
Page THE ATLANTIC September 16, 1950.
OUR TASK FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR We believe in giving a rosebud to the living when it is deserving sban placing a garland of roses on the grave after death for when life is extinct all is gone.
The capita used is intended as a symbol to strike a note of ap.
preciation and congratulation in behalf of those gentlemen who have and are striving splendidly to come to our aid in the stringent situation of liv.
ing accomodations It might be considered that its is a swim in the financial stream by those men with available capital, but thought should also be given to the fact that there exists lucrative field other ihan construction of houses. For instance some of the men who have bought buildings which are standing dust and have demolished them and are erecting new structures are agriculturists. they know the productive value of Mother Eearth and they could have effected extension to their cultivations or start new ones and with a more settled bope for higher and quicker financial gain than the investment of cash which is spread over several years for recovery, to say the least of adequate profit. Their efforts in the housing project is not only a contribution to remedy the house shortage, but is also clearing away she ugly sight presented to the city by those structural relics. Among the old buildings is one said to have stood up for sixty years. Our esteemed agriculturist, Don Asis Esna who is forging to the front in this real estate effort intends to erect a modern concrete building at this spot which commands the corner of fourth street and fifth avenue, North.
We repeat our appreciation and congratulations to all concerned.
IN MEMORIAM In loving and unforgetable memory of our beloved adopted Mother and Aunt WHELELMINA ROBINSON who fell asleep on the bosom of her father on September 19, 1949 Just one year ago Your footmarks are imprinted bere The good deeds you have done We know that you are with the Blest For the good alone are Blessed.
Although your stay with us was long It seemed twas but a day Your memory round our bearts doth cling Twill never fade away.
RITA MARIE HILDA NINI GIVEN California Panama Limon vis sta 80 cap 18 LETER TO THE EDITOR DOCTOR OSCAR PACHECO Physician and Surgeon From the University of Pensylvania, The Baptist Mission Port Lin Costa Rica Sept. 11, 1950.
trat 29 dan afte Our Banana Industry Freedom Extended In SPECIALITY The Editor DISEASES OF WOMEN THE ATLANTIC Office: 75 yards West of the ColeSir, gio de Señoritas, SAN JOSE We crave permission to express through There has been for several months We interpret this disposition to HOURS: 10. 12 p.
the medium of your valuable weekly a deadlock among the Commission mean equal export liberty to proour deep appreciation to you for the appointed by the National Congress ducer if he desires to personally efmany courtesies shown, and for the puto study the pros and cons of the fect exportation of his fruit.
IMPRENTA FALCO LTDA. blicity you have given us during our Atlantic Banana Industry, the Exstay in Port Limon porters and the Producers. Many We are deeply impressed by the recommendations and projects of Ya está a la venta el BAY RUM FLORADORA. Prepa.
courage, calibre and fidelity of the trustLaw have been introduced, but rado por el Lic. Luis Alejandro López, según fórmula especial ed representative of the Jamaica Baptist there were always some to complain y con alcohol purísimo, en los Union the Rev. William Forde. His and some knotty ends. By newswork in this area for over forty years paper release contrary views were SAN JOSE is outstanding; and in the name of the even mentioned from our own reJ. we have extended an invitation Pidalo en los Comisariatos de la Compañia Bananera de presentatives. The matter has now Costa Rica en su localidad y en otros establecimientos comerto him which he has graciously acceptpassed through the diamond sieve ed to be the guest speak at our aunual ciales.
of Freedom whereby the governmeetings in February of 1951.
mental vigilance is suspended up We wish also to express our decp to the thirty first of December of appreciation to Rev. Forde and his lovthe year in course. However, the ing and loyal people for the Lavish exporteris obligated to deposit hospitality extended to us throughout 10 for each bunch of banana LABORATORIOS ZEPOL stay in the province.
shipped to foreign markets. The SAN JOSE. 75 varas Sur Almacén Segovia, 274. APARTADO 1730 We are on behalf of the Union deposit is to be made in the Central Yours sincerily Bank. MORGAN selca and stort Cub held inn with Barl sixth him, Riven field Log cher respa oor quién LABORATORIOS ZEPOL Bay Rum Floradora Vin his in Stan first first case Cond when gimni nics up a VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT ST. MARK CHURCH Britton and Holness, Limited LIMON COSTA RICA In fran ed a runs 13. THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH SERVICES. GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK SUNDAYS 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon.
HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist. 00 Sunday School SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00 00 BRITTON. Manager.
Se Wrolly Parish Bulletin for orber Annoucements Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lino del sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica cas play mand of pl cipier


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