
THE ATLANTIC Ed tor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY August 5, 1950 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 37 Year FROM OUR DESK OUR BY THE EDITOR TAS In the Basket of the Week The ability of a people to govern themselves is not easily attained Liberty, freedom, independence are not mere words The repetition of wich brings fulfi met They demand long, arduos self sacrificing preparation.
RUBEN CHING SON. EXPORTER OF CACAO We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
CARIBBEAN REVIEW Sport News ployees. Mr. Watson, 68, has been The official receipts for the first a Municipal Court judge since Test match at Old Trafford, Manches. 1931.
Birth Anniversary of Britain Queen ter, between England and the West Born in Jamaica, he migrated to the Indics, were 66, 025, of wich the in 1905 and became naturalized With much delight we adorn these columns with the photographs of Their West Indies share was 16, 955. Nearly in 1913, the same year he graduated Majesties, the King and Queen of Britain as a special token of esteem on the 50, 000 spectators paid for admission from the Law School.
occasion of the birth anniversary of Her Mojesty.
during the four days play.
Fifty years ago yesterdoy was born of the Scotch Castle of Glamis, home Bruce Pairaudeau, young British Gui: Earl Baldwin Leaves the Leewards of age old traditions dating from the time of Mcbeth, immortalised in Shokes nese who scored a century in his de Thousands of people turned out to peare famous tragedy, The Lady Elizabeth Angela Bowes Lyou who in her but match as an amateur for Burnley join in an emotional farewell to Earl twenty third year became the wife of the then Duke of York, now King of the in the Lancashire League, in England, Baldwin or his return to England from vast British Commonwealth of Nations. Although not previously trained for the followed up this performance with St. John s, Antigua, after relinquishing high station, however, on the accession of her husband, without cavil, she assumed another brilliant century knot against his post has Governor of the Lee Ward her duties as Queen and so well has she acquitted herself, that she stands now Nelson, scoring 102 out of Burnley Islands as the true prototype and example to all British womanhood; in fact not only to 143 for Lord Baldwin, said to be the most British womanhood, but to the universe of womanhood. She has earned endear The next annual general meeting of popular governor with the masses in ment not only by those hearts where through runs British blood but almost throughout the West Indies Cricket Board of Con.
24 years, resigned in disgust after the Christendom.
trol will take place during October, in trade unions, whose cause he sought to aid and with whom he had become Daring the years of peace it has been recorded that this noble Lady wended Trinidad.
her dainly way through the highest salons and the poorest quarters learning thoroughMalvern Football Club, league chami a favorite, turned against him and enly the problems of her people, acquiring understanding of the minds and aspipions in Trinidad for the past two dangered the island cconcmy by a Series of strikes.
ration of all classes from the highest to lowest and gaining the heartfelt homage years, are on a two week tour of Barand admiration of all sections of her great Empire bados as guests of Spartan Club.
Then came the terrible war of 1939 1945 and is it said Queen Elizabeth Fourteen members of the British Working Class Flats Near Completion Working class flats under construcfound fresh and unexpected ways of getting even closer ta the hearts of her people. Guiana Portuguese Catholic Guild team tion in the burnt out area in Castries, It was gleeful moments for the Nazi Bombers to destroy a portion of Buckingham series with Portuguese in Trinidad are in Trinidad for a two week sports St. Lucia, by the Colonial DevelopPalace, but little did the Germans realize that by such wanton act they helped to ment Corporation, are nearing complebring home to the ordinary men, woman and child at age of reason, one of the Jamaica Heads Civil Service tion, and the Acting Administrator has fundamental principles of British democracy; namely: that the kingdom rulers did Commission announced the Government approved not esteem themselves overlords of their subjects or members of a higher race than Judge James Watson, one of the rates of rental, which range from those over whom they rule, and by putting the Royal Family thus or a per in must prominent members of New to 18 a month, with a 25 por cent suffering with the lowest in earthly possession of their fellowmen, bound still closer York West Indian colony, has been Sewerage rate.
the sentimental and homely ties which unite the King and Queen with all Britons. appointed President of the Municipal Persons not in the working class THE ATLANTIC with due reverence and sincerity of purpose extends its Civil Service Commission, which con category can rent the flats, if available, congratulations to Her Mojesty on the arrival of the half century years of her very crols several hundred thousand city em but must pay 50 por cent higher rentals.
useful life. We also fervently pray that she will not ogain have the dreaded experience of the years 1939 1945 Tramo Joe Lewis THE NEW STORE THE NOBLE. of GEORGE AYUB Has just received a grand and latest assortment of cloth for shirts, silk, silk stockings, pants, bathing suits, Army legitimate, Suitcases of all sizes; Prices are the lowest in the City.
Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
LIMON MARKET We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native products. The fast movements of our gocds enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOTTO Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please cur buyers little profit on our money, but no profiteering JOE LEWIS, Proprietor ad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miquel Obregón Lizan stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica

    DemocracyEnglandFootballNazismWorking Class

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