
September 9, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page How Good is Your Vocabulary Princess Elizabeth Daughter CHING SON LA NACIONAL HERMANOS BENAVIDES Words. can you find the correct words? Your vocabulary, like RELOJERIA. JOYERIA GRABADOS any other part of you, develops with exercise.
APARTADO 1779 TELEFONO 1960 The trick is to summon from the recesses of your mind, quickly and Situated in the commercial centre of San José. Ground Floor.
without hesitation, the words which fit.
Diario de Costa Rica Building, Guaranteed workmanship Honesty and Efficiency.
Many English words sound alike but are spelled differently and have We make Rings Bracelets Earrings and all items of jewelrey.
unlike meanings; for example, BEAR and BARE, SEEN and SCENE, etc.
Our staff of expert watch. repairers are qualified in handling all types Write a pair of such words in each pair of blanks, following the and makes of watches and clocks.
definition Our stock of modern items of gold, silver and platinum are on display VISIT US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED One predicts, the other is the purpose of most business enterprises. One may refer to weather, the other is payment for transportation. One is on the clock, the other flavours food.
LONDON August 17. LPS) princess christening but the a One is not fancy, the other is flat.
The daughter born to Princess Eli remony is not likely to take plac zabeth at her London home Cla any earlier than in the case of he One is the central portion, the other is a military unit.
rence House on Tuesday last stands brother.
third in direct succession to the No elaborate arrangements hav In our next issue will be published the correct words to this test along British Throne. This event has been made at Clarence House fo with another item on How Good Is Your Vocabulary. Dont miss the aroused world wide interest and the new baby. She will share Prino coming issue.
excitement in Britain has been shar Charles nursery which is on th ed not only in the countries throug top floor. Prince Charles who hout the British Commonwealth now twenty one months old wa but also by nations in Europe and born at Buckingham Palace as a RUBEN by the USA. In America the arrival that time Clarence House was stil of this royal princess was treated being prepared for occupation by as an occurrence of world im his parents. The cradle which wa: EXPORTER OF CACAO portance and all radio transmis used original for Princess Elizabeth sions were interrupted for a special and Princess Margaret then foi announcement, Prince Charles will be used again WE BUY: CACAO. COCOUTS. COPRAS The baby weighed exactly six for the new princess. The baby pounds at birth according to a clothes collected for Prince Charles Pensión Central in front of the Limon Post Office.
statement from Clarence House. will also be handed on to his sister Royal physicians visited mother and as will many of his toys.
child and issued and official bulMissionary Service and Public letin. Her Royal Highness, Prin. Third in Succession to The Throne cess lizal and her daughter This new royal princess takes Meeting at Baptist Chruch have had a good night and both precedence over Princess Margaret are making satisfactory progress. and is third in succession to the Tomorrow, Sunday, the 10 th and Morgan of Jamaica on Sunday and It is undetstood that the princess monarchy. She stands immediately tomorrow night, Monday, the year the public speeches will be deliver and her husband have not yet after Princess Elizabeth and Prince Missionary Services and Public ed by the Delegates and other well chosen the names for their daughter. Charles. Like her brother Prince Meeting will be conducted respec known members of our clergy. The Prince Charles names were not an Charles she is directly descended tively, in the local Baptist Church. general public is assured a hearty nounced until the day of his chri from Queen Victoria being her We learn the pulpit will be oc welcome to all the services.
stening when he was four weeks great grandchild. This descent is cupied by the Reverend David old. No date is fixed for the new traced through both her parents Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of OVER FIVE HUNDRED have already Edinburgh The new baby was born Princess Singned the liberation Migration of Edinburgh under a decree issued Petition.
by the King two years ago at the The personnel of the Costa Rica time of Prince Charles birth. PreviDistrict of the Universal Negro (CHEAP STORE) MOISES KADER ously the grand children of a British Improvement Association have sovereign had not been entitled to drawn up a petition addressed to the. OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR be styled Royal Highness with titles Liberian Migration Commission of of Prince of Princess unless descendthe United States Government for ed through the male line. But this FASHION FABRICS consideration of the people of NeFROM FAMOUS MILLS decree applies only to children gro Blood and African descent, rePrints of all colours. Organdies, plain or flocked.
of Princess Elizabeth who is heir sidents of this Republic, in regard Spun Gabardines. Khaki. Shirts and Necties to match presumptive to the monarchy.
to the Langer Bill 1880 for persons desirous of permanent setSuitings. Shirtings. Casimires. Imported Cotton.
Although a royal occasion, this EVERY OTHER DRESS AND FANCY MATERIALS birth is regarded fundamentally as tlement in Liberia or other parts of a happy event in a happy family Africa. This is part of the Liberian THEN REMEMBER THAT which is held in affectionate regard Migration Program now in process in the West Indies and the United KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES by millions throughout the world.
It has evoked not only expressions States of American.
THE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST of formal loyalty and congratuOver five hundred signatures BEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE lations but a spontaneous wellinghave been already affixed to this Petition by people of this Atlantic. LIMON up of joy and pride throughout the British Commonwealth and of exZone.
cumento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, cited pleasure elsewhere.


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