p. 8


Tramo Joe Lewis be Page THE ATLANTIC July 29. 1950 Very Sad Occurence Has Been Recorded Last Saturday morning we sentative to the threeman delegation learn with mingled feelings the appointed to go to London and inter very sad occurence which was View the Secretary of State for the Co.
lonies in July on the serious situation LIMON MARKET the lot of Marcus James, a cidue to the excessive cost of the Cas.
tizen who sustained a very se. tries reconstruction.
We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign rious wound from the acciden He is Hon. Francis Carasco, OBE, and native products. The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
tal discharge of his gun.
president of the seamen union and It is reported that the young, Union.
executive member of the Worker OUR MOTTO man returned from the farm and Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please cur buyers in placing the gun on the floor Grenada Fishing Industry Being little profit on our money, but no profiteering of the house which he occu Organized JOE LEWIS, Proprietor pies on the farm at Sandoval With the help of a Development on the Zent Line, the triger of and Welfare grant of 55, 000 to be Korean Minister the gun is said to have struck spent over a period of six years, Gre nada Agricultural Department is plan in London a projecting board and off went ning the organization of the island the gun; the bullet pierced a fishing industry.
Inmcdiately the Comvery delicate organ of the un launch to be provided for dismunist. dominated fortunate man. He was rushed tant excursions and returning the catch North Korean forces to shore; fresh water fish culture is to launched their attack on South Korea, it was Rica Banana Company where to be appointed who will assist in for condemned as an act every skilful medical and surming fishermen cooperatives and other of aggression by the gical attention was immediately self help groups, in addition to other United Nations Secugiven to him. The victim is a duties.
rity Council, who de.
manded an inmediate brother of our good friend Mr.
Government Opens Information Service, cease fire Victor McKnight of the office St. Vincent The news of these staff of the Merchandise DePreparations are being made to ins.
hostilities in Korea caupartment of the Costa Rica titute a Government Information Ser sed great anxicty to the Banana Company. It is our sin. vice in St. Vincent to get across to the Korean Minister in cere wishes that he will be com public an understanding of government London, the Hon.
Tchi Chang Yun He pletely recovered from the injury matters. Principal medium will be a sustained.
small newspaper, formerly run by the is seen here with his Social Welfare Department of St. Vinwife in their London Cent, which is being abolished.
home at Bryanston Square, studying the latest news from his home country. Caribbean Review British Vice Consal, Retiring Here and there on the War at Korea Tamaica and Trinidad May Join Citrus Walter Frederick James, MBE, BriForces tish Vice Consul at New York, who Some time in the week re. Dean of the United States Army Now that the British Ministry of specialized in British West Indian afcently passed American and reported missing; seemingly pe Food is no longer bulk buying citrus fairs and is largely responsible for the British war vessels destroyed rished in a deadly encounter and citrus products from the West good relations which exist between the population of the west coast with the enemy; he is said to Indici, Trinidad and Jamaica exporthe British Caribbean residents in New of Yong fok, a city captured by have faced the blunt of the fi negotiating prices with the trade in are planning to join forces in York and the British officials in that area, is due to retire in August the Korean Communists. This ghting as a consequence of his the United Kingdom Won mander He joined the staff of the Consubombardment is said to be a characteristic heroism; such as legation is going from Kingston to Port lete General in 1917, was appointed military plan to stop the ad he demonstrated in World War of Spain for preliminary talks with ciPro Consul the same year, and was vance of the enemy to Pusen, Second and for which he was trus producers honored by the King in 1927.
their port of supplies. Admiral decorated with the Distingui Labor Leader On Castries Mission to 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charles Joy is the naval Com shed Service Cross. He was mander of the Far East. On the military Governor of Korea trade unions, the Acting Administrator EL ATLANTICO Following representations by the even date a bloody battle was from 1947 to 1949 and was tem of Luci a has added a labor reprefought against the enemy Ar APARTADO 199 tillery and Tanks at Taeyon.
porary the Commander in chief The 24th Division of the United of the United Sates Forces in States Force is reported to have Korea retreated from the trenches of defence. Five North American Doctor Oscar Pacheco ot SALOMON BERENZON airplanes, including a few Su per Fortresses 29 were shot Physician and Surgeon Latest Flash Just Arrived down. The American fighting From the University of American Prints 36 inches wide a 00 yarda planes and Bombers 29 of the Pensylvania, USA.
American Prints, 36 inches wide a 50 yarda Fifth Air Force effected 76 in.
SPECIALITY: Jabardine Shirts, fine, with zippers a 20 00 ea.
cursions and destroyed 14 airDiseases of Women Gabardine Shirts, fine, with button 18 00 planes of the eneiny fighters Office: 75 yards West of the Gabardine Shirts, wistra, with zippers a 15. 00 and one bi motor bomber. Colegio de Señoritas San Jose Blue Dien. for men pants 25 yarda XHOURS: 10. 12 4 pm Army Khaki for men pants or suit 550 yarda Major General William Shark skin in all colours, English Casimires, plain striped For Sale, immediately FOOTWEARS new Underwood Typewriter given away for only Fine quality children shoes 12. 00 pair 500 00 Owner leaving for abroad. The factory price Fine quality college students shoes, rubber soles, and of this typewriter is now 700. 00 to 1, 000. 00 everything else you need Call at our office in this city for further particulars.
AT REDUCED PRICES Room 8, building in front Cathedral Visit us and you will be convinced ters TIENDA HOLLYWOOD a ea ea.
a a

    SpainWorld War

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