
Page THE ATLANTIC September 30, 1950.
TA Reuben, Reuchild Rothschidl Ltda.
of Dr the sc NOTAS SOCIALES IN MEMORIAM Tuvimos el gusto de saludar a las Entre nuestros distinguidos visiGod knows the load was beavy.
distinguidas señoritas Flory Castro, tantes tuvimos el gusto de saludar The bill was bard to dimb Nena Gámez Carmen San a la encantadora señorita Virginia He gently dosed bis eyes, and said tos y María Bianchini quienes vi Maroto y a sus hermanos don EnCome Hirber, Peace be Tbine.
nieron a pasar el Día de la Inderique y don Ludovico Starke y seFor many silent tears are shed pendencia al lado de sus familiañora. ben orbers are asleep.
You are not forgotten Father Nor will you ever be Para San José salió la señorita Pasando unos días entre nosotros IN EVER LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEUR FATHER AND GRANDFATHER Nora Peters quien pasó estos se encuentra la simpática amiguita días de fiesta en este puerto al lado Elsie Fernández Le presentamos de sus familiares. Nuestro saludo.
JAMES MURRAY nuestro saludo y le deseamos una September 25, 1944.
grata estadía en el puerto.
MR. MRS. ERNEST WRIGHT MRS. INA PUGH Para San José, después de pasar (DAUGHTERS)
el fin de semana entre nosotros, saFERNANDO. RODOLFO. ERNESTO FRANKLIN pasar el Día de la Indepen lieron las señoritas Luzhilda LizetBABS SANDRA dencia llegaron al puerto el doctor te y Yolanda Yaylor, Cecilia Filloy (GRAND CHILDREN)
Carmelo Calvosa y señora, el Dr.
y Cecilia Fonseca. Nuestro saludo Orlando Sotela y señora y el Dr.
para las simpáticas amiguitas.
Carlos Jiménez y señora. Presentamos a los distinguidos visitanPara San José, después de pasar tres Blessed Mother and Wife is called up Higher tes nuestro saludo y les deseamos semanas en este Puerto en unión de sus Not without physical sufferings dur were spent at Zent. years devoted una grata estadía entre nosotros.
hijos don Teodoro Quirós y doña Flory ing the latter dosing days of her life. in faithful services to our Blessed de Quirós, salió doña Julia de Güell. pains borne with Christian fortitude; Saviour; to the care and love of her such were the experience of Mrs. Dau husband and children and to the spreadtrice Matilda Whitehorn and on Friday ing of Christian and loving fellowship the 15th instant to end her life career, among her brethren.
we think we heard these words below: At the forenoon hour of Saturday This done the great transaction done the 16th, the funeral service was soEXPORTADORES DE CACAO She is ber Lord and He is ber lemny conducted by the Reverend Fr.
He has called her and she followed on William Ziadie with Mr. William Nuestras oficinas han sido instaladas contiguo al Edificio de and by which we find rich consolation. Daysley presiding at the organ in the Correos, Avenida Central, frente a Avelino de la Peña Cía.
The late Mrs. Whitehorn had seen St. John Church in which she had the marvellous light of day in the parish membership. Other than Anglicans of Limón, 12 de Setiembre de 1950.
of St. Ann in the island of Jamaica Zent there were members from St.
Thirty seven years of her flowery life Mark Church and mourners and simpathizers of the community, from Siquiand other line towns. The funeral procession furnished evidence that the last remains bearing to the grave were of one whose earthly life had Motivated by humane tendencies we have dedicated the past week (inter alia)
EXPORTERS OF CACAO earned this solemn respects. such last remains which could not go unhonour to visiting the sick.
At the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Our office has been established adjoining the Post Office ed to the grave.
San Jose, we visited salon Federico Building, Central Avenue, in front of Avelino de la Peña Short Death has dug the well of grief and Zumbado, Gerardo Guzmán, Carlos DuStore.
lamentation in the very sould of her ran, Gerardo Jimenez, Ricardo Moreno Cañas, Carlos Volio and Echeverria and Limon, September 12, 1050. widower, Mr. Whitehorn, her children, David in Canada, Gwendolyn, were privileged to interview the following patients.
Ina and Euphena in Panama, Vincent, Mrs. Drucilla Price of Limon, Miss Violet and Iris in this Republics of Lolita Daley also of Limon, Miss Pearl Costa Rica, twelve grandchildren, other McLeod of Cahuita, Miss Kathleen relatives and a host of friends Seaburne of Siquirres, Miss Violet Lawrence, Miss Berdell Cayasso and THE ATLANTIC is deeply moved Miss Elizabeth Banton of Limon.
in the passing of this blessed Mother Miss Muriel Watson of Limon and and Wife and can only commend the Miss Irene Wynter of Beverly as also (CHEAP STORE)
MOISES KADER bereft widower and children to put Miss Ida Berrick who have been operated upon sucessfully OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR their hands like little children in the The latter is hospitalized in Pension great hand of God and He will confort FASHION FABRICS FROM FAMOUS MILLS Umaña. Our next step took us to the and keep them. May the soul of the wards for men where we found Mr.
Prints of all colours. Organdies, plain or flocked.
departed rest in peace.
John Harrison of Guacimo, Mr. Shotto Gilmore May of Monte Verde, Mr. Phil Spun Gabardines. Khaki. Shirts and Necties to match.
lip Gordon White of Saborio, Mr. Suitings. Shirtings. Casimires. Imported Cotton 28 Miles, Mr Ernest Bentt Mullins Sport Shirt 00 each.
DOCTOR OSCAR PACHECO James Mr. Victor pbysician and Surgeon Morgan of Siquirres EVERY OTHER DRESS AND FANCY MATERIALS Cubero Torres of Germania, Mr. Jose From the University of Pensylvania, THEN REMEMBER THAT Palacios Gonzalez of Estrella Branch From Limon proper we spoke with Mr.
SPECIALITY: Robert Brooks (Bobby) Mr. Nicep KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES DISEASES OF WOMEN hore Derotus, Mr. Rafael Angel Bre: THE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST nes, Mr. George Gordon and Mr. Da BEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE Office: 75 yards West of the Cole gio de Señoritas. SAN JOSE THE ATLANTIC takes this medium LIMON the above mentioned a speedy HOURS: 10. 12 4 propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, the fico ed rres VISITING THE SICK Reuben Reuchild, Rothschild Limited TIENDA LA BARATA niel Clarke


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