
THE ATLANTIC All The Week In One Day EDITOR: Number 38 August 19, 1950 Year POST BOX 199 LIMON, COSTA RICA JOS. THOMAS Letter from Mrs. Florence Ditters to Mr. Stanley Dixon OUR TASK FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR LA and Aug. 1929. how much of those persons we could Jamaica WI. District We have gained by earnest thought that the cycle of time in its reget together in a short time to go.
11 Sixth ST. Trench Town volution brings to the sensivite mind the vision of many things which are Jones Town Kingston. Ja.
My proposed plans to attend the 218 50 very much required and are surely essentially necessary to be in harmony Convention in Liberia, of which had with our civilization.
scheduled to Wednesday July 26, had to be cancelled as it became necessary good many of us, perhaps have been afforded, if not full exMr. Stan Dixon for me to remain to carry out this perience, some glimpses of the public convenience and other utilities which Commissioner LA.
designers engineers have given and are giving to enhance human happiness.
programme myself.
We have started two weeks ago reWe, too, should do new things in our community, because we can do them: Limon, Costa Rica, even in spite of the fact that some may not consciously want to see changes gistering the people of Kingston and Dear Sir: on the face of our life onward march, but the era demands new services shall be going to the Parish of St. Cafor humanity In view of your known interest in the therine next week.
Our newspaper has a warm desire to see, step by step progress toward and our past association on Not with standing the unsettled conour material improvement does not falter. We, the personnel of this news the Repatriation programme and Bill, ditions of the Costa Rica District, due could not at this time remain silent organ are fult of enthusiasms to see the creation of an environment in to the seizure of the Limon Liberty which our citizens can live with health, interest, goodwill and a reasonable from making you sensible of the active Hall, suggest that you start right degree of contentment. We yearn too, that the stranger who comes to our turn this programme is taking in this away taking the signatures of all persons shore will obserre that we are in the van of progress.
Island in Costa Rica who would like to get guess you will remember through settled in Liberia, West Africa: After In times past the boundaries between human creatures and their necessities were somewhat fixed today, the ever increasing knowledge inprevious correspondence that for Six you have collected a couple of hundred years we have laboured in signature culcated by man enables him to provide for his convenience and wants.
signatures direct your petition to the United States Government through the It is desired, foremost, at this time to point, out the vital nécessity taking to back the bill, culminating in the collection of 60, 000 signatures Liberia Migration Committee in Washfor public telephones, installed at prominent places in this city; the type of telephone which, unless a coin of certain denomination is dropped into its which was presented on the 8th of ington DC October 1948 to this Government for accompanying apparatus the service cannot be obtained. shall awit an early reply from you and any other advise or information For instance, we have a Red Cross Ambulance and a Fire Brigade transmission to the British Government Engine stationed at a place which is equipped with a telephone, but the accompanied with a petition forras that you may need on this matter shall community in general has not access to the use of a telephone to call for sistance to be settled in Liberia West gladly supply Africa, either of the services. There may be a few officials our private persons With very best wishes for your sucNow just three weeks ago we have cess in this effort whose offices or residences are equipped with phones, but John Public bas Very faithfully yours none within his reach to summond the police in cases of emergency, such received the answer to that petition when we were called by the Governas arson burglary murder or other possible grave crimes so prevalent in a certain questions in FLORENCE PITTERS sin wrapped world. Thought should also be given to the turning of fire ment to answer Commissioner of Jamaica alarm; this latter can be taken care of by call station where the telephone respect to this petition and also to declare is protected by a glass casing, which, in case of fire, the glass can be broken and the alarm by an automatic device is turned in to the Fire Brigade Station PENSION VENEZUELA Tienda HOLLYWOOD OF. Two blocks south Atlantic Station opposite Botica Primavera Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay if you visit, PENSION VENEZUELA. Large airy rooms, newly furnished.
Modern Sanitary conditions. Exquisited prepared meals served.
Moderate prices. You are welcome where you will unequaled facilities for rest and relaxation.
AMERICAN PRINTS. B. 36 inches wide)
GABARDINE SHIRTS, fine, with zippers GABARDINE SHIRTS, fine, with button GABARDINE SHIRTS, wistra, with zippers BLUE DIEN for men pants ARMY KHAKI, for men pants or suit SHARKSKIN IN ALL COLOURS, ENGLISH CASIMIRES, plan striped JUST ARRIVED a. 00 yard. 50 yard.
20. 00 ct.
18. 00 ca 15. 00 et 25 yard. 50 yard.
NOTICE! NOTICE. FOOTWEARS FINE QUALITY CHILDREN SHOES FINE QUALITY COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOES, EVERYTHING ELSE YOU NEED 12. 00 pair RUBBER SOLES This is to inform the public in general, especially any prospective purchase of the property advertised in this newspaper for sale by Mr.
GOULDBOURNE of Miles, Liverpool, that the undersigned owns 2 hectarea of cacao which is included in the lot advertised for sale. However, am disposed to sell my cultivation of cacao to any person buying the property.
priedad de la Biblioteca Nacional qual Obregón Liza


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