
Page THE ATLANTIC July 29, 1950 RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS cutiv instance as many are twice as MERCHANDISE CLUBS Cheap Store Kader Furniture Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José. PHONE 6289. de MOISES KADER We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
We remind the members of the Clubs that failure to OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods pay three consecutive quotas they forfeit all rights.
are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. Make your payments weekly Personally attended by the proprietor: CEDRIC KERR Mr. And Mrs Henry Steele Are in the United States of America IN BRITAIN TODAY few weeks ago many prominent brethren of the Costa Rica Division of Compre y lea todos los There are now 22 million people tional Assistance Act, local authorities Jehovah Witnesses left this Republic at work in Britain 22. 000 more than to participate in the proposed mammoth sábados este Semanario at the end of 1949. The unemployment for elderly people who cannot look Convention slated to begin on the 30th figure remains very low and is actually after themselves and to help them with Not 6, to have below its level a year ago. It represents meals, laundry services and domestic Os its setting in Yankee Stadium, Hats Off to Mr. Char a proportion of per cent of the help. In Scotland, for instance, since dinary Among those left was Mr. Henry Steele les Hayling and His total insured employed population. the passing of the Act, six homes for a widely known and warmly appreciaold people have been opened, 21 have Diri ted citizen. His visit to the United Principals There is no British industry in which been acquired and the acquisition of Libert States of America had its added joy to In the name of our travelling part. It has been estimated that one in women are not playing an important another 16 is under consideration.
of the sce his son Mr. Joseph Prince Steele public and in our own name every factory workers are women, sober hen his family. Mr. Jose Steele is a British productivity team is now TL New Yorker of long and esteem standing we move a vote of thanks to and in some industries, for visiting the United States to study of We had the very commendable infor Mr. Charles Hayling and his cotton textiles, there are American methods of freight handling, mation that the meeting of father and principals for having given ri.
women as men. In engineering, women Their inquiries cover the whole ques God son accompanied by his family was a ghtful consideration and reme.
represent about one fifth of the labor tion tion of dock and harbor design and. land, Work reunion and acquaintance in semblance lay out, storage and arrangements for Speec of the historical visit of Jacubo of is died the case in the transpor of agricultural workers are women conveyance by road, rail and pach to his son Joseph in Egypt The tation service between the city Nine out of 10 single women are doing Four trade unionists are included in Arthu son, in sceing his father, the deeper and the Estrella region by the paid work of some description, and the team, which has as its objeted, Camg love of mother impulsed him to send resumption of the Thursday one out of married women the maximization of efficiency in home of for her and with clock wise regularity freight and passenger combina Efforts are being made by the British nabout of shipping.
ports and the securing of a specdy tur. Rober all was arranged for her trip which tion; a service which offers a Government and both sides of the Conc was pleasureally perfected betwen Limon and San Jose by our good medium of convenience and building industry to speed up the hou.
Reg Remarkable results are being obtaifriend and ned esteem townsman, Mr. relief to the traveller on that sine program. Local authorities may Britain in financ allow one new house in every by firms through new Branc Clifford Steele. We are no stranger to line. We have heard true expres five production methods without to be built for a private ownercapital the fact of the great business sacrifice sions of gratitude for all con occu occupier. Builders are being encoura commercial road vehicles, new produc expenditure. In a firm manufacturing The it entailed our city merchant tailor to cerned, ged to adopt bonus incentive schemes tion techniques, including improved had taken his father and mother on which are considered one of the most arrangements for flow line production, two separate occasions within two Para sus trabajos de Imprenta direct ways of increasing productivity have already resulted in a substantial show weeks apart to San Jose and Put on One firm by adoptin bonus incentive increase in output; an ultimate increase arising wings on them form the great North EDITORIAL VICTORIA scheme succeeded in reducing the cost of 33 and one third per cent is expecAmerican Republic, but in the full San José, Costa Rica Ap. 1428 of cach of 70 houses by 100.
ted. In a Lancashire nail making firm consciousness of the love for his pa.
the complete reorganization of the rents, we observe human sunbeams on Special arrangements are being made production system has led to 100 per don Clifford countenance by having With the Methodist to provide more and better homes for cent rise in productivity since the end helped sa nobly to effect possible the See page Teunion of his parents and his brother On Sunday, the 6th of Au old people in Britain. Under the Na.
and likewise are the joys of Messrs. gust the year Missionary Ser.
John and Regeie Steele, Mesdames vices of the Wesleyan Metho. DR. MIGUEL DEJUK Margaret Lewis and Josefina Rojas. dist Church will be conducted λια.
We are pleased to have dedicated in the city Church The guest these columns to their honour and at preacher will be the Reverend Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America the same time wishing them a confor:Harris Fenton of the San Jose lective table and enjoyable stay; the full spiriADVISES tual benefit of the Convention and a Biblical Institute. The public safe return to Costa Rica.
addresses son Christian will be His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situadelivered on the night of Mon ted two and a half blocks West of the A. Liberty Hall and day the 7tb. hearty welcome his service is at their disposal.
is in store for Methodists and Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: San José, Costa Rica friends.
sentat now the Was Muc Cerin berty Hali, follow The solutio Tetto The tona bers pott The Monster RUBEN CHING SON. EXPORTER OF CACAO THE NEW STORE THE NOBLE. of GEORGE AYUB Has just received a grand and latest assortment of cloth for shirts, silk, silk stockings, pants, bathing suits, Army legitimate, Suitcases of all sizes; Prices are the lowest in the City.
Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón


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