
THE ATLANTIC All The Week In One Day EDITOR: Number 41 SEPTEMBER 2, 1950 Year POST BOX 199 LIMON. COSTA RICA JOS. THOMAS Selling Out OUR TASK RIGHT HEARTY WELCOME FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Arrived in our city this morning Greater would have been the For many months we are observing that several parents are failing and are the guests of our widely honour rested in these columns had in their duty which we consider to be of great importance. that of get. known Reverend William Forde, it been possible to have presented ting off their children on time for school. They seem to be unmindful the Pastor of the Baptist Denomi. their photographs with this note of of the fact that the child late at school has much to lose. The exercises nation, are the following eminent a Right Hearty Welcome to these at the starting hour, in general is of marvellous spiritual value to the Baptists of Jamaica, British West Apostles of our Blessed Master.
scholars. The morning prayer means much to teachers and scholars. The Indies, the Reverend Clarence We make bold to say their commorning song is an ingredient to mind and soul. Punctuality is a great Whylie, Chairman of the Ja ing to this section of Christ estate of which the young should become into possession and should be maica Baptist Union and the Se Vineyard will be a blessing, not rarely prized. Habits of lateness firmly fixed cannot be suddenly thrown cretary of the Missionary Society only to baptists, but to every believer off and the child late at school is apt to be late throughout life.
and the Reverend David Morgan, who may listen to the Messages We are very sensitive to the long list of excuses that these parents Laision Officer of the Jamaica which they will deliver in the city will come forward with for this negligence, but we are strong in our Baptist Union Church and line missions.
opinion that everyone is surmountable. The only set back which we surmise to be difficult is the economical condition, for Iruthfully, there are many mothers who have to ponder deeply and scratch their heads to find the with all for the cup of tea and slice of bread for their children, and no The Most Golden Chance doubt, time creeps on with the wondering thought. However, this is not generally so. We must look also on the other side of the picture of those mothers whose social indulgence keep them away from the early to bed and early to rise system. This type of mothers do not merit the glorious tribute which we extended to Motherhood, but a fortnight ago.
Land consisting of 20 hectareas of which hectareas is cultivated in cacao. Pasture containing 342 hectareas balance in woodland There is a momentum in punctuality which serves as enhancement to a high mark in life. Parents. see to it that your children are ready on and in addition a pasture of hectareas; this latter is on the time for school. The teachers will appreciate your cooperation in this Costa Rica Banana Company Property.
Fifteen heads of cattle of good breed. Two horses and poultry.
If the road we used in our school days could tell the story, it would ONE DWELLING HOUSE WITH TWO ROOMS AND FURNITURE, tell bow rapidly we ran that mile each morning in order to be on time for (Titled Property)
the teacher inspection of clothing; to see the fingernails are free of dirt; One cacao dryer with a capacity of 13 boxes APPLY TO: to see that no foreign matter is in the ear; to see clean teeth; to see that the shoes are well cleaned and if barefoot to see that the feet are washed; GOULDBOURNE MILES LIVERPOOL to see that hair is well combed; the bair in which his pencil does not pass through freely is subject to question.
Our esteem Director and his staff should find a very effective measure NEWS FROM CIMARRONES to discipline the late arrivals at school. We are cognizant of the labour they exercise in trying to correct these babits, but seemingly talking alone By Nosam will not effect the cure.
On Sunday the 29th of August, way by which the girls faced their the Chesterfield Softball Club of oponents. The bull dog tenacity Rio Hondo played a game against demonstrated by these girls do not TIENDA LA BARATA the Yanks on the Siquirres Oval. set them as easy Fish to be scaled.
The girls from Rio Hondo scored Myrtle Wynn. 1st base; Dorothy very effectively with an aggregate Charles. Short stop; Margery Rowe (CHEAP STORE) MOISES KADER of nine runs. to for the Yanks. It pitcher; Hazel Reid. Outfield; is said that the Chesterfield which Bernice Wynn catcher At the. OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR it not a year since it has been es players merit cheers for their atablished is doing splendidly, back. chievement, but more so the above FROM FAMOUS MILLS ed by the great enery and gigantic mentioned.
Prints of all colours. Organdies, plain or flocked.
Spun Gabardines. Khaki. Shirts and Necties to match.
Suitings. Shirtings. Casimires. Imported Cotton EVERY OTHER DRESS AND FANCY MATERIALS This is to inform the public in general, especially any prospective THEN REMEMBER THAT purchaser of the property advertised in this newspaper for sale by Mr.
KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES GOULDBOURNE of Miles, Liverpool, that the undersigned owns 14 THE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST hectarea of cacao which is included in the lot advertised for sale. However, BEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE am disposed to sell my cultivation of cacao to any person buying the property. LIMON BENJAMIN BENNETT Sistema Nacial MILES LAVERPOOLoud, Costa Rica FASHION FABRICS NOTICE! NOTICE!
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