
Page THE ATLANTIC October 14, 1950.
The Earthquake of Thursday the fifth Other parts In the Basket of the week The four Hundred and Thirty Eighth Anniversary of the discovery (CHEAP STORE) MOISES KADER of the Hemisphere in which we live was with us on Thursday of the weet OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR in course, and there are reasons to believe that the large majority of the FASHION FABRICS FROM FAMOUS MILLS peoples dispersed over this continent and, doubtless elsewhere, celebrated Prints of all colours. ibe commemorative event in due form.
Organdies, plain or flocked.
Spun Gabardines. Khaki. Shirts and Necties to match.
From the earliest period of man existence he has been used as the Suitings. Shirtings. Casimires. Imported Cotton instrument for the carrying out of the Creator plans, hence the young Sport Shirt 00 each.
Genoese, Christopher Columbus was selected to take the lamp of civiliEVERY OTHER DRESS AND FANCY MATERIALS zation to a then dark section of the universe. God looked to Christopher THEN REMEMBER THAT for the bringing to light of the lands westward of the Atlantic Ocean.
KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES and be, the young dreamer believed he could discover the unknown terTHE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST ritory for Catholic Spain and which could be brought into Christendom.
BEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE To have impressed King Ferdinand of Aragon with his scheme of discovery was, at the outsel, a most trying experience for Christopher, but LIMON his indomitable persistence carried bim into the presence of Queen Isabel of Castile, who on becoming acquainted with the explanations and designs presented by the dreamer weilded ber influence for good even in the bighest places in Church and State.
The young admiral adventures on the sea and on the main land of the American continent has indelibly inscribed his name among all peoples, We daresay most of our citizens felt sequences to the health of the inhabitants. Due to the disturbance the particularly shose who came into prominence as the result of his successful the earthquake of Thursday the Sth and we were almost struck with fear and water become polluted and has to pass senture. Of unswerving loyalty to his ideas and that 10 which his life was trembling fortunately no damage through a boiling process before it can dedicated, Christopher Columbus will ever remain one of the outstanding has been done on this zone as far as be used for any domestic purpose.
personages of the human race.
we know, but our greatest sympathy It is mentioned that emergency exists is extended to the people of Puntare for wide help to the earth shock sufnas where the earthquake has wrought ferers of our sister port.
havoc by the renting of buildings, in the interior have sustained consider.
produced sinkings. damages to water able damages. Smile and the world smile with you; weep and you weep alone and sewage systems with injurious conIs a saying that is perhaps known to more people than any other.
The world is always looking for sensible reliable persons, But no person, no matter how valuable he may be or how much he worth Will really enjoy life properly if he cannot smile and brush away his trouble.
OFFERS: BEANS, RED Іь. 60 BIG PINK BEANS Іь 80 BLACKBERRY WINE bot 25 BROOMS ANGULO co each 00 THE ATLANTIC learns with disCONDENSED MILK, COW 1. 50 Fiscal. The vacancy created by this CLOTHES IRON (Used with coal)
each 50 tinguished pleasure of the promotion of transfer is now creditably filled by Don CLOTHES IRON, ELECTRIC, MAYSON each 35. 00 two well known police judges. Don Al. Enrique Catulo Alvarez who has been CORD, ELECTRIC. 55 yd.
EVAPORATED MILK, COW fredo Salazar Duran who used equi performing a similar function in the 12 15 no tably the scale of justice during the coastal town of Old Harbour. He is no DEL TROPICO JELLIES 75 FLOUR 50 tenure of his office in the magistrate stranger to our city: well known and FENCE STAD 90 chair in the Police Court in this city generally esteemed.
HORSE SHOE NAILS 00 has been promoted to the office of TON 60 IRON PLUGS ISLAN each 00 ISLAND PALM SOAP cake 90 JADE SOAP cake 80 KLIM POWERED MILK es VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT 85 NA MY BOY POWERED MILK 25 NAILS OD 00 ORANGE WINE, delicious bot 00 QUAKER OATS tin 60 RICE Ib. 60 RAT TRAPS 75 SAPOLIO cake GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK SAWS, 22 INCH each 13. 00 SPOONS, TEA each 95 HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED Thousands of osher articles al prices as reasonable as we can make ibem.
Quick, courteous service.
All merchandise guaranted.
SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON. Manager.
BOX 175 PUERTO LIMON La Proveedora The promotion of two well known gentlement tin tin jar Ib.
IL Ib.
IL Ib.
Ib HORSE SHOES tin tin Іь, Britton and Holness, Limited cach 65 La Proveedora


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