p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC August 5, 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE ted by His Her Royal opening day of The Royal Norfolk Agricultural Show Held on the Royal Estate at Sandringham.
The Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association Show was recen.
JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón tly held on the Royal Estate at Anmer Park, You will need a good article which is one of the for your money so see us first best showground settings to be found in Norfolk for the best of everything. The Show was visi Suitings, dress materials, and Majesty the all other requirements in Ladies king, who is President. Gents wear prices always to accompanied by her mpahe Oueen and Majesty the Queen please you.
Highness Princess Margaret Commissioner August Message to the CosThe the Royal Norfolk ta Rica District of the Agricultural Show was August 1929. Of the World one of records. Catic Co Workers, Officers, Mem ternational Convention of the red a new record at 666 The Show was visited by His Majesty the king, accomentries were 659, as against 549 last year, and the total horse entry also creabers and Friends of the Garvey Garvey founded Universal Ne panied by Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret.
founded Universal Negro Im gro Inprovement Association is The Royal party arrived just in time to hear that His Majesty had taken two provement Association and Afri expected to be held in Monrovia firsts wit his Red Polls, named Royal Frolic and Royal Gladiolus. More than can Communities League August Liberia, West Africa, Members 30, 000 people attended the show on the first day and they included Mr. Tho mas Williams, Minister of Agriculture, and Mr. Jess Andrew, President of the 1929 of the World.
of the High Executive Council Chicago International Livestock Exposition. This picture shows Her Majesty Greetings: and Delegates from almost all the Quen presenting His Majesty the King with the King Lynn Silver Cha.
We have entered the eight countries where the Organiza llenge Cup for his success in the Red Poll group. Picture circulated july 1950. month of the year, the month tion is established shall be pre(For immediate release. of August, a month of much sent to further impliment the captatives of war were kept as in the mines and sank under significance to West Indian Ne carrying out of the objects and slaves and it was hever a comit. The Caribs under no circumsgroes and their off spring, irres. Aims of the Association.
pective of our accidental place mercial business; Rome had tances could be got to work.
True hearted members and vast numbers of them, Saxons, of birth; be it in Jamaica, Bar. welwishers of the Association Gouls, Angles and others, and (To be continued)
badoes, Trinidad, Panama, Cuba, and the Race shall all pray to that they may not look so nuCosta Rica or elsewhere. the God of our Fore fathers the merious no distinctive dress was In the month of August the Supreme Ruler of the universe given them, they move about Doctor Oscar Pacheco greatest West Indian born son for the guidance and wisdom the city apparently like free Physician and Surgeon of Africa was brought into this during the sessions.
men. The African tribes and From the University of world; he who has opened the August Ist 1950 marks ano nations had the same ruling Pensylvania, eyes of the Negro, awaken him ther anniversary of the abolition with their slaves.
SPECIALITY: to consciousness, stopping him of slavery under the British EmThe purchase, export and tra Diseases of Women from looking with evil eyes and pire and of the Negro slave ffic in slaves as a business, a spirits of hate on a fellow Ne trade. One of the greatest events new busine Office: 75 yards West of the gro who happen to see the light of the eighteenth century was the Discovery of America by come along after Colegio de Señoritas. San Jose of the sun from the skies of the abolition of slavery; an event Columbus. It began some what HOURS: 10. 12 pm some other lands. This man which earlier generation would this way. In the West Indies was born in the Parish of St. have considered, even if they beginning in Hispaniola «now Compre y lea todos los Ann, Jamaica British West In had desired, as impracticable.
Haitis the aboriginal Arawaks dies on the 17th day of Au This came as history shows proved totally unfit for working sábados este Semanario gust 1887: His name was Mar through the initiative of various cus Garvey He founded the organized movements and RevoUniversal Negro Improvement lutions; to mention some, the Association and the Black Star French Revolution, the Oxford Line Steam ship Cooperation Movement, the Evangelical Re.
He is said to have died in En vival and other recognized ma. ot SALOMON BERENZON gland in the month of June 1940. nifestations.
Beginning August thru 31 Slavery was a very old ins Latest Flash Just Arrived of this year 1950 the Ilth In titution; in the Old World only American Prints 36 inches wide a 00 yard American Prints, 36 inches wide a 50 yard Gabardine Shirts, fine, with zippers a 20 00 ea.
Gabardine Shirts, fine, with button 18 00 ea.
Gabardine Shirts, wistra, with zippers a 15. 00 ea.
Blue Dien, for men pants 25 yard Army Khaki for men pants or suit a FOR 550 yard Sharkskin in all colours, English Casimires, plain striped FOOTWEARS Fine quality children shoes 12. 00 pair Fine quality college students shoes, rubber soles, and WOLF BUILDING. SAN JOSE everything else you need AT REDUCED PRICES (Opposite to Templo Biblico)
Visit us and you will be convinced TIENDA HOLLYWOOD a THOMPSON a TOOLS Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano e sinema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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