
THE ATLANTIC AIL. The Week In One Day EDITOR: JOS. THOMAS Number 40 August 26, 1950 Year POST BOX 199 LIMON, COSTA RICA Our Task An unBENJAMIN KNIGHT FRASER This is the photograph of Benjamin Knight Frazer the unfortunate FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR man who was shot innocenty at The war in Korea is now occupying the minds of the nations, both Rio Hondo on July 19, 1950 by the the democracies and the communists or Reds.
farm watchman The aggressors should be mindful of the nazis ambition to conquer In clarification to our report of the world and to set up their boasted superior race. an ambition which the 12th Knight was an employee had a still birth. We must admit that Russia played a great part in destroy of the farm and had just finished ing Hitler plan, but on the other hand no one can reasonably regard the his work and getting ready to go Kremlin as having anything like a stainless record in the years since the home. It is said he has been as Allied Victory. The Moscow Press has never ceased its continuous pro youngman of very modest dispopaganda against its allies of World War 11. We have reports from time sition, he was not in anyway agto time of the bad behaviour of Russian Representatives al the United gressive and the cold blooded Nations and other important conferences. Then seemingly, Russia became murder he received remains an aspeeved of the termination of the United States Land Lease, the Military sup tonishment. The watchman, the kilBenjamin Knight Frazer port extended to Turkey whom he wishes for a feast, the decision to keep les is in the Limon jail.
The secret of the discovery of the atomic bomb and for the admission of pardonable action in having unti ing his family to suffer and in sorWestern Germany into the North Atlantic Security Pact.
mely sent Knight to his grave, leavrow. May justice he fully excercised.
No doubt, the aggression of the communists in Korea was a trap, set to see if the United Nations would keep their pledge to go to the aid of CORNELIUS CAMPBELL any Member State of the North Atlantic Security Pact. However, this With deep sorrow we place in these strategy fell short of its goal for President Harry Truman, true to the columns the photograph of Mr. Corfundamental principles of the Pact, a somewhat twin sister to the Monroe nelius Campbell whose death occurred Doctrine did not hesitate to send armed forces to the help of the Southern in this city on August 7, 1950. Although Koreans. All the nations in the democratic orbit unhesitatingly held up he was suffering since August 1948 all President Truman hand and are in the fight to a finish to thus lay the hopes were entertained that he would fundation of a genuine and enduring unity among the democracies.
regain his sound health, but the end came.
It is lamentable that the fight is on. Our buman sympathy is in the square of the loss of lives and untold sufferings, but in the end it will nip, It is reported that he first complained at least, communist expansionism. Any nation or people who believe they of a pain under his lowest left rib which was first considered to be the effect of will enjoy perpetual independence of governments and human liberties under communist domination are deeply mistaken and will drink from the a strain by lifting heavy weight, and after trong home remedies without bitter cup in due process of time.
relief he consulted Dr. Martinez of San Jose; a Xray picture of his lungs was Mr. Cornelius Campbell taken and medicine given, but the pain ted Dr. Calvosa. At the outset he gainRUBEN CHING SON continues. He next consulted Dr. Ruano ed a little case; then latter he complainof this city and after taking the me ed for greater agony. In June 1949, in dicine given he stated that the pain was our city Dr. Calvosa trated him again; scattered all over his body.
EXPORTER OF CACAO a great change for the better was felt.
Acting under my advise he consult(Continued to page 6)
WE BUY: CACAO. COCOUTS. COPRAS ACLARACION Por un error involuntario de nuestra mos y decimos que el herido fué el sePensión Central in front of the Limon Post Office.
edición anterior dijimos que el aprecia nor don Victor Manuel Brenes. Pedible señor don Manuel Mcna había sido mos excusas al señor Mena.
herido por una su amiga. Hoy aclaraVISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT The Most Golden Chance Selling Out Britton and Holness, Limited GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED Land consisting of 20 hectareas of which hectareas is cultivated in cacao. Pasture containing 312 hectareas balance in woodland and in addition a pasture of hectareas; this latter is on the Costa Rica Banana Company Property.
Fifteen heads of cattle of good breed. Two horses and poultry ONE DWELLING HOUSE WITH TWO ROOMS AND FURNITURE. Titled Property)
One cacao dryer with a capacity of 13 boxes APPLY TO: GOULDBOURNE MILES LIVERPOOL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizar SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON Manager, Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica

    CommunismDemocracyGermanyHitlerWorld War

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