
1950 August 12, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page W 525 India 1952, toun batt Chc eti Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
51 d: 14 la huhearts of her darling mother, tulates the new medico for her IN MEMORIAM her relatives and friends, we triumph and wishes to place make bold to say are Enrégle the name of her mother on In fond and ever fresh memory of our beloved mother and friend (Fr. the scroll of genuine MOTERRosita Theadora Nugent de Williams THE ATLANTIC congra HOOD who departed this life on the 7th of August 1945.
In our hearts thy memory lingers Thou hast been kind, tender and true There is not a day that passes so we do not remember you.
Blessed hope that in Jesus is given In our sorrow to cheer and sustain (Old Theatre Moderno)
That soon with our Saviour in heaven We shall meet with our loved ones again.
The United Cacao Producers, Limited, being now under Eugenie, Daughter.
Charles Fredankies. Son in. Low new management is able to pay the best prices.
FRIENDS Consult our prices and in addition we give our best Dr. Hughenna Louise Gauntlett attention to the farmers and other who trade with us.
a ministeriog aogel to manity.
Fernando Hong On Alfonso Solé Lippa We can proudly say that General Manager Assistant Manager she is the second Limonense and the first of her sex to have climbed and reached sucPERSONALIA cessfully the ladder of the me The good news have reached bigbly esteem wife of Captain dical profession us that the Reverend Fr. Wi Welcome of the Stela Maris. Dr. Gauntlett at the tender lliam Ziadie and Mrs. Ziadie She returned to her native age of fifteen years was sent are due to arrive in our city land. May her reunion with to the West Indian Training in the very bear future. We relatives and kiosfolk be perCollege at Mandeville, Jamaica. opise that Reverend Fr. Wi petually cordial and loving Her five years of studies in illiam Graham Love, the actiog We adoro this page with that institution won for her Rector of the Parish and the Caribbean Riview the full approbation of her parishioners of St. Mark are the photograph of Dr. Mies principals. She proved to have busily preparing a royal wel. St. Lucia Prepares for Elections Hughenda Louise Gauntlett, been the Morning Stard, of come for them. Perhaps this The Government of St. Lucia has not only for her great ambi the College; gained a scholar very day they are saying. No allocated 7, 000 for preliminary work tion and marvellous accomship; became Preceptor in 1942. more letter we shall be maiin connection with the General Elections to be held next February on the plishment, but more so because Bent on furthering her «goalling for soon we will be sailing basis of adult suffrage. special elecshe went to the United States to Port Limon.
toral office has been opened under she is the daughter of one of of America; did two years co Hon. Allan Louisy, Acting Crown our widely esteen citizens. Mrs. llege work in New York, then Mrs. Evelyn Carnegie, a mem.
Counsel, who has been appointed an Electoral Officer.
Ruth Morgan Morgan. a moentered the Loma Linda School ber of the St. Mark Church ther who laboured uoflinchin of Medicine in Los Angeles, and one of the teachers of California. She was crowned the English Language Schools gly and closed her eyes against with the precious jewel and Doctor Oscar Pacheco IS00 the sick agenda since the passiog fancies of the day gowned a medical doctor on last week. She is under the Physician and Surgeon in order to have effected ber. June 11, 1950.
medical care of one of the local From the University of daughter great and to give The joys permeating the physicians. We wish for her a Pensylvania, speedy recovery.
SPECIALITY. Diseases of Women The changes which are so Office: 75 yards West of the of apt to take place on our bu Colegio de Señoritas. San Jose man affairs have robbed from SALOMON BERENZON HOURS: 10. 12 4 us the presence of the very Latest Flash Just Arrived American Prints 36 inches wide 00 yard American Prints, 36 inches wide a 50 yard Gabardine Shirts, fine, with zippers a 20 00 ea.
Gabardine Shirts, fine, with button 18. 00 ea.
Gabardine Shirts, wistra, with zippers a 15. 00 ca.
Blue Dien, for men pants 25 yard Clifford Steele Army Khaki for men pants or suit a 550 yard Sharkskin in all colours, English Tailor Made Suits Casimires, plain striped Here are three special reasons why you should FOOTWEARS FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
Fine quality children shoes 12. 00 pair SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Fine quality college students shoes, rubber soles, and Which will never get out shape.
everything else you need AT REDUCED PRICES Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate Visit us and you will be convinced in the City of Limon Tienda Hollywood SWEAR a a de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizan stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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