
Page THE ATLANTIC August 26, 1950 TRAMO JOE LEWIS La Nueva Tienda La Nobleza. OF. LIMON MARKET We carry in stock everyting in grocery, both foreign and native products. The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOT TO Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers. little profit on our money, but no profiteering JOE LEWIS Propietor.
JORGE Y UB Has just received a grant and latest assortment of doib for shirts, silk, silk stockings, pants, bathing suits, Army legitimate, Suitcases of all sizes. Prices are the lowest in the City.
Situated: South east in front of the Limon Post Office.
The New Manager of the Northern Railway Employees Commissary entertain NEW TRICK TO STEAL In Monday night at nine o clock money have in my pocket, but he in walking along the front street missed his man, because the handThe Atlantic takes this opportunity of the shareholders. For what we know in San Jose a very handsome young kerchief trick was known before to congratulate our widely esteem citi. learn of his predecessor, our highly re man of latin American origin ap hand. That is the new trick to steal.
zen, Sr. Jose Rafael Soto amora in his garded Mr. Bowden, proached me saying of course, in If one becomes frightened and take new position as Manager, of the Nort no doubt that his winsome personality Spanish, to show him where to find out your money proof of in hern Railway Employees Commissary will be missed in our community in ge Hotel Santa Fe. gave no attention nocense, a grab is made and a dash It is our hope that he will prove in all neral. May his esteem family and self to his question. Then suddenly for liberty.
respects worthy of the honour conferred be the recipients of God richest bles. and wanted me o show him what on him and the responsibility reposed sings wherever they may go.
another rogue quickly turned around Visitors to the capital must be in him to guide successfully the business kerchief with one thousand colones on the alert; all manner of tricks and wanted me to shaw him what are in practice.
25 Reviving Agriculture in Africa THE PLEOPLE HOUSE LONDON, July (LPS. Vi the universal and insistent demand gorous steps are being taken by for education in postwar Africa Britain to improve and revive agri today.
culture in Africa. These are describIt is still less than one hundred JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON ed in a report on British Territories years ago that the famous British YOU WILL NEED GOOD ARTICLE in East and Central Africa issued FOR YOUR MONEY SO SEE US FIRST by the Colonial Office yesterday. historic jorney across Africa drew explorer, David Livingstone by his FOR THE BEST OF EVERYTHING.
SUITINGS, DRESS MATERIALS, AND ALL It surveys five years of steady prothe attention of the world to the OTHER REQUIREMENTS IN LADIES gress not only in agriculture but GENTS TEAR PRICES ALIY AYS TO also in economic, social and political Fired by his achievement other state of the Central African peoples.
explorers from western countries CORNELIUS CAMPBELL. From page 5)
The mounting pace of change made their way to the interior of under British administration in these this vast continent. From his pioneer In February of this year he sustained there examined by Drs. Calvosa, Cabezas, Rodriguez, Gamboa and three other African territories during the past action have sprung the growing another attack and was cast down in specialists and with most of the modern five years is thrown into sharp relief benefits enjoyed by African peoples bed. Dr. Lejarza, then of this city treatby this report. It tells of the period today in their progress towards reed him and he was admitted to the San Apparatus for defective system. It was concluded that he had cancer almost of material prosperity with high sponsible self government.
Juan de Dios Hispital on May 11th and over his whole body; cating out the very prices stimulating output and of bones; all red corpulos were gone from the continuing growth in social serthe blood. The decision was arrived at vices for all communities. It also to return with him to Limon. Every details the many plan for economic tender care was given to him; as a new development which are laying a sure born babe he was treated; no relatives foundation for a permanently higher Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America level of production and trade in gave any help or even to spend a night Africa ADVISES with him. have done my best unflinchingly during whole period of his Education, medical services and His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is illness. Nothing was left undone in the housing have made advances which situated two and a half blocks West of the Liberty way of medical attention to see he would would startly anyone who knew Hall and his service is at their disposal.
be better. However, he goes to a place East Africa as it was fifty years OFFICE HOUR: FROM 30 IN THE AFTERNOON of rest and may God received his soul ago. Nothing is more striking than and give him rest. RUTH MORGAN Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK ta th SO lid PENSION VENEZUELA NOTICE! NOTICE. Two blocés south Atlantic Station opposite Botica Primavera Whenever you are in San Jose you will enjoy your stay if you visit, PENSION VENEZUELA. Large airy rooms, newly furnished.
Modern Sanitary conditions Exquisited prepared meals served.
Moderate prices. You are welcome where you will unealed facilities for rest and relaxation.
PROPRIETORS: DELFIN EBAROURO SEÑORA Miguel Obregon This is to inform the public in general, especially any prospective purchaser of the property advertised in this newspaper for for sale by Mr.
GOULDBOURNE of Miles, Liverpool, that the undersigned owns 11 hectarea of cacao which is included in the lot advertised for sale. However, am disposed to sell my cultivation of cacao to any person buying the property BENJAMIN BENNETT sistema Nacioh MILES dalimi: 4ERPO Entud Costa Rica.


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