
Page THE ATLANTIC October 7, 1950.
The Reverends Whylie And David Morgan, The Baptist Delegation From Jamaica Had a Fruitful Stay Spontaneous Welcome Extended to his Lordship, the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese LAUNCH EXCURSION BY THE TICA From the two o clock afternoon hour formation, led by the scholars of the The Delegation from the Jamaica to His guidance in the further years of of Friday the 29th of September, 1950. school of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Baptist Union comprising the Reverend fruitful activities which lay before them. hundreds of our citizenry, in splendid directed by the Religiosas Terciarias CaC. Whylie, P, Chairman of the puchinas of the Sacred Family, the Baptist Union and Secretary of the MisChildren of Mary groups from the Boys sionary Society and the Reverend David and Girls schools, teachers, members Morgan, and Liaison Officer of the Cathedral and others, all in gay to our Baptist Circuit, after a fruitful spirit, marched to the railway station stay of a week left for father mission in advance of the arrival of the pasfield, prior to their return to Jamaica senger train from San Jose, and in The work accomplished has more than which His Lordship. Monseñor Juan Odendahl, was expected.
justified their coming.
In came the train; nearer and nearer From the towns on the lines where drew the crowd. The Military Band in they conducted services, we learn that FROW LIMON DOCK TO OLD HARBOUR WITH STOP AT CAHUITA TO TAKE UP PASSENGEKS, joyous musical the different communities were enrichstrains paid special homage to His Lordship who in descend ed by the messages they delivered. In Launch will sail from our port at 00 in the morning.
ing the step of the passenger coach the city Baptist Church they drew large, Launch will sail from Old Harbour 00 in the afternoon.
was lovingly greeted on every hand.
almost bewildering great congregations.
The Reverend Fathers of the parish ac.
Keen listeners, and mind you not companied him in the procession to the baptists, but sincere followers of the Cathedral Lowly Nazerene on their returning from the services voluntarily expressed that the preachers spoke easily, that the words of God and His scriptures floodAll kinds of sports will be at your disposal, including baseball games Our desk is adorned with a very preod out spontaneously. The Sankey was sentable Invitation Card from the Vic used; those good homely, soul lifting between our players and the baseballers of the Coastal Towns.
tory Social and Dance Club in consongs which never die nor grow old.
junction with its Mask Dance to be The prayers of the Evangelists were celebrated on the 11th. night, the eve spiritual. Particular emphasis is justiREMEMBER: That a trip across the ocean cures all complaints and of the Anniversary, known as the Day fiably due to the Reverend David More of the Races. We opine this will be gan for his outreaching message to the washes away any bad luck.
quite an appropriate occasion to usher young. a discourse to broaden the in the Commemorative Day of ChrisROUND TRIP TICKET ONLY SEVEN COLONES EACH PERSON TICKETS ARE ON SALE AT THE BLUE LAR.
mind, to cheer the soul, to lift thoughts topher Columbus triumphant discovery heaven ward of not only the young, of the New World.
but to every believer in a Crucified and THE ENTERPRISE BASEBALL CLUB From all indications the guests are Risen Christ, and these believers, we assured a right joyous time in the airy MANAGEMENT opine have given thanks to God for and spacious hall of the Universal Netheir visit and have commended them gro Improvement Association.
Sunday October 8, 1950 Coming Mask Dance Soldiers Burned Alive By Korea Reds The WITH THE 2ND. DIVISION IN KOREA, Sep. AP. United States soldiers testified that at least of their comrades were thrown into a caring fire by their North Korean aptors on the western front recently grisly tale of this latest in the series of Red atrocities against American prisoners came to light during the United States 2nd Division investigation today.
The Americans were captured when the Reds overran and advance command post on the night of August 31st. The thrown into the fire by the North Koreans. He said that he heard one scream. Do not do it Captured Yanks Thrown into Roaring Marcum said that the Reds occupied Fire By Communists the position about 30 minutes then moved on after their grim work was done. Stephan witnessed the fire deaths from a distance of 150 feet.
American position fell during a first Sergeant Lester Marcum had a squad Communist drive. number of wit of Americans and South Koreans man He said that he lay still hoping that the nesses told the Army inquiry board that ning a 75 MM gun on the perimeter of Reds would not see him. Stephan said they saw their fellow soldiers, some of the overrun command post. He said that the North Koreans made fire with them wounded, thrown into a roaring that he was about 200 to 300 yards blankets and anything available.
fire which apparently had been built away.
Sgt. Stephan said that the first man for that purpose.
Marcum said that he saw Americans (Pasa a la página 7)
Sergeant VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT Productores Unidos de Cacao. Ltda.
Britton and Holness, Limited (OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us. BRITTON. Manager.
FERNANDO HONG ON Sistema Nacional dancral Manage Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ALFONSO SOLE LIPPA Assistant Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón


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