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THE ATLANTIC September 9, 1950 age TRAMO JOE LEWIS Restaurant Ecos de Paris LIMON MARKET We carry stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native products. The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOTTO Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers little profit on our money, but no profiteering JOE LEWIS Propietor.
Conveniently situated in the hear of the capital 300 yards South Musmani Bakery.
SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with and efficient stock of the best liquor.
OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.
PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR: CEDRIC KERR West Indies Cricket Tour in England THE PEOPLE HOUSE The West Indies cricket touring In the four Test matches, the cam took 16 England wickets for West Indies scored 2, 313 runs for 35 runs on Wednesday at Ken56 wickets an average of 41 runs Angton Oval, to win the fourth runs, the score had reached 503. for 25, Valentine for 31. Va per wicket England scored 2, 131 nd final Test match in the most The West Indies however, took lentine figures for the innings runs for 80 wickets, an average of arprising finish of their tour. well over five hours to score the were for 121. Hutton, the only 26 runs per wicket.
The victory gave the West Indies 208 they added.
batsman to play them with conSeven matches remain in the tour, heir first rubber in 50 years of Simpson and Hutton opened fidence, completed a score of 202 which began on May with the ricket contests in England, by the coutiously for England and played not out, the highest ever made match against Worcestershire and ecisive margin of three matches out time, scoring 29 in 67 minutes. against a touring side in ends on September 12.
Rain interrupted play on Tuesday England.
Final scores were: West Indies, for about 55 minutes, but this was With a lead of 159 runs, God Four Players Invited to Tour 03; England, 344 and 103. Thus in England favor, as tended to dard forces the follow on. He got India he West Indies won by an in halt deterioration of the wicked the first wicket himself, when Ro. Four West Indians now touring ings and 56 runs.
and made it difficult for the bert Christiani, fielding at short leg England, Hiness Johnson, Sonny At close of play on Tuesday, spin bowlers to finger the wet ball. about three paces from the wicket, Ramadhin, Alfred Valentine, and with England only 221 runs behind in the remaining time, England dived and caught Hutton for Rae, have been invited to he West Indies first innings score scored 282 for Hutton had at Thereafter it was only a matter of tour India with a Commonwealth and having six wickets in hand, it last struck form against the time for Valentine and Ramadhin cricket side towards the end of this was generally expected that the West Indies and battled undefeated to complete the rout. Valentine took year.
natch due to end Thursday, would through the day for 160. Compton, six for 39 and Ramadhin three for The Commonwealth side will be beter out in a draw. But skipper after a shaky stort, was beginning 38. Valentine total for the match managed by Geerge Duckworth, Goddard took advantage of a dry to play Ranadhin and Valentine was 10 wickets for 160 runs, a test former England wicket keeper.
ng wicket and skittled out the op safely, if not comfortably. Just as match record. Weekes was brilliant Duckworth held a similar job posing batsmen at the rate of 10 his partneship with Hutton began in the slips, taking five catches off with the last Commonwealth team uns apiece.
to take on a formidable aspect, they Valentine.
that toured India late last year.
When play began on the previous misjudged a run, both were caught Saturday, John Goddard won the at the same wicket, and Compton oss yet again, and batted on a was run out at 44. Their partnership berfect wicket The West Indies England best two batsmen facFinished the day with their score ing the West Indies best two at 295 for three wickets. Rae 109) bowlers produced some of the best Both Stollmeyer and Weekes had cricket of the season.
JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON eft in their thirties, Weekes being And then came the end. Although YOU WILL NEED GOOD ARTICLE he first victim of left arm spinner play started with the sun out on FOR YOUR MONEY SO SEE US FIRST FOR THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Wright, who bowled excellently Wednesday, it was drying a wicket SUITINGS, DRESS MATERIALS, AND ALL throughout the innings. Worrell, on which rain had fallen during OTHER REQUIREMENTS IN LADIES whose batting and bowling feats the night and early morning. God GENTS WEAR PRICES ALWAYS TO PLEASE YOU vere exacting their toll in tirendness dard decided to capitalize on this was 110 not out.
He thought Ramadhin too slow On Monday, Worrell took his for this wicket and gave him only MEMBERS and Congregation of St. Mark paid befitting homage score to 138, after a dizzy spell had four overs. To Jones, who swings Interrupted his innings. Both Go away from the batsman, he gave to the Reverend Mrs. William Ziadie mez (74) and Goddard (58 not only one. But he bowled Valentine out) batted stubbornly, and when and himself for 15 overs each and We breathe pleasure as we breathe mind embarked in that honourable Wright polished off the tail, tak between them they took the last the air, in passing along the news course of the demonstration. It proving his bag to five wickets for 141 six wickets for 62 runs (Goddard in conjunction with the magnificent ed comprehensive view of the high welcome given to the Reverend Fr. standard of a people to their spiriand Mrs. William Ziadie on the tual leaders occasion of their return from a The work accomplished during Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK visit of several month in the grand their tenure of service prior to their North American Republic. The very leave of absence has more than befitting homage was well prepar justified the welcome given to them.
Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University United States of America ed and extended by the parishioners We have good reasons to think ADVISES of St. Mark that the Rector and Mrs. Ziadie The set up was in the Parish Hall have returned greatly benefited by His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that his office is on Monday night the 28th ultimo. their trip and with renewed zeal situated two and a half blocks West of the Liberty The deep love and wide reverence to spread the Message of the Cross, Hall and his service is at their disposal.
possessed by the members and con demonstrate Christian Fellowship.
OFFICE HOUR: FROM 30 IN THE AFTERNOON gregation for the Rector and wife not only to Anglicans, but to our was that medium by which the general community.
Nacional Miguel Obreg


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