
29, 1950 July 29, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page Productores Unidos de Cacao, Itda.
THOMPSON TOOLS hods ution. DOW wth of (Old Theatre Moderno)
FOR with The United Cacao Producers, Limited, being now under new management is able to pay the best prices.
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best WOLF BUILDING. SAN JOSE attention to the farmers and other who trade with us. Opposite to Templo Biblico)
Fernando Hong On Alfonso Solé Lippa authorities General Manager Assistant Manager The Gallant Negro Regiment modation Tokio. July 22: Coloured the edge of a hill which is a not look hem with Notes from Executive Conference American Regiment recaptured natural defence battery for the Yechon which was taken by North American Troops which domestic On Sunday July 9th, the 3rd. Or members were received and Officers North Koreans from the United is combating in the oriental secce, tince dinary sitting of the Exc installed to the Cimarrones Division omes for cutive Conference of the Costa Rica 21 bare District was held at the Cimarrones who received the right hand of FellowMr, Schaschmidst was among those States Force.
tion of the battle front.
isition of Liberty Hall under the Chairmanship ship as a newly enrolled Member and The 24th regiment of the This gallantry of the of the Hon. Stan, Dixon Commis spoke on the letter Other Spea 25th Division of the United negro regiment recalled to me.
sioner of Costa Rica.
kers were: Field Worker Robert States Army took part for the mory the inmortal words of The Opening formalities consisted Brown, Mr. Arthur Satchwell and Com. first time in the war in Korea Abraham Lincoln in August, study of Ritualastic prayer by Acting Chap missioner Stan Dixon.
handing lain Arthur Brown of Limon. Solo o and the soldiers repeated their 1864 ole ques.
Conference Reporter God Creator of our Race by Field prowess of the last world war He declared that but for the sigo and Worker Miss Doris Holness. Welcome Speeches to the Offi ials and Repres THE ATLANTIC city of Vechon. This regiment States as a single nations would by recapturing the important aid of the Negro, the United shippingsentatives by the President elect, Mr.
luded it Arthur Satchwell and Mr. John is said to compose of only ne.
objeted, LIMON, COSTA RICA cease to exist. Drive back, Campbell Secretary and the obligating groes.
in home of delegates by Field Worker Mr.
he said, to the support of the eedy tu Robert Brown, Secretary of the In Britain.
This famous regiment headed rebellion the physical force which Conference.
From page the assault, seconded by South the coloured people now give Repores were read of the social and ne oba financial Activities of the Division, ring of production costs. At the same of the war, with a proportionate lowe Korean Army and compelled and promise us and neither the home Branches, Chaptersaand Committees of time, operatives average carnings have ments to retreat. Yechon is 64 nistration can save the Unión.
the two South Korean regi present nor any coming admicapire the District. April to June ending doubled since 1939. The unions in kilometers north west of the Take from us and give to the facudies The Official Commissioner Report both cases, cooperated fully in the great railway juntion of Kun enemy the hundred and thirty produc scheme.
Much interest and determination was chong. the vital railway artery thousand coloured persons now bestancial, shown by the Delegates in a discussion arising from the Limon Reports con The British Government is coopeof Pusan which is of vital im serving, as soldiers sermen, and cerning the Siezure of the Limon Li. rating with the United States in ca portance for its strategical lo labourers and we cannot longer berty Hall and Properties, By Amos fring out President Truman Point cation, because it is situated on maintain the contesto Biele Hall, Sylvester Cunningham and their developed areas sum of 750, 000 Four Program for assistance to underfollowers.
The Question of Delegate and Re has been promised through the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
LA FAMA solutions from Costa Rica to the Con. This will be the largest contribution vention was seriously debated next to that of the United States. Net The Conference adopted a Resolu British investment public and private Just received a grand assortment of Shoes. Tennis, tion and By laws for Sick and Death Sterling Area countries for the years Special Shoes for playing basket ball; also heels and Auxiliary to the Benefit of all memin 1947 1949 is estimated at over 500 rubber soles in all sizes.
bers of the Various Branches throu millions. Official schemes permit of eria ghout the District which becomes ef. Government finance of over.
ROGELIO TASIES fective at once. 230, 000, 000 for the development of The Conference was followed by a public services and commercial projects La Fama In front of the United Medical Sanitary Monster Mass Meeting at which new in colonial territories.
Building ind meat for mproved oduction increase erpe ng firm 100 per the end mage itur ST. MARK CHURCH THE PEOPLE HOUSE 11 JACK ORANE SUCS.
Limón LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: SUNDAYS 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermen 00 a. m, Choral Holy Eucharist 300 pm Sunday School 700 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays. Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00 Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 5, 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements Obregón Lizano loth my You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
stema Nacior de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Tice.

    World War

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