
Page THE ATLANTIC August 12, 1950 THE NEW STORE THE NOBLE. 1952 53 SoCeylon, India to Africa RUBEN CHING SON Hines Pension Venezuela When to Valen.
England 223 and 436 Caribbean Review West Indies 556 and India WAU Tour West Indies in 1952 53 103 for no wicket Representative cricketers from India. of will tour the West Indies in 1952, In defeating England by ten wic.
according to arrangements for tours kets in the second Test match at Trent GEORGE AYUB up to and including 1957 which have Bridge, Nottingham, the West Indies been announced by the Imperial Cric.
showed not only their team superio Has just received a grand and latest assortment of cloth ket Conference. At a recent meeting rity, but also that they can take victory in their stride. Except for the time for shirts, silk, silk stockings, pants, bathing suits, Army in London, India was admitted to full membering is the schedule: 1950 51 of the conference.
legitimate, Suitcases of all sizes; honored rush for souvenirs at the close of the historic match, it was just a Prices are the lowest in the City.
MC. England) to Australia few hurricd cups of tea and a dash Situated: South east in front of the Limón Post Office.
and New Zeland. 1951 52 Australia off to catch their train for the next to New Zeland, subject to confirmation day match with Durham at Suther1.
land. The hilarious celebration that by Australia; England; Pai kistan and followed their first Test match win was now absent. Even shy Sonny Ra.
India to West Indies; Australia to to Australia madhin and Afie Valentine, this seaEngland. 1953 54. to West son 20 year old bowling discoveries, Indics. 1954 55 England to Australia took the great ovation of the English cricket fans like veterans.
EXPORTER OF CACAO and New Zealand. 1955 South Africa to England. 1956. Australia to England, The Trent Bridge Test Match, which 1956 57 C. to South Africa, ended Tuesday, will be remembered We Buy: Cacao. Coconuts. Copras for many things, but for nothing so Trinidad Sportsman Cables Gift to W, much as the falling of England first Bowlers four batsmen on a perfect wicket for Pensión Central in front of the Limón Post Office.
Bhadase Sagan Maraj, popular Tri25 runs. To this more than to nidad sportsman and turfite, walked other single factor the West Indies into the offices of the Trinidad Guarowe their victory Johnson took dian and inquirid for the London adtwo of these wickets and Frank Wodress of the West Indies cricket team.
rrel two. From this fiasco England the newspapermen obliged, Manever really recovered.
raj immediately sent a a cable to But it was almost as remarkable how Two blocks south Atlantic Station opposite tine and Ramadhin in appreciation of England bowlers rose to the occasion Botica Primavera splendid bowling and attached a check and restored respectability to the score, for then pounds for each man.
Shackleton getting 42, Jenkins 42, and Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay Maraj declared that he greatly adYardley 41. The West Indies shared if you visit, Pension Venezuela, Large airy rooms, newly mired Ramadhin whom he knew perthe first innings bowling honors fairly furnished, Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisitely presonally, and Valentine whom he saw evenly: Worrel for 40; Johnson at trials in Trinidad last January, for for 59; Valentine for 43; and Rapared meals served. Moderate prices. You are welcome amazing bowling in England.
madhin for 49.
where you will have unequaled facilities for rest and Maraj rose to great heights in the The West Indies first innings was relaxation Trinidad business world from a humble another story of ebb and flow, but it beginning in life. He recently bought was more poetic, more thrilling, more Proprietors: Delfin Barquero y Señora the Bock Site American base for a big delightful. First came Rac and Stollmeyer flawless opening, which was khouse 69. snuffed out two balls before close of analysis reads: Ramadhin 81. overs, Commercial Broadcasting Opens in The final day found England again 25 main dens, 135 runs, wickets; Jamaica play, when Jenkins took a high return making a gallant, but unavailing attempt Valentine 92 overs, 50 maidens, 140 from Stollmeyer, with the total at Radio Jamaica, the first commercial 77 at recovery. Dewes and Evans offered Christiani (10) lost his wicket carly obstinaty resistance, until Dewes was runs, wickets. Valentine 92 overs broadcasting station to operate in Ja This temporary success for in an innings is a Test match record. maica, is now on the air daily from followed out trying to hook a straight 00 England was by Worrell one from Valentine. Almost immediately It took Rae and Stollmeyer only an to 11. 00 pm daily on magnificent hour and a half to score the 102 runs (261) and Weekes (129) 95 Ramadhin meter band. batting which broke three records, but and Stollmeyer made some ground to to leg, Smegacycles in the 60 needed for victory. Appropriately enough, following its take over from the go failed to break the will of the bowlers the ball. leap into the air, and took the winning shot was a four to the vernment owned station ZOL For they came back with a vengeance a one handed catch that no other memboundary by Stollmeyer. It was a shot, The Governor, Sir John Huggins, GCMG, launched the and took the last six wickets for less ber of the team except perhaps Hines however that left Rae one short of new venture, 40 his thousand runs on the after praising the employees of the old When England went to bat for the simple reason that he would not have The West Indies win at Trent station for 10 years of progressive sersecond time, the pendulum continued been tall enougt. That was the end of Brides, following their victory at Lords llowed by prayers by the Right Rev.
vice. His inaugural speech was foto swing in their favor, as 300 went England hopes. From 408 for 5, they that they up for the loss of only two wickets; went to 436 for all.
The most England can do draw it, Basil Montague Dale, Bishop of Ja.
Gaddard bowled Ramadhin and Va by winning the final Test match at the maica, the Right Rev. John McEleney, of play, and Goddard, who has become lentine unchanged throughout there Vicar Oval, beginning August 12. The En.
Apostolic of the catholic famous for his inspired captaincy, mainder of England 2nd innings on gland selectors are said to be spending ritual leader of the Jewsh congregation Church, and Rabbi Silverman, spibrought on Ramadhin, and the day the final day, with the result that each half their nights praying that Hutton finished with England 350 for (Simp. of them bowled 110 overs in the match. and Compton will be fit and in form the company hopes to add a mediumTo its present shortwave transmitter, son run out 94, Washbrook 102, Par possibly a record. Their second innings by then, and the other half worrying wave transmitter next month for better about who the other nine should be. local service.
sum. 1 next day t Evans swept after th 10 di THE PEOPLE HOUSE Tramo Joe Lewis JACK ORANE SUCS.
Limón You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything: Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
LIMON MARKET We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native products. The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOTTO Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers little profit on our money, but no profiteering JOE LEWIS, Proprietor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional qual


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