
Página EL ATLANTICO de Setiembre de 1950 Molestias de la Vejiga Cada día de descuido aumenta los padecimientos of These two photographs herewith beautifying these columns represent Miss Kathleen Fuller, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Simcon Fuller and Mr. Ripton Hazel, son of Mr. Mrs. Ruben Hazel of this city At the six o clock morning hour, today, September 9, in the St. Mark Church the Sacrament of Marriage which associated their destinies was solemnized by the Reverend William Ziadie, the Rector of Limon. The contracting pair being members of the Church they were the recipients of full christian rites The conviviality which surrounds the estimable couple, will without doubt, give importance to the news of their marriage, due to the fact both occupy in the hearts of their parents and friends an illustrious spot by the attributes which they characterize «THE ATLANTIC by this medium illimitably congratulates them and wishes them much happiness in their new state of life.
ti hi ME ko be La irritación intolerable, los ardores que producen los tras Sin drogas que puedan tornos de la vejiga, deben dañar el organismo, las ser combatidos en sus Pildoras De Witt para comienzos.
los Riñones y la Vejiga Por la vejiga pasan los ejercen su acción calmanvenenos y desechos que te y antiseptica en los los riñones han separado riñones, la vejiga y todos de la sangre.
Cuando los conductos urinarios.
este delicado órgano está Emplee con confianza inflamado, sufre por el este medicamento sencicontacto con esos venenosllo, que no ocasiona moirritantes.
lestias de ninguna esLos ardores y las in pecie. Cincuenta años flamaciones de la vejiga, de éxito son su mejor deben ser combatidos recomendación.
con las Píldoras De Witt En frascos de dos para los Riñones y la tamaños, con 40 y 100 Vejiga.
Br. Guiana Wins Shooting Cup British Guiana has won the Anchor were declared the winners because they Cup competition, organized by the West had the highest score at the longer range, Indies Rifle Association and fired at the Jamaica scored 813 and Barbados 788.
Bisley ranges in Surrey, England.
The event, shot over 300, 500, and British Guiana and Trinidad tied 600 yards, is normally held in cach of with 816 points each, but British Guiana the four competing territories in turn. N of fa to bo La Proveedora OFRECE: 55 80 Píldoras DEWITT PARA LOS. RINONES LA VEJIGA INDUSTRIA BRITANICA 25 LECHE EN POLVO KLIM lata 85 HARINA libra 50 FRIJOL COLORADO libra FRIJOL GUARIA libra FRIJOL GONGU libra 45 AVENA QUAKER lata ca 60 00 LECHE EN POLVO ROSEMARY lata 90 90 JABON SAPOLIO 165 pan VINO DE NARANJA bot.
CRADAS 45 GRAPAS PARA CERCA 00 ENCU SOCIE ENCHUFLES PARA PLANCHA u. 00 SOCKETS COLGANTES o u. 75 CLAVOS, todo tamaño libra 10 CLAVO CLAVOS para herrar libra 00 HERRADURAS libra 60 CORDON ELECTRICO yarda 55 ESCOBAS ANGULO 00 ARROZ libra 65 Miles de otros articulos, todos a precios muy razonables 25 libra sudden death at Matina Quite true, that we no longer Indies and had resided with honour consider death as an accident, for and esteem in the district of Mawe well comprehend that it is a tina over a lengthened period of general course of humanity final. years. His last remains inlaid in his However, there are times when the last house were accompanied by a summon is served it stirs lamen large number of mourners and tation and evokes deep sympathy sympathizers to the burial ground.
for the surviving loved ones. Such Over his grave befitting tribute to became evident on the occasion of his earthly career was delivered by the sudden death of Mr. Dolfus Mr. Rose. Many tears were shed.
Brown at Matina Among the surviving relatives On the afternoon of the 18th ul are Mrs. Whielmena Malcolm, Hatimo on his return from his farm, rold George and Bernice.
we learn he said to his house Miss Evelyn McKenzie adopts this companion that he was not feeling medium to thank the friends of well that was the last utterance; Matina, Estrada, the city of Limon in a few moments he died.
and other parts for their condolence He was native of the parish of extended to her and their assistance Hanover, Jamaica, British West at the funeral ceremony.
La Proveedora APARTADO 175 PUERTO LIMON TOME KO LA GARRON Miguel Jon Lizana dels cional de Bibliote


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