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THE ATLANTIC August 12. 1950 Page ST. MARK CHURCH TIENDA LA BARATA nes only remember the Russian invasion no value. It will come too late. It of Germany. Hundreds of thousands Russia wins the first round of the war of mem were immediately deported to and reaches its Atlantic goals, it will the East, into slave labor, or into con be largely meaningless for Europe LIMON, COSTA RICA centration camps. Any consideration whether or not Russia loses the second for world opinion which Russia stilt found. It would be worthless to reThe Church is the Pillar observes, will be discarded in the event conquer Europe one more.
and the Ground of the Truth of war. Ultimate liberation will be of (To be continued) ADH JOS SERVICES: APAR SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist 3, 00 pm, Sunday School 00 m, Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. CHEAP STORE)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Saturday: Confession 00. 5, 00 MOISES KADER See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR Die DOS On The Russian Military Power FASHION FRABICS FROM FAMOUS MILLS Mond Europe Conquered in Ten (Continued from last issue)
Prints of all colours. Organdies, plain or flocked. 19:14 Spun Garbadines. Khaki Shirts and Neckties to Han In view of the present one sided dis no chance to escape in masses toward tribution of armed strength the question the west or south. On the other hand, match. Suitings. Shirtings Casimeres. Imported rica uppermost in military minds is this.
France will witness in these two days a Cotton Every other dress and fancy Materials dap If the cold war should suddenly de mass exodus to Ward the West and south ell generate into a shooting war, how which will again hamper the deployTHEN REMEMBER THAT would the campaign for Europe shape ment of the French armies. If one nal up, and what are the chances that the remembers the May and June days of Kader Furniture Store Carries The Best Models West would hold its own?
1940, one can casily picture the scene.
rar The answer is brutally simple. Under such circumstances, the French And The Most Beautiful in Furniture dia the Red Army attacked today, it Communists will not bave much difwould doubtless be able to overrun prod ficulty in executing their assigned saLIMON en Europe with tens of thousands of tanks botage to the fullest satisfaction of del few days, By the first or second their leaders in France and Russia.
For how long then will it be possiday, it would reach its first goals the Farm Watchman Shot to Death ports on the North Sca, the Ruhr Vable defend France? The answer will orga Benjamin Knight lley and the Rhine. From the lower depend upon the preparedness of the CO Elbe to the Ruhr is only 200, and from stern powers at the moment when fortoight ago, as we ga.
tion between the two men we FO Western Czechoslovakia to the Rhine torn the Russians appear at the Rhine. If ther Beojamin Knight who the advance takes the West by surprise, do not know, but it was relese than 200 miles.
Inter owns Tactically, this situation will devea farm situated to the ported that the watchman France will be overrun in a few days.
los lop in the following manner If it is possible to omobilize in time, rear of that of a capitalist pierced Koight body with tos The few formations of the occupying Russia will probably need twice as long.
somewhere in the Cimarrones bullets and death was instaomen forces in Western Germany will be The Maginot Line will be as trifling Rio Hondo region is said to taneous. We have been eagerly dial.
bypassed or overrun They are not in an obstacle for the Russians as it was had been passing through the listening to bear further about position to put up any notable resisL for us in 1940 farm in front of his as was tance or delay the Russian advance to this murder case, but up to ron the Rhine. The first goals will be The first real obstacle is the Pyren his custom and with no in will be atthis writing we are yet in the liber American air formations attack eight immediately, since there will have been tained by the Russians even if Anglonces. Here the Russian advance can be teation or evidence to steal It dark.
stopped This barrier cannot be overrun com is said he was stopped by the hours after the Russian Junt They mighe delay the Russian offen time to man the prepared positions.
watchman and questioned for EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda. en sive and inflict losses on the enemy Only Spain and England can be de bis trespass on the farm of den San José, Costa Rica but they would not be fended until the counter mobilization is his overlord and Knigh clearly ve concluded him. Neither will the Rhine nor the explained his reason for beiog tікір Maginot Line stop the Russian ad It must be pointed out here that an seen on the farm. The alterca EL ATLANTICO ton experiences of the last war initial Russians success would mean have shown that rivers are no longer the end of Europe. No one who knows Lidad obstacles for a modern army. The ad the Russians can have any illusions vance through Germany would be so about what will ensue if Russia be.
rapid that the population would have comes the master of Europe. One need or ten advance.
able to vance The THE MOST GOLDEN CHANCE SELLING OUT RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José. PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. Personally attended by the proprietor: CEDRIC KERR Cacao Farm consisting of 20 hectareas with cocoa, Pasture containing hectareas and in addition a pasture of hectareas; this latter is on on the Costa Rica nana Company Property.
One dwelling house with two rooms and furniture. Titled Property)
One cocoa dryer with a capacity of 13 boxes.
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