. The cavalry has been services with that institution at the relegated into the background end of July. Mr. Skeates, ever since Here are three special reasons why you should and is used only for border his arrival at this section of the globe FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
patrol and reconnaissance. The and esteem; a character of esplendid has won good people appreciation SECOND: The neatness of workmanship main force, as said before, is culture, educationally fit; a songster of THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Which will never get out shape.
the tank. Here we have two outstanding quality. On his first aptypes: the improved 34 and pearance on a public stage hc tops Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate the heavy Stalin tank, armed the very best of Limon with the mein the City of Limon.
respectively with 12 and 14 cen his capabilities we sce in him no de lodies of his voice. Not with standing timeter cannon. Further, we have monstration of pomp or grandeur. He the middle heavy and heavy will be deeply missed among Adven.
mortars mounted respectively on tints and our community in general.
the chasis of the 34 and Further progress in his intellectual and Stalin tanks.
other praise Worthy endeavourers are Such standardization enables rever he may be domiciled.
our very sincere wishes for him, whe WEAR XVisit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited Pension Venezuela Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Two blocks sonth Atlantic Station opposite Botica Primavera Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay if you visit, Pension Venezuela. Large airy rooms, newly furnished, Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisitely prepared meals served. Moderate prices. You are welcome where you will have onequaled facilities for rest and relaxation.
Proprietors: Delfin Barquero y Señora BRITTON, Manager Juventud Costa


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