
1950 August 5, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page ap TS mes Pension Venezuela DR. MIGUEL DEJUK Two blocks south Atlantic Station opposite Botica Primavera Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University Ucited States of America Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay ADVISES if you visit Pension Venezuela. Large airy rooms, newly furnished, Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisitely preHis esteem patients as well as prosp ctive ones that his office is situapared meals served. Moderate prices. You are welcome ted two and a half blocks West of the U, Liberty Hall and where you will have unequaled facilities for rest and his service is at th:ir disposal.
Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: Proprietors: Delfin Barquero y Señora there are said to be hidden creating a special department to AdmiBritish Fight Communist Guerrillas in camps where the bandits do nister loans to enable sugar workers to Malaya Jungle their training purchase or repair houses.
Funds for the loans are derived The insurgent groups are Army and Air Force Units Start Third Year of Campaign Against Terrorist from a cess on sugar exported to the far from being stabilized in United Kingdom at a guaranteed price While troops aod An. me have been killed.
these areas however and seem and all cated to a Labor Welfare Fund.
Communist guerrillas are so glo American naval forces are ere to have no fixed bases for Workers employed in any form on ed: in action on the Korean front, ruthless in their terror tactics arms, ammunition or food. agriculture or agricultur products will the British are stepping up that they do not hesitate to From jungle hideouts they re.
be able to borrow up to 1, 440, if 50 campaigo they have been wa kill their own people in their ceive supplies, recruits and pro 480 for repairs buying or building a house, and up to by the giog for two years against Com attacks. Last month, bandits tection from «squatters, mos.
The loans will be free of interest for the first year, and munist guerrilla forces in Ma fired machioe guns into the tly Chinese, who were forced thereafter will bear interest at two per 32, laya audience of a tent theatre in into the countryside by the cent.
of Small tightly organized bands the village of Bata Elis. Unar Japanese during World War New Party Makes Stvides in Grenada Ich of kill and run terrorists are med workers have been mur II. There are some 300. 000 of ase increasing their attacks, aimed dered at their posts, and the these squatters, many of whom new political party, launched in a country district of Grenada a year ago, 10 at crippling Malaya, source of toll of women aod children occupy jungle clearings and has now invaded St. George s, and prowat half the world rubber and has been beavy.
contest every seat at the geod One third of the world rice. The planters of Malaya grow fruit and vegetables for poses a livelihood. They live in terror bruary, 1951, on a basis of universal neral election due to be held in Fe.
The guerrillas, of whom about and their wives have to sleep of the guerrillas, who murder to are (binese, are with guns beneath their pillows them if they inform on them.
adult noe tenths franchise It is the Grenada People Party, now more active than at any Most of the planters have To cope with the new threat founded by Gairy, ex Trinidad be time since the campaign began sand bagged their lonely how from the bandits, the Govern and Aruba worker, whose chief lieuin June 1948. The number of in the jungle and have ment has appointed a Director home in business after several years in tenant is Robert Modeste, now back be incidents has risen this year bright lights burning all night of Operations, Lieutenant Ge South American countries.
10 from 225 in February, 290 in so that prowlers can be seen.
peral Sir Harold Briggs, who March, 380 in April. to 509 in The terrain of Malaya favors is charged with the task of Constitutional Reform Reeches Leewerd Te May: In two years 803 civi the guerrillas. Four fiftbs of ite coordinating the anti baodit The Leeward Islands, including Anbe lians have been ardered 50. 850 square miles is covered operations of the police and tigua, Kits Nevis and Anguilla, and In addition to the large num by dense juogle where visibi fighting services.
Montserrat, are to benefit from the wave of constitutional reform that is ber of British troops recently lity is often less thao fifteen landed in Malaya, air reinfor feet. After their hit and rup sweeping the British Caribbean. On the basis of recommendations of a com.
se cements have also arrived. These raids, the bandits flee into the Carribbean Review mittee which reported last January 22, include a squadron of Bri deep forests where they are Adams Denies Interest in Chief Justice test is to be introduced into these is adult suffrage with a simple literacy gand light bombers The able to disperse and assemble Post in Malaya is already as the occasion demands.
Grantley Herbert Adams, majority lands in time for the general elections to be held in October.
using squadrons of Spitfire It seems likely from the fre. leader in the Barbados House of As.
at fighters and heavy four motor quency and skill of the attacks sembly and prominent West Indian for Colonies in London has just been Approval of the Secretary of State al Lincola bombers.
that the guerrillas are being is interested in obtaining appointment lawyer, has denied to the press that he given to this reform, which means of From the beginning of the directed by a central autho as Chief Justice of the Windward and that all income, property, tax, or rent qualifications for voters will be removed, campaign in june 1948 up till rity. Their base area is belie. Leeward Islands, the post recently va and the only remaining requirement April 1950 a total of 1138 ved to be in the big state of cated by Sir Clement Melone.
bandits had been killed, and Pahang on will be that the person be 21 years of Adam denial followed press reports the undeveloped that he had been offered the job. This age or over, and be able to read and 1, 004 captured During the eastern half of the peninsula, the labor leader did not confirm nor write well enough to set down on the same period 323 police and 134 In the Temerloh district of deny. He however said: prescribed form what his or her inI am not members of the fighting servi. south Pahang and in the large interested even in the Governor Genecome is.
ces a total of 477 uniformed valley north of Kuala Lipis, ralship of Austria To Administer Sugar Workers Loans EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
The Government of Barbados is San José, Costa Rica MERCHANDISE CLUBS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José. PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with Cheop Store Kader Furniture an efficient stock of the best liquor. de OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods MOISES KADER are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. We remind the members of the Clubs that failure to Personally attended by the proprietor: pay three consecutive quotas they forfeit all rights.
CEDRIC KERR Make your payments weekly be 28 RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio

    CommunismGuerrillaTerrorismWorld War

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