
Page September 9, 1950.
Among The Baptists: Widow.
And relatives IN REMEMBRANCE At the seven o clock evening hour lie. We discovered in his remarks of Saturday the 2nd instant, nature a two fold purpose; first as ChairIn loving and never fading memory of our beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather was attuned with the approaching man of the Jamaica Baptist Union, occasion of the Baptist Church and Secretary of the Missionary There prevailed a much milder Society he officially showered con JAMES MCDOUGAL atmosphere than our experience dur gratulations and thanks of Pastor ing the earlier days of the week. Forde, his congregation and friends who departed this life on September 8, 1946 There was evidently a yearning for the splendid support given from Today, four long sad years have gone desire among baptists and friends time to time to the Missionary So Since you left us Dad that Sunday mom to welcome the Delegation of the ciety and that the repairs to this day we cannot never forget Jamaica Baptist Union in the emi Church is self evident of the labours day of sorrow and regret nent personages of the Reverend which it involves. There was sin To think of the sad farewell before you closed your eyes Clarence Whylie, Chairman cerity in his address and was un To bear you voice and see that smile of the Jamaica Baptist Union and questionably poured from a well That meant so much to us the Secretary of the Missionary So spring of intellect. It was all embrac For all of us you did your best ciety and the Reverend David ing. Mrs. Haydee Muñoz de Mor God grant you His eternal rest.
Morgan, Liaison Officer of gan in clear and moving tone of LILIAM MCDOUGAL AMANDA MCDOUGAL OTHER DAUGHTERS, SONS.
the Jamaica Baptist Union. They voice in Spanish rendered a solo.
Daughter were accompanied by Miss Linda She was the recipient of cheers at Ainsworth of Jamaica, the Reits close.
verend Morgan, the Pastor The Reverend David Morgan The richness of the tones of voice contributed a spicy address to the of the Almirante Bocas Circuit, his came forward after his introduction of Miss Iris Williams and Mrs.
esteem wife, Doña Haydee Muñoz by the Pastor. At the outset we saw Stewart fell upon the ears in the de Morgan and Miss Carol Mor in him a package of magnificent rendition of their duet. Reverend The mellowed closing remarks of gan, sister to the Reverends Mor possibilities. physical. mental. Morgan, called the Associate the Reverend Forde terminated a gan.
emotional Spiritual and in Pastor of the local Baptist Church well spent evening.
The platform was a scene of full and harmoneous development Germania Has Lost a Well Beloved Citizen eminence ready for the artist brush of the possibilities was evidence, we instead of our humble pen.
believe of his worth. He also enter Mr. James Alexander Smith born in Manchester and came to ed the area of the Overall Central known as the good man of Ger this country in the year 1906. He The Reverend Forde, in his well Fund Scheme of the Jamaica Baptist mania passed from this life to the lived an unmarried life, but as a known efficiency introduced the Union; thus paving the way for Unknown Beyond on Monday even true Christian. His philosophy was guests of honour. Knowing as we many of the deficiencies of the past; ing the 21st of August, 1950, after to do all the good he could to all do his racial consciousness, we were principally to afford regular contact just one day confinement to his the people he could and just as long not taken by surprise by his soul with baptist Churches in Jamaica home. He was buried the following as he could, for 12 years.
expression in the lofiest appreci and around the Caribbean. day Mr. Smith was a Jamaican The people of Germania in whose ation of the gentlemen of the Dehearts burn appreciation and love legation; men of colour, but ideal and the adjoining districts are pillars, intellectually and spiritually. VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT mourning the loss. But God knows Mr. Stephen Riley, deacon of the best.
Church delivered the address in beMay his soul rest in peace.
half of the Church. Mrs. Susana Moodie set a high mark by her speech in representation of the DOCTOR OSCAR PACHECO Baptist Women Federation. Her GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK Physician and Surgeon barque was not left to the mercy From the University of Pensylvania, of the intellectual stream. It was HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED ably steered. Miss Vera Gillings spoke very interestingly for the SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office Sunday School. song by the children with Mrs. McRae presidand Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Office: 75 yards West of the Cole gio de Señoritas. SAN JOSE ing at the organ was an effective BRITTON prelude to the soul moving address Manager HOURS: 10. 12 p.
of the Reverend Clarence WhyBritton and Holness, Limited SPECIALITY DISEASES OF WOMEN.
Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist. 00 Sunday School Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
FERNANDO HONG ON General Manager ALFONSO SOLE LIPPA Assistant Manager WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00. 00 pm.
See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements.


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