p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC August 26, 1950 On The Russian Military Power On the Base Ball. Diamond Europe conquered in Ten Days command. The organization and train In the presence of a Jammed hu Jupiter had on the pitcher mound Aling of formations in the framework of manity at our baseball stadium the am. timont Maitland and Burrow, re(Celined from latin)
a Western European army is a self bitious college team confronted Jupiter spectively. Seemingly, chief umpire, evident prerequisite. Only rapid and the year champion, emerged from the Clifford Thompson was a bit too techTo avoid this tragedy, the strategy coordinated intervention by strong forces Atlantic Baseball Fixtures: at the noon nical with the known pitcher Bark.
of the West must be devised with a of a decisive point can secure a decisive hour of last Sunday Every general reserves the right to use view to keeping Western Europe from victory. The cold war can become hot Things began to move sensationally his shock troop if the battle becomes being overrun by the initial attack of between today and tomorrow, if there from the first to the third innings. The stiff and in consequence the Ace Donthe Red Army.
is the will to wage a war. Whoever score board reading 2. for Junie Hayling was brought on. The scene The choice of the Rhine as a defense looks for a pretext will find it. piters: first inning blank for College a was changed: He applied his hydrogen line would mean sacrificing Germany. The defence of Europe will then single in the second and in the third bombs on the enemy and the fortress Germany is itself defenseless. The re have to be organized on the continent crumbled. Jupiter chalked up the total sponsibility for its defense lies with the with support by sea and air. The center Western Powers. The German people of the defence must be shifted as far new concept of war. This is partially of 16 rouns; thus defeated the college true. Strategy and military tactics depend by seven runs. Although the youths lost knowing the Russians and fully aware as possible to the East in order to the match, we highly congratulate them, on charges in the technical and scientific of what they have to expect, put their preserve operational freedom, and to fields. Unchanged, however, is the in particular, Cyrilo Sinclair, the budtrust only in the West. If the Western prevent the Russians from conquering human being who must fight the battles ding pitcher. He has quite a number of Powers abandon Germany, millions of another 40 to 60 million men and and unchanged are the laws of space caused many of the crack batsmen of changes in the deliveries of the ball. He German men will join the Red Army women as slave labourers or soldiers.
and time. Unchanged is the need to to fight against the West, men who The part that Germany is supposed to hold and secure conquered territory by the Jupiter to sing Doh. Ray. Me.
will feel they have been sacrificed and play must be decided by the Western land armies. Therefore, World War 11 betrayed by the West and have nothing Powers. Even if Germany wanted to, it In the latter afternoon hours we remains the most important lesson for more to lose.
could not now contribute to its own witnessed the encounter between the the war of the future.
The question Advancing a thin defense line to the defense. If the West wants Germany, whether a future war can be avoided Cubs and Motive Power, the 1949 Elbe would not solve the problem or it is high time to revise high policy. cannot be answered with certainity. But champion. The end came with four make it too difficult for the Russians is is certain that today only a policy Motive which was the efforth of Albert runs for the Cubs and a single for the to overrun Western Germany.
One might argue that technical One cannot assume that formations progress, especially in the sphere of ato based on force can preserve the peace.
Evans who earned a home run in the mic energy, has created a completely (Conclusion)
of the Western Powers would obstinatesecond inning. Due to insufficiency of ly defend a line several hundred miles space in this issue we shall say more cast of their own fortified borders.
on this match in our next issue.
Confronted by superior Russian forces, they will look back and ask themselves PERSONALIA why they should die on German soil.
Therefore, the German Government Reverend William Grabam (CHEAP STORE) MOISES KADER Love Goes North: anxiety when asking for military security is fully understandable.
The Eastern border of Germany can OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR While our esteem readers are readonly be defended with hope Success ing these lines, if the Reverend Fr.
FASHION FABRICSe FROM FAMOUS MILLS William Graham Love has not yet arif they are occupied as a defensive zone rived in the United States of America, by strong military formations and if Prints of all colours. Organdies, plain or flocked, those positions can be manned in a Khaki.
Spun Gabardines.
he is very near home. We gather that Shirts and Necties to match few hours. Furthermore, it must be his leaving on almost the even of orSuitings. Shirtings. Casimires. Imported Cotton made certain that strong units of the rival of the Reverend Fr. Mrs. Wil EVERY OTHER DRESS AND FANCY MATERIALS Western Air Forces can enter the battle liam Ziadie is a medium of respond inmmediately THEN REMEMBER THAT to a very urgent call to be at the bedside of his sister an aunt and also with a KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES Mests of Western Defence view of his own recuperation. We pray THE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST he reaches safely and find the sick very Combined operations of land, seaBEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE much recovered from illness. The Anand air forces must be planned and glicans and our community in general coordinated. Equally important is the. LIMON who love and respect him will year for establishment of a dear cut chain of Lhis return TIENDA LA BARATA WEAR ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON COSTA RICA. THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH. SERVICES: SUNDAYS: CLIFFORD STEELE TAILOR MADE SUITS Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials. SECOND: The neatness of workmanship.
THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment WHICH Will nevel get out shape.
Central established near the British Vice Consulate in the City of Los Arcoledad o de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon 6. 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist. 00 Sunday School WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday. Holy Days a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 Saturday: Confession 00. 00 Sistema Nacional de Bibliotek del Ministedd de conta Biblotili Riter orber wouncements de ca

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