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THE ATLANTIC September 30, 1950, Page THE PEOPLE HOUSE Restaurant Ecos de París JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON YOU WILL NEED GOOD ARTICLE FOR YOUR MONEY SO SEE US FIRST FOR THE BEST OF EVERYTHING SUITINGS, DRESS MATERIALS, AND ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS IN LADIES GENTS WEAR PRICES ALIP AYS TO PLEASE YOU Conveniently situated in the hear of the capital 300 yards South Musmani Bakery SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.
PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR: CEDRIC KERR Two Anonymous Letters Bearing Threats to Commissioner Stanley Dixon and his Reply CAMPO PAGADO harrass any and all attempts by indi PERSONALIA viduals or groups trying to make it Among the excursionists from the otherwise and threats of death or exe neighbouring and friendly Republic to cution of murder will not change this our South, was Miss Hyacinth Jackson, determination formerly of La Junta. She spent the Your threats give me no fear as sooner greater part of her stay with her adoptTHREAT Nº 1: Dickson by this Negro Improvement Association and or later by illness, accident, strife, cd father: Mr. John Smith of Cairo you will know that 5, 000 colones will African Community League as Com murder or assasination each and everyone We are sorry to learn that he is under be your foot of earth. Dont forget missioner of Costa Rica, bad count.
MUST DIE, EVEN YOU THE PLOTthe strain of impaired health.
that one but not the Liberty Hall and ed the cost.
TERS OF MURDER 1and you want. have pledged allegiance to the If you are condemned to pay.
Miss Doris Legister a former LimoParent Body and President General and 5, 000. 00 should not you blame your nense of wide estimation arrived by a We remain yours.
to defend the Universal Negro Imselves and those who encouraged you regular Taca trip She is the house THREAT 2: Mr. Dixon: That provement against the enemies from to seize hold the UNIVERSAL NE guest of her mother, Miss Louise Tho3, 000 colones that you want from 21 within and without and shall try to GRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCI mas and son Enrique. She is the picture people will be your foot very early. keep this Promise So help Me God. ATION PROPERTY Did you conni of robustness. She is lovingly greeted Sing and Others.
ibe cost?
on every hand The Properties of the Limon and all MR. DLXON REPLY other Branches bought by the members Very truly yours Mrs. Violet Narvas of Colon, former TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and welwishers, directly or indirectly ly Miss Violet Richards who left this ST AN. DIXON In reply to the above Anonymous Notes for the Organization in Costa Rica shall city sixteen years ago is a right hearty be it understood that have no in remain the property of said Association President Limon Division Nº 300 welcome visitor to her native sod. Mrs.
tentions of owning the Properties and and it is the determination of the loyal and A. Commisioner Narvas stated that she has been taken Building of the Limon Division of the members and myself to oppose and of Costa Rica by surprise by the praiseworthy deUniversal Negro Improvement Associ.
velopment in this city; mentioning ation as my personal property neither further that the half had not been told to appropriate the income of the Dito her abroad. Leaving here in her very vision to my own use as the public is ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK TEST tender age and being absent for such led to believe by those who are trying a lengthened period she is almost a Nº Accidental that these vocabulary tests will not to rob the Property and Building from stranger to the land. 2 Fundamental the Organization for which it was appear in our forthcoming issues 3 Monumental owing to the fact our space is limit It is with great delight that we bought, to form a local Society of their 4 Temperamental ed hence we are forced to insert welcome Mrs. Claris Cornwall de own. The work of my administration 5 Detrimental items of deeper interest to all conChambers who is here on a visit. We is indisputable visible to the eyes of We regret to inform our readers cerned.
cannot forget her high musical and the public What handywork except other cultural contributions to our comindebtedness, can the Past Officers since munity in days of yore and do hope the Roberts. Gordon regime show we shall have the pleasure of seeing and of those who are opposing? Have her fingers move over those musical they individually or collectively inside keys before her return to Colon, the or outside the organization ever done Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University, of America city of her adoption.
anything to the good of the Community?
ADVISES EL NUEVO DIRECTOR When took my oath as President Presentamos atento saludo de His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that he has left of the Limon Division Nº 300 in the bienvenida al Dr. don Marcos Limon for a trip abroad, regretting time did not permit a previous presence of God and those who witnessChaves quien llegó a nuestra ciunotice.
ed the ceremony, and later when af.
dad, procedente de San José. Es el However, as soon as he returns due notice will be given fix my signature in contract with the nuevo Director de la Unidad SaniParent Body to serve the Universal taria de esta provincia.
Diario de Costa Rica Building Guaranteed workmanship Honesty and Efficiency.
We make Rings Bracelets Earrings and all items of jewelrey.
Our staff of expert watch. repairers are qualified in handling all types and makes of watches and docks.
Our stock of modern items of gold, silver and platinum are on display VISIT US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED. a Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizare LIMON MARKET We carry stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native products. The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOTTO Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers. little profit on our money, but no profiteering JOE LEWIS. Propietor Pema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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