
August 19, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page ENGLAND TEST AVERAGES In Unchangeable Memory On Thursday, August 17, 1950 the cycle of the years had in its train for us the touching scene mentally of six years ago when our darling Mother and Grandmother Beatrice Blackwell swan like and peacefully slept in death, August 17, 1944.
Though worms have destroyed your mortal frame We have the assurance your spirit lives The fond remembrance we have for you is ever sainted prize which is on the table of our memory.
Daughter in law ALDERMAN CLARK JOYCE BECKFORD Grand Son Grand Daughter 15. Mr. Abbott returns to his former Post UP TO THE END OF THE THIRD TEST BATTING Ins TNO Runs HS Av. Worrell 0 401 261 80. 20 Weekes 0 308 129 60. 16 Stollmeyer 1 269 78 53. 80 Rae 1 268 106 53. 60 CL Walcott 1 212 168 53. 00 Gómez 1 133 70 33. 25 Christiani 1 71 33 17. 75 Goddard 1 48 16 12. 00 Johnson 0 30 22 10. 00 T. Ramadhin 2 4 50 Valentine 0 5 50 Jones 0 0 BOWLING M w Av. Valentine 332 166 514 23 22. 34 Ramadhin 306. 136 503 22 22. 86 Worrell 78. 27 152 25. 33 Jones 35 35. 00 H. Johnson 65. 13 142 47. 33 E. Gómez 62 18 133 66. 50 Goddard 48 19 86 86. 00 Walcott 1 12 ENGLAND BATTING (Played in matches)
Ins TNO. Runs HS Av. Washbrook 0 255 114 63175 Evans 0 209 104 34. 83 Parkhouse 0 130 69 32. 50 Hutton 0 129 45 32. 25 Simpson 0 125 94 31. 25 Edrich 0 94 71 Doggart. 0 76 29 19. 00 Yardley 0 108 41 Jenkins 1 53 39 17. 66 Bedser 20 13 00 Berry 6 3. 00 Hollies 1 3 66 Also Batted: Bailey 82 (not out. 33: Wardle 33 (not out. 21; Dewes 0, 67: Laker 4, 40; Schackelton 42: 1; Insole 21; 0; Dollery 8, ENGLAND BOIVLING M W Av. Berry 47 228 25. 33 Hollies 118. 38 268 26. 80 Bedser 143 40 302 33. 55 0. Jenkins 118 16 409 10 40. 90 Yardley 31 94 94. 00 J. Edrich 34 91 Also Bowled: Bailed 13 37. 1; Wardle 47 16 104 2; Laker 31 86 1; Shac.
kleton 49. 135 1; Simpson 0 0.
At varying periods, Mr. Ab among Seventh Day Adventists and bott has been in charge as Principal our community in general. It is in of the Seventh Day Adventists deed a grand pleasure to rewelcome School in this city, but during recent him to our community and at the years he was assigned to Matina. same time express our sincere wishe: Time works changes and with the for a pleasant reunion of his pre leaving of Mr. Samuel Skeates, Mr. decessor and his family and relatives Abbott returns to his post. He is in our neighbouring and friendly well known and deeply respected Republic of Panama.
23. 50 Here and there on the war 18. 00 On the 12th intant by a radio trans soldiers aided by the powerful Pershing mission from Moscow, the north ko tanks entered the battle against the reans or communists announced that they communists who were trying to trap brught down four North American other North American forces by the river airplanes; three on Friday and one Sa Noktong. The invaders are said to have turday. On even date Washington re been forging against the allied de leases the information that the North fences in the Central sector of the front American bombardment continues over of the same river with apparent danger important objectives and the sectors to the important base of the United bombed are said to have powerful in States of America at Taegú. There seerns dustries, such as deposits of coal, iron to be no doubt that the south koreans and many mineral: It is the biggest In or communists are putting up a gigantic dustrial area of the Orient.
resistence on all fronts.
New contingent of United States 108. TIENDA LA BARATA (CHEAP STORE)
Prints of all colours. Ordandies, plan or flocked.
Spuu Gabardines. Khaki. Shirts and Necties to match.
Suitings Shirtings. Casimires Imported Cotton Every other dress and fancy Materials.
THE REMEMBER TRAT. SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist. 00 Sunday School WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday. Holy Days a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 Saturday: Confession 00. 00 See reekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES THE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE. LIMON


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