
1950 THE ATLANTIC All The Week In One Day EDITOR: JOS. TIOMAS Number 42 SEPTEMBER 9, 1950 Year POST BOX 199 LIMON, COSTA RICA West Indies Cricket Averages.
OUR TASK FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR In the Basket of the Week The Province of Limon is essentially agricultural and noted for the cultivation of Banana and Cacao as the two major crops and in additional When we walk in virtue and by so doing ground provisions. We cannot gainsay the fact that these products are the Reverence God and keep His irrevocable laws outstanding factors in our economic life. By what we gather the Banana What is there which can make us afraid?
Industry at the present offers no medium of encouragement, but we are of firm belief that it will not remain permanently downbill.
The foundation for the improvement of both plants is greater scientific knowledge in cultivation as well as better reaping methods and also by scientific knowledge to fight the deseases to which these products are subjected.
BATTING In order that production be more profitable, the lands we cultivate must be rendered more productive; and this can only be done by increased Higheast knowledge regarding soil culture and the care of plants.
The resing generation are the ones more directly concerned and should Worrell 261 539 be fully prepared to take the places of their elders and face a future which Rae 109 347 will, in all certainty, be more exacting in all its commercial requirements. Weekes 0 129 338 Agricultural Science is the key to open the door for the successful farmers. Stollmeyer 78 305 No higher service, we believe, could be rendered this Zone ihan the Walcott 160 (no)
229 imparting along with the other instructions in our schools, the rudiments Gomez 74 207 of that knowledge on which our agricultural prosperity must so largely Goddard 58 (1. depend. If this training be enforced in all our official and private schools, Christiani 33 82 few pupils will escape imbibing that which may enable them, in their years Johnson 22 to come, to effect the growth of two Cacao Plants where only one grew Ramadhin 10 before and cause a better banana plant to grow where one of an inferior Valentine quality did previously. 1 Times Total runs Avr.
Not Out Score Innings 7 1 7 6 6 89. 83 62. 83 56. 33 50. 83 45. 80 41. 40 26. 16. 10 33 106 30 5 1 2 0 15 Jones La Proveedora WEST INDIES TEST AVERAGES UP TO THE END OF THE FOURTH TEST MATCH Bowling Overs Maiden Overs Runs Wickets Goddard 73. 28 122 A. Valentine 222. 674 33 Ramadhin 377. 170 604 26 Worcell 98. 36 182 H. Johnson 65. 13 142 G. Gomez 80 25 163 G. Gomez 80 25 163 P. Jones 38. 7 105 C. Walcott 12 Avr.
20. 33 20. 42 23. 23 30. 33 47. 32 81. 0. 99 81. DEL 105 45 OFFERS: KLIM POWDERED MILK tin 85 FLOUR Іь. 50 RED BEANS Ib. 55 BIG PINK BEANS Ib. 80 QUAKER OATS tin 60 ROSEMARY POWDERED MILK tin 90 SAPOLIO cake 65 ORANGE WINE, delicious bot. 25 BLACKBERRY WINE bot. 25 ISLAND PALM SOAP cake JADE SOAP cake 80 TROPICO JELLIES jar 75 KEROSENE COAS bot.
FENCE STAPLES Іь. 00 IRON PLUGS 00 NAILS, all sizes Ib. 10 HORSE SHOE NAILS Іь 00 HORSE MULE SHOES Іь. 60 ELECTRIC CORD yd. 55 ANGULO BROOMS SAWS, 22 INCH 13. 00 RAT TRAPS 75 MAYSON ELECTRIC IRONS 35. 00 Thousands of other articles at prices as reasonable as we can make them.
Quick, courteous service.
All merchandise guaranted.
Now on sale Floradora Bay Rum 00 La Proveedora Specially prepared from its original formula by Lic. LUIS ALEJANDRO LOPEZ at the ZEPOL LABORATORY SAN JOSE Made now with Pure Alcohol.
Ask for it at the United Fruit Company Commissary in your locality and other establishments.
LABORATORIOS ZEPOL ma Naceme Jose del Buch ser Segovia, Nº 274. APARTADO 1730, BOX 175 Este documento es propiedad PUERTO LIMON Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud,


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