
de 1950 THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 38 August 12, 1950 Year Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited OUR TAS FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR In our issue of luly 29th we treated on the subjec of housing accommodation in our Spanish columns, today we are elaborating on the same difficult situation in these columns as it is generally known that in order for the clerical worker or the manual labourer to render efficient services and as much needfal help to the mzintainance of good health, it is necessary for them to live in airy, spacious and well ventilated rooms. These requirements are of paramount impor.
tance to those homes blessed with children, if we desire them to grow robust and healthy and also if we want them to abide the time development of certain knowledge that are not concerned to their childhood days.
Guaranteed First Class Black Heart In ow findings, invironment is the main cause and foremost the insuf ficiency of living space is wholly responsible for the premature attitude of some of Laurel, Well Assorted our children than the age in which we are living.
By a statistic prepared by the office of Social Protection of this city it is disclosed that a total of 529 persons applied and were given medical consultation; Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office 202 treatments by injections in the month of July.
aod Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
We need not turn our backs against the truth that congested homes are to a large extent responsible for the high rate of sickness which are not resultant BRITTON, Manager from any epedemic. It is reasonably admitted to be so when we give rightful thought to the fact that the number includes more than three fourths of the total to have been children vengeance of heaven upon the some were even beaten to death.
Then another vexed problem is the yoke that is being placed on the occu understaken Prostitution and venereal diseapants or would be occupants of living quarters. One tennant gets out whether voluntarily or forced out, immediately the rental of the disoccupied oportments is This statement, however, pro ses was forcefully introduced increased from 150 to 200 percent, in other words the rent jumps from fifty or ved only from Her Majesty upon our women and maidens: sixty colones to one hundred and fifty at the lowest.
lipg as shortly afterwards she Outrageous and atrocicus ad.
Here and there a few houses are being constructed, but persons of ordi lent to Sir John Hawkins ships. vantages was their portion for nary earning need not ask for accommodations. The rate of rental is calculoted on materials and labour charges to be regqined in a few years; nor givin the uphe one of these ships was named almost three centuries until the to the fact that if the funds expended to construct the building were in the Benk, the JESUS. for the purpose Queen Victoria, came along and no such high interest would accrue.
of carrying on this human cargo did her duty not in least a The situation is serious; something should be done to remody this heartfeld trade.
favor but indee a duty.
and aching circumstance. The construction of houses is needful. Those in charge of this section of the government ought to give sincere attention to the necessity of Bishop Las Casas of the can slave trade must be told It was upon the suggestion This true story of the AfriA view on the rapidly increasing population is self convincing; a chuck on the birth rate will show the density which confronts the population.
West Indies to the Spanish go year after year to our children vernment that African slaves be and grand children that they used instead of the poor Arawaks may be strong and be watchful that the trade commenced; he lest it should happen again. We was called the friend of the had been hurt beyond thinking, Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America Indians and the founder of the the scars from those wounds Negro slave trade in the New shall never disappear: Yet knoADVISES World. Negro slave trade be. wing that evil must not be paid came a good business in which by evil we shall not teach reHis esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is situa religious leaders, Kings and venge, nor hold any Bitterness.
ted two and a half blocks West of the Liberty Hall and nobles shamefully allowed them. We have forgiven. but we shall his service is at their disposal.
selves to be overborne by the never, never Forget. We shall Office Hour: From 30 in the afternoon: interest of commerce; slave trade not be sulky but circumspect; companies were organized such we shall unite and be strong, Commissioner August Message to the Cos as The Royal African Com. we shall follow the trend of at ta Rica District of the and others with full sanctions.
pany, The Royal Adventurers passing events and live up to the times as we cannot aford 19 August 1929. Of the World The effect on Africa caused to be called Fools. It must not. Continued from last issue by the slave trade was deplo happen again, The Pope had divided the World trading went to Africa and then rable. Tribes raided each other, between Spain and Portugal to Brazil, but history says he Chiefs, warriors, woman and the honor to be, Your obedient With very best wishes have giving Spain the west coast of was not a slave trader, but the children alike to supply the traservant Africa; the bought slaves from connection between Africa and ders. The European traders them Stan Dicon the chiefs and disposed of the America was there. In the mid selves organized hunting squads in Portugal from whence they dle of the 16th century John which did not only take our Commissioner of were sent to the New World to suffice the crying out for Hawkins began to carry Afri men captives but disgracefully Costa Rica and brutishly marred the honor unlimited supply flabour. The cans to sell to the Spaniards of our maidens and the dignity THE ATLANTIC 11 English did not like the slave in Hayti. Queen Elizabeth of of our women in the very pre trade; at first they looked upon England is said to have been sence of their parents, husbands LIMON, COSTA RICA it with disgust.
against it and had said. If any and love ones Valient Sons of During the reign of Henry African should be carried away Ham who tried to resist or to Compre y lea todos los VIII the father of Jchn Hawkins without their consent it would defend were stripped, tied, and the pioneer of English slave be detestable and call down the flogged until their backs, bledsábados este Semanario DR. MIGUEL DEJUK Bi


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